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Fx F or NB Mage: The Ascension, Steampunk Otherworlds, and Intergalactic Rock


Dec 26, 2021
Hi! For those who haven't seen my intro, I'm Dee. I'm a roleplayer of roughly 6-7 years (I think. Not actually sure, tbh-- I have a rare disease called goldfish brain), but I've never actually done any erotic rp. Looking over some of the RT's here, that's actually a bit less worrying for me now since it looks like most folks prefer story overall :)

Speaking of story vs. smut, I don't actually know my preferences yet. I've never been uninterested in sex, but it's always been more of an artistic thing for me, so I guess any smutty stuff would just have to be relevant to the story on more than just a basic level. Like, I don't think I'd want to do an rp where the main characters are a married couple and they fuck because that's what married couples do, but if they've been struggling to overcome a lack of connection or something and the sex signifies a newfound closeness, I might be more into that. I don't really know if that's a good example šŸ˜… but I think that should be ballpark for me. I guess we could say it's at least 80/20 story/sex for me. That might change, though.

My life is currently really busy. I'm still a student, I'm trying to get a job, I've got a bunch of projects I'm working on, and I have 3 different tabletops that I run/play in each week, so my attendance here might be spotty. When school is in session, I'm not particularly good at responding in a timely fashion, but during breaks I'm a bit more active (going anywhere from posting once a week to multiple times in a day depending on how busy I am). I can't always get back to people, so I won't expect the same from you. In other words, I'm 100% ghost-friendly, so if you stop responding for a while (or even indefinitely), I won't hold it against you. This is something we do for fun, after all.

As far as post length is concerned, I have no strong opinions about what you do. I try to write at least 3 lines per post, but I can do more if you want me to write more. I don't like one-liners unless they're particularly powerful/emotional. Like if my last message was largely a villainous monologue, and then you respond with a simple "fuck you" or something that similarly tears down the monologue, that's cool. But other than that I'd say try to avoid them. I don't particularly mind spelling/grammar errors, btw. I'm pretty good at deciphering meaning from incorrect spelling/grammar, so it's not a huge struggle for me, and worse comes to worst I'll just ask you to clarify something I don't understand.

Two last things before we get to the roleplays: I'm transfemme, but I'm not saying that because I want to play a "futa" or "dickgirl" or any other type of (grossly fetishizing/dehumanizing) character. Other trans girls are perfectly happy to do that, but it makes me too dysphoric. For the purposes of our rps, I'm willing to play any character this side of the masculine part of the gender spectrum (ie, anyone who's feminine), but I'm not planning on playing anyone with a dick anytime soon. Second thing: I'm not sure how to describe my sexuality right now, but I know that my attractions usually land closer to fully feminine presentation than masculine. That might change in the future (I might have a thing for burly dudes who are really sensitive/sweet), but I want to lean into that for now. That said, as long as you can play feminine or androgynous characters, I don't really care what your irl gender is.

I'm writing this under the assumption I can edit it later, so it's gonna be a bit sparse at first because it's 1 a.m. where I am and I'm tired as shit. But anyway, here are some ideas that I have for my favorite genres. Overall, I think a focus on character would probably be something I like more than plot or setting-oriented rps. That's assuming you're interested in romantic/erotic rp, though.

Another big thing that I like as a secondary focus is themes. Maybe I'm more than a bit pretentious, but I love it when fiction has an inner D E E P M E A N I N G, and I just can't stay away from stories that try to explore something more than just "what if buddies but magic?" Typical themes that I like to write about include isolation, self-love, and the deconstruction of tropes/archetypes that we take for granted (which usually includes exaggerating the iffy elements of said tropes/archetypes and then subverting them as a sort of rebuttal to what they present thematically).

Anyway, here are my original rp ideas sorted by genre:

The Sorceress' Apprentice: The city where this rp is set holds a multitude of alluring secrets. A bored girl with too much time on her hands can stumble onto quite a bit here-- signs hidden in plain sight among the gears and cogs that decorate this retrofuturistic world can lead her through forgotten alleys, into shadowy little stores tucked out of the way just enough that only those they want to attract will find them. If she's curious enough, our hypothetical girl might find herself in secret gatherings below the streets, cloaks and staves surrounding her. She might find herself in a tinkerer's shop, mixing and matching various dusts and chemicals, willing the gold from her mentor's profits to become lead for reworking, or willing the lead from discarded projects into gold for spending. There's more magic here than the simple ingenuity of the human mind, and those who are brave or clever enough might find themselves walking the thin line between subtle wonderwork and hubristic ruin.

The Obligatory Gay Vampire: On the outskirts of Gloria- a sprawling retrofuturistic city built around a prestigious university of arts, sciences, and engineering- is a small village of superstitious farmers and apothecaries. While strange and wondrous contraptions fill the nearby city, the village streets are lined with apothecaries and alchemy shops. And above the tiny community, an ancient, looming mansion stands, all sharp spires and blood-red stained glass. It is an ancient home, watched over by an enigmatic baroness and plagued by the whispers and rumors of the people who dwell in its cold shadow. The mistress of the mansion is only ever seen outside at night, and it is a precious, rare occasion that she speaks to anyone from the village. But that doesn't change the fact that the villagers hang garlic in their windowsills when the sunlight fades and the shadows lengthen. That doesn't stop them from burning effigies of her on All Hallows' Eve. Our story begins when an anthropology student from Gloria moves to the village to study the myths and legends surrounding the mansion. She is determined to do more than listen to rumors or ghost stories, however, and soon she finds herself trying to do the impossible: breaking past the isolation and abrasiveness that the mysterious baroness has surrounded herself with and learning about the mansion's history directly from its sole resident.

The Pirate and the Countess: Maybe not legit steampunk, but it's got pirates so it's cool! Anyway, this is a classic story of forbidden love: a wealthy countess, a cunning pirate, and a lofty dream that they both refuse to let die. It begins innocent enough, maybe an adventurous night out for the countess to an unscrupulous tavern, maybe an ambitious con by the pirate that brings her to the upper echelons of society, but the light-hearted small talk and joking soon gives way to genuine flirting. It blossoms into something beautiful, but the pirate's crew eventually tells her she must leave, and the countess must soon go tend to business of her own. But hope still remains-- legend tells of forgotten, uninhabited islands where the mightiest sea-thieves make their hideouts. Could escape to one such island be possible? Could each character's responsibilities be cast aside in favor of a swashbuckling, tropical paradise?


An Interplanetary Biopic: Born right here on this little blue dot, one of the Milky Way's most highly praised-- and perhaps most maligned-- pioneers of interock travels the galaxy with her band, forging a never-heard-before sound through a fusion of rock and roll and classical music from far-off exoplanets such as the Kepler Systems. Basically just my way of living out my fantasy of drifting from place to place with just a guitar and some tabs to feed myself, but in space! Think Star Trek for people who like Pink Floyd.

High Fantasy
I'm a Bad Guy: Within the walls of the kingdom of Eirlhold, the heavily armed guards of the City Watch keep locals safe from the horrifying monsters and dark magicians who stalk the forest that surround the well-kept keep. The Code of the Masons who built the palace from which all blessings flow keeps the city pure and protected from evil, and the elves who dwell show nary a sign of spiritual taint. Those who seem at risk of a Fall-- the process by which high elves become dark elves-- are immediately exiled into the forests, left to fend for themselves. Eirlhold has no room for deviance, of course. Expelled from their home, the characters in this rp are left to face the cold and the dark, the monsters and sorcerers, as their kingdom turns its back on them for daring to break the commandments of the Masons. Survival is not guaranteed without help from the dark fae who hide in the woods and indulge themselves in infernal rituals-- but doing so means embracing one's inner darkness, embracing one's shadow, and letting it cut one off from the stability they have known.

The Accidental Wizard: A college freshman becomes increasingly disillusioned with her life, feeling more and more ennui as everything around her seems to stack up and make the pressure stronger and stronger. She's on the verge of a mental breakdown one night when she falls asleep while writing a paper. When she awakens, she's not in Kansas anymore, so to speak. Instead, she finds herself in a mysterious new land of vibrant greenery, patrols of battle-wizened orcs, ancient castles, and wood elves who invoke wild magic. In one fell swoop, her life goes from being the worst student in Southwest University to the worst wizard in discount-bin Middle Earth, brewing health potions that work better as explosives, casting fireballs that hit her allies instead of her enemies, and fucking up rituals so badly that it awakens elder dragons and nightmarish gods.

Urban Fantasy

Tales of a Changeling Graduate: The world we know is not the world that is. Though impish tricksters who make off in the night with sleeping infants are relegated to the realm of imagination and fiction, Arcadia is distressingly real. Those who are taken from their cribs as babes and forced to live as the pets of the Fae are replaced by sickly, mortal faerie children whose blood is not as magical as their true fae parents'. The replacements grow, live, and whither without knowledge of the ancient faerie magics they might wield. Except, of course, for those whose powers choose to manifest without their coaxing. It might start in college. The changeling might one day awaken to find that her dream in which her dissertation sprouted legs and started sprinting across campus has come true. What ensues, of course, is a career plagued by whacky fae antics, and the occasional life-or-death situation. Perfect for a not-too-serious, faeries-in-the-modern-world sitcom, tbh.

So, I guess it's not uncouth to rp fanfics on this site? Cool. I'm going to try to keep these ideas as brief as possible-- I don't usually do fandom rp just because I don't know canon characters as well as their writers do. Likewise, most of these are probably going to wind up being D&D or WoD ideas because I can create original characters in non-original settings there, but I'll try to keep those to a minimum.

I'll be completely honest and just outright say that a lot of these are probably just going to be wish fulfillment for my favorite ships. Putting the gay back in when the writers try to yeet the gay is something that I love to do. Also, this goes without saying but since the site doesn't explicitly require all characters to be 18+ I'm putting this disclaimer here: NONE of these characters will be under 18. Yes, some properties (like Adventure Time) are considered "children's media" and focus on underage protagonists. That just means I will not play as the protagonist in those cases. NO EXCEPTIONS. All characters MUST be 18+, and tbh I would really prefer to keep age ranges between 20 and 24 because the concept of a romantic/erotic rp with characters drastically younger or older than me just weirds me out.

Anyway, here's my fandom rp ideas by property:

Adventure Time
The Infamous Vampiric Bubblegum: Before their relationship went south, Marceline and Princess Bubblegum were the perfect couple. The rowdy, adventurous vampire kept things fun for Princess Bubblegum, running through dark forests just far enough outside her comfort zone to be exciting. All the while, the realistic, intellectual princess tempered Marceline's edge, protecting her from the dangers of some of her more needlessly reckless antics through calm reasoning and a stable grasp on how far was too far. Perhaps this is a story about those glory days. Perhaps this is a story of the two trying to patch things up, find where their relationship soured, and (with luck) make it sweet again.

Mage: The Ascension
The M-Word: The life of the Awakened is hellish. Surrounded on all sides by Technocrats, Knight-Folk, Nephandi, and Marauders, the world of the Ascension War is one that is nigh impossible to live in. To trust is to play with fire, and yet one kind Mage still gets burned no matter how true this rule proves. She has taken in a wayward Hollow One, a lonely girl with the ability to escape the world we know and live in her own little umbra-space. A Chantry that's big enough for one, if you will. And yet, through their time together, things just didn't add up. The Hollow Ones take in the refuse of the Awakened. If you're too rebellious to be a Technocrat and too unfaithful to be a Tradition, you're either a Hollower or you're on your own. But none of the girl's kindred spirits will touch her. They eye her with suspicion, fear, even hate. And no matter how flashy her tricks, the metaphysical backhand of Paradox doesn't ever hand her ass to her. Only when its too late does the girl's protector discover that she's made a huge mistake-- she has unwittingly invited a Marauder into her care. Will the girl's magical madness claim them both, or is there something more to Mauradership than most Awakened can see?

Magic: The Gathering
The Tunnels Beneath Strixhaven: Among those excepted into the elite college of magic, rivalries are sure to break out. Arrogant over-achievers with their own takes on magic and mana will always butt heads. It is simply impossible to gather such people together without opposing powers engaging each other in debate and warcraft, and thus an atmosphere of intrigue develops around the school. As a recently-admitted student, will you rise above it and focus on the arcane arts you came to study, or will you fall to the politicking and rivalry that fills Strixhaven's walls?

Changeling: The Dreaming
I Am Not Afraid To Keep On Dreaming: An Aonide Grump on the verge of undoing cannot accept her fate. She cannot let go of the Dreaming, refuses to let the Mists take her, and will fight tooth and nail to keep her magic alive. After embarking on a quest to find the Dreamer who will unwittingly save her. Time is running out, and Banality only seems to grow, until she comes across a cynical musician with a certain glow that betrays her true nature. Any other fae would turn their nose up at the human, declare her too Banal to rescue them, but our Aonide can't afford such tastes. She needs this musician to grow that spark until something beautiful and bright radiates outward from her soul.
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