Pokemon Adventures!


Feb 4, 2014

As the title suggests, a new craving has come to me, with a reawakened fascination with the world of Pokemon! I want to experience some of those glorious, adventurous moments of Pokemon, but without the restraints of a Video Game. Explore the Regions of the world with a group of Pokemon, and a romantic partner with their own pokemon, and dreams! Be it the classical, to become the greatest Pokemon Trainer in the world, fill the Pokedex, the greatest Pokemon Showman, or fill the Pokedex. Two people, exploring the world together, along with their beloved Pokemon, catching them all, and seeing everything!

Before I get too far in the excitement, I want to set a few ground rules. I don't have much, but I do have a few that are necessary for me to fully enjoy, and get into the grove of a story. The biggest thing would be length. If replies get any shorter than a bare minimum of two meaty paragraphs, preferably three, my interest will slowly wane. I love detail. Can't get enough of it. It is the colors of writing, that puts the painting together. And you simply can't convince me, that you can get any detail in, with one paragraph. I will never want quick back and forth, if it means I'll have to make do with short replies. I'll always prefer long, strong replies, that my partners will be proud of, even if that means it'll take another day, or two to reply.

Frequency doesn't matter. At all. I can go months without replies, and still be able to get right back into the meat of a good story. As an extension of that, I am Ghost friendly. Shit happens and, sometimes, we simply lose track of time, and then start feeling bad about calling out. A roleplay is no engagement. You won't ever owe me anything.
And, as a small last note, I don't care about your gender, and will happily play either in the story. I am purely looking for a MxF or FuxF story here, though. But I don't care what the player behind the screen identifies as.

As for kinks, for this specific story, I am pretty much completely open. I imagine it, more or less, vanilla, but our characters can always get to explore each other, as time passes. I see this as a very story-heavy plot, and basically a slice-of-life setting. They go on adventures together, with each their goal, love blossoming from their experiences together, and sex as an extension of that.
I want to say, that I am not actually opposed to some Pokemorph, or human x Pokemon stuff, but that is not what I am mainly looking for, or what the plot below is really aimed at. I just want to mention this, in case someone was really looking for that. But, if something like that were to occur, this would still have to be a romantic story. Plenty of lovey-dovey stuff, if Pokemon are involved with it. I know, yes, Fluff. I want Fluff, shoot me!

Now then, I only really have a basic idea for this plot. If you have something else in mind, or some alterations to characters, please share it with me in a PM. As I hope has become obvious, I am very open in all of this. I just want a cool adventure involving two young adults, with cute, and cool Pokemon!
I do still feel like I should leave with something, so here is a basic start to an idea.

He'd been around Pokemon all of his life, being the Son of a Stable-hand in a large, well-known Pokemon Ranch. They mainly grew Pokemon for Work, but also grew a variety of Pokemon for other purposes. His father was well-liked on the Ranch, as one of the most caring and nurturing Hands, and he gave that trait onto his son, William. As soon as he could walk, William was out with his father in the fields, caring for the Pokemon of the Ranch, eyes always gleaming with fascination. He took that fascination and made it a Dream. A Dream to see as many Pokemon as he possibly could, and become an explorer!

Growing up, he befriended the Rancher's daughter, the two spent most of their time together, whenever they could. Be it playing with her Pokemon, or with the other, younger Pokemon on the Ranch, or just frolicking in the fields. They had countless adventures together in the outskirts of the nearby woods, much to her mother's detriment, being a bit overprotective of her young daughter. They promised each other, that they'd one day be the best in their field, and would make new discoveries together! Never once did societal differences come to mind. The fact that she was wealthy, and her was poor, never even a thought on their minds, even as they grew into young adults.

Growing into his own man, young William wanted to set out on his Dream. He wanted to become an explorer. Get a Pokedex, and fill it up! He wanted to see everything the world had to offer, and then some! Make experiences that were his. He could never be like his father and live in one place. He needed to find his own place in the world. But, how could he? They'd only ever had enough to get by, and getting his own Pokemon had never even been a realistic possibility. A Pokedex even less so.

But, a few months before his eighteenth birthday, the Rancher got a new batch of newly hatched Pokemon, that his wife would foster. The couple decided, it was his time to get a Pokemon of his own, and offered him one, and a Pokeball. One step closer to his Dream, William was ecstatic, excitedly spending all of his time with his new Pokemon, and his best friend. And, then, on his birthday, he got a surprise present from his friend. His very own Pokedex, and a nudge. A nudge, to finally get on the road and do what he'd always dreamed of. As long as she could tag along!
He'd never fully be able to repay her for that moment. A moment, finally starting his story. A story, he now got to share with her.

As you can see, a very basic idea. Plenty of space to add some Drama, or other plot keys along the way too. Perhaps their reason for leaving is darker? Like her wanting to escape overprotective parents? We'd also have to make ourselves a group of Villains! Pokemon adventures need their Rockets or Galactics! Of course, they don't have to be quite as humorous, or inept as the games. We could make them more sinister, and with actually dark plots, that does some dark shit. Anything! Just give me a fun, fluffy relationship on an exciting, thrilling adventure, with plenty of humerous interactions with energetic Pokemon, and on!

Anyway, I want to thank you for your time! It's been a while since I've crafted a request thread, but decided to keep it simple, and direct. I am only really looking for exactly this, after all. Heh.
I hope you have a wonderful day!
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