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If you could choose just one roleplay forever which would it be?


Dec 29, 2021
Mine would be post-apocalyptic. I mean you can fit so much role play inside of that topic.
Probably horror, fantasy or sci-fi if we are basing ourselves on genres, those are my 'main' go-to RPs. Though I have had good post-apocalyptic ones as well, been trying to broaden my horizon on those thanks to my love of the Fallout series (especially 2,3 and NV).
I reckon fantasy. There's so much that can be done with it, and it envelops so much.
Medieval Fantasy, action, humor, big side characters, plot twists….all rolled into one.
Definitely fantasy - but maybe more of the supernatural fantasy variety.
Medieval Fantasy - but a lower-magic setting, closer to the Dragon Age setting, I think (as opposed to the higher-magic settings found in most DnD worlds).
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