Mx Female A writing challenge issued to you ladies

Edward Thatch

Sep 9, 2016
I'd very much like to see if anyone out there can write a decent romance with me based on the following post. If you take up this challenge you'd be writing the female protagonist's part moving forward.

Their neighbor's son thought, thought that being a destitute noble meant same as a commoner. He kidnapped her while she was out walking the vineyards. He secreted her away in his family keep. Every day for months he came to her room, her cell in truth, and threatened to …. take her the next day. She didn't know when he would have actually done it, but she had no doubt it was coming. Then one day the world shook and the very stones of the keep came out from the walls.

The winds howling in a thunderous way, it felt like what she had always heard those, tornadoes, were supposed to be like. As the blocks began to fall from the outer wall of her room, that's when she saw him. Her beloved Edward. Her little brother, death walking the earth. When he finally saw her, she saw, and this she still can't believe, the earth itself swelled under him and lifted him to her. He didn't say a word, just swept in and swept her up in his arms. When they left, there was not a stone left on top of another stone and everything else was burning. That's the first time she realized he was … different.

It might have been easy for another to fear him, whatever he was, but she could not. He was still Edward, her little Edward, her baby brother. Even though it took him days, he carried her back the whole way, three leagues cradled in his arms. The only thing he said was to ask if she had been harmed in anyway. Somehow he could not meet her eyes. She assured him not, though she knew just being in another man's home unchaperoned ruined her. She never dimmed in his eyes though. Finally they were home. He called all the family together and found out that grandfather died of the shock of her kidnapping. All her brothers too afraid to come for her. Oh how he railed against them, they thought he might actually do harm, but no, he was Edward. He announced that he was taking the mantle of Lordship since his brothers and sisters were clearly not suitable. For a moment she thought they might argue, but then she saw them slowly turn they eyes down in acquiescence.

It had been years and all was well, except he was gone so much. Oh, she heard the rumors, special gifts for the girls who took a night or three in his bed. The plague, the plague was the worst. All those people dead and Edward come back, torn up about his people. He went into the sick rooms, he found the medicine to heal the people. She never had and never would believe those lies about immoral acts to make a pact for their health. He was a smart man. He was a healer. At least they got the Savior Festival right and dedicated it to him, even if it was because of a belief in all those detestable lies about congress and the seed of life flowing from him and all that nonsense. Even if it was true, he was her Edward and she missed him, she wouldn't care if he had really slept with every woman in a 1,000 leagues and made deals with criminals. He was her heart. She knew there was no marriage for her now, could never be. Ruined. There was only Edward and he always saw her with the eyes of his childhood. They were the two closest in age, still children when the others were grown or teens.
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