Non-Consensual, BDSM-heavy, possibly System-Based


Dec 27, 2021
Maine, United States
I am a dominant male, with a too-long history of writing BDSM-themed stories. Additionally, I have an even longer history of playing table-top roleplaying games and role-playing online.

I find myself having a craving for a bit of a combination of the two. I am looking for a literate and creative partner to play a female role in a world we can create together, with adventures I create.


I am quite open on setting. We could do something in the modern day or in the past or future. Probably my two absolute favorites would be either a Superheroic or Fantasy setting.


I am very open on the specifics, and happy to use or avoid any elements that you are uncomfortable with. That said, the key elements for me that have to be involved to make the story work are:

Bondage: At some point, and perhaps quite often, your character will find herself in bondage. This can run the gamut from tape to chains to tentacles to rope... the sky's the limit. It might last only for part of a combat encounter, or you might find yourself in a dungeon for days, but it will have to be a part of the story. I particularly enjoy coming up with intricate predicament bondage scenarios.

Non-consent/Relucatance: I am not looking for scenes with submissive characters. It doesn't all have to be raging, yelling defiance, but I don't particularly care for scenes with partners who submit.


Some ideas currently on my mind that should give you an idea of the sorts of stories I am looking to create, but should be viewed as wide open to discussion and modification.

Heroine's Lucky Break: You are a young superheroine, exicted to make a name for yourself and change the world. By an incredible stroke of luck, you find yourself in the right place at the right time to break up a crime in process. You are an immediate media sensation. You also, however, have drawn the attention of a powerful criminal who is not happy with you. He sends some minions to abduct you so he can teach you a lesson about what happens to those who cross him.

Swords and Sandles: You are a skilled fighter, in a world that doesn't believe women should be warriors. Though your skills are unquestionable, everything is harder for you because it feels as if the whole world is out to get you. Shop owners, innkeepers, and especially the Town Guard always seem to go out of their way to try and prove you should give you your chosen profession. That's why you are shocked when you find yourself being offered a job opportunity by a visiting wizard. Is this the start of something new for you? Or does the wizard's job offer come with strings attached...
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