- Joined
- Jun 1, 2021

[B][COLOR=rgb(143, 174, 112)]Character:
Scene Status:
Character: Ephraim Ryan
Scene Status: Closed
Tagging: Gideon Huxley (@p r i s m), Elizabeth Pratt (@Praxis)
As the gates of Birdsong House swung open wide and the black motorcar began its slow approach down the long, narrow dirt driveway, Ephraim Ryan sat in his favorite chair in his second floor study and watched from the window, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
He sipped from a cup of coffee pu’er, one of the only pure joys left in life as far as he was concerned. You get to be a certain age and you learn to appreciate the simpler things. The comfort of home, the peace that solitude can bring, the way that life ebbs and flows when in its twilight… It wasn’t often that he took visitors and it was even rarer that those visitors doubled as solicitors, but when he received word that a British expat wished to meet with him concerning the purchasing of land, Ephraim couldn’t help but find his interest piqued. In truth, Ephraim had very little interest in the buying and selling of land. He had inherited Birdsong House through attrition and, as far as he was concerned, it was only his to sell through technicality. What Ephraim did possess, however, was an interest in people. More specifically, the things he could get people to do for him, knowingly or otherwise. While Ephraim would never sully his doorstep with the scum that leaked out from that godforsaken town his forebears had decided to settle near, an outsider from a higher class of people was an altogether different story.
And so, he agreed. An impromptu business meeting.
There would be no handshakes or signatures on dotted lines, but it would be worth knowing what made this newcomer tick, what they might be capable of, how they could be bent and molded and made anew. He finished his pu’er with one final sip just as his butler opened the door to announce Mr. Huxley and his assistant’s arrival.
“Very good. Thank you, Palmer,” Ephraim said. “Please show our guests to the parlor room and let them know I’ll be with them momentarily.”
Ephraim left his study humming a little song beneath his breath; some ancient melody he had heard somewhere long ago. He walked the same path he had walked a million times before, down the hallway and to the left where his bedroom sat overlooking the back garden. Inside his room, he combed back his grayed hair and dressed himself in his finest suit. He took his time, making sure everything was just so. Business dealings, in Ephraim’s experience, was mostly an exercise in patience. It was a war of wits. It was a game of seeing who would crack first. Ephraim wondered just how long Mr. Huxley would wait for him, but knew better than to cross the line into rude or uncouth territory. After twenty minutes had passed, Ephraim straightened his tie and left his room, making his way down the foyer’s imperial staircase and towards the parlor room in Birdsong’s eastern wing.
He stopped outside of the door and readied himself. He had a part to play, after all. He wasn’t about to give himself away so easily. With one deep breath, Ephraim opened the door and rushed in with faux urgency. “Mr. Huxley! Oh thank heavens, you’re still here!” he said. “I’m so very sorry to have kept you waiting! I swear, I’m just so scatterbrained these days, I lost track of time! You’ll have to forgive me.”
All smiles and apologies. Ephraim approached Gideon and Elizabeth with nervous, wide eyes as he offered a frail, shaky handshake. “It’s been a helter-skelter sort of day, hasn’t it? A bit of a naff day as I believe you and your fellow countrymen would say. Isn’t that right, Mr. Huxley? Naff? Haha! Oh, how I love the English vernacular!”
Ephraim wore the guise of a doddering old fool, exaggerating even the most basic movement as something that took every ounce of energy to perform. His eyes wandered over to Elizabeth and he offered her a genuine smile, as wide as the Nile is long. “And you must be Mrs. Pratt!” he exclaimed “May I say that you are positively radiant, my dear? The very vision of beauty.”
“Oh, listen to me blathering on. Please take a seat! I’ve kept you waiting long enough!” he said. “I trust that you’ve found Dawn Chorus to your liking, yes? Despite that grisly scene that occurred last night, I promise that it’s a wonderful, beautiful, spectacular place full of enchantment.”
Sometimes, it feels good to lie through your teeth.
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