Mx Female A night in The Starlight Empire [Million X OPEN SLOT ]


Full Moon
Jan 25, 2011
This story is open to 1 person, going after the "first come, first serve"-principle. I will play a man with other NPCs, and the story is ideally set for a woman. I am, however, open to other genders as well. Upon agreeing to roleplay with a person, this threat will be posted anew in the proper section for roleplay with my partner's name.​
Without further ado, let's begin...​
A lamppost stood in the midst of the night. It's glow is so radiant, like a beacon in the night for all the darkness' creatures to guide themselves in the sea of infinite darkness. High above, are small twinkling stars shining faintly down on the sunless world. Almost shining in competition, both the stars and the lamppost beckons one to venture further, that there might be other things in the black of the night.
Not too far ahead, stands another lamppost. It's tall gothic figure, just like the previous one, stands tall and faintly illuminates a road just next to them both. The light flickers when the wind howls, sweeping small leaves over the road. The brown hazelnut colored leaflets glistened with small droplets of water that reflected an almost seductive display of a dancing flame, mirroring the trapped flame in the trapped lamppost that the wind made move through a small crack in the glass.
Only moments later, the leaf was gone, and so was the dance. The wind had died down and only the faint sounds of the night remained.
Another glow appeared in the night - this time on the opposite side of the road. Flaring up with the threatening sound of a lighted flame, it shines in unison with the two other posts and are soon to be joined by several others. The posts trail the road far into the darkness, lighting the muddy and twisted path the best it could. Down the road, far into the horizon where the sky meets the earth, a large mountain can be seen - only outlined by where the darkness of the earth pierces the star-kissed sky. The mountain stands tall and intimidating towards the lampposts in comparison, that was clearly lighting the path towards it.

Further down the road, over chipped rocks in the way, gnarly roots that almost seem determined to trip adventurers, and through small murky pits of water on the dirt, the symmetry of cobblestone soon begins. Cobblestone one wouldn't find in any town, castle or dock. These stones were almost perfect to both touch, sight and feel with how they complicated each other's space by fitting in on the road that soon formed a solid foundation for the rest of the path. One could believe that such layering of stone would leave the perfect street for wherever one might go, but sure enough - down the path are leaves and small plants that had penetrated the solid foundation. Only illuminated by the lampposts these dark plants wore shades of purple, blue and green with the way they reached for the heavens. It's place in the road makes it seem like the most natural thing in harmony with the path as the way ahead still remained clear with the complimentary lush sight of the plants that continued to caress the outlines of the bricked road and with its leaves poking up in spotted areas.

Walking further down, in the midst of the sunless world on the path towards the mountain, one finds oneself in the midst of a mature and lush forest, that soon opens up and leaves the road moving on ahead alone with only the lampposts accompanying it as the sides of the road becomes wide open. No moon, sun or other planets are near to illuminate the world like the star does, and twinkling as bright as they can, they form a sea of stars all around the road as its thrusting over the watery surface in the form on a bridge. Voided of plants that had been supplemented by the forest in the cracks of the cobblestone, the soft sound of still waters lurking beneath the tall bridge are soothing to anyone travelling the bridge.
One of the lampposts along the bridge had been snuffed out as the wind had entered a side of the lamp with broken glass and strangled the flame. The small spot of darkness on the bridge, leaves one to feel completely among the stars as the only illumination are the stars above - also mirrored by the lake below. In a moment of tranquility one may stand and enjoy the soft serene display that feels completely stripped of time and space before one will hear a creak. Looking further down the bridge, one can see the mountain being very close now, and judging from the lake of stars all around, one will be able to tell that this mountain is in the middle of a large lake, surrounded by another forest. The bridge ends where the forest begin - a thick bushed forest that feels enchanted with how silent it is. It's almost as if the sounds of the night holds its breath as one traverse through the thick barrier separating the mighty mountain from the lake of stars.

After a few sets of more lampposts that shows the path ahead, stands a large tall iron gate ajar. The otherwise well-oiled metalworks let the gate sway faintly in the night's gentle breeze, "welcoming" visitors with the feeling that the path ahead was abandoned with how the creaking sound pierced through the muffled night. The gate have one large figurine on each side that depict a Gargoyle frozen in stone. Both gargoyles are blindfolded and sitting as if resting after a long night's flight. Only the left gargoyle have its mouth open, flaring its stone teeth while the right one only seem to sneer with the way its maw was closed, yet teeth and fangs on display.

Beyond the gate are the beginning of cobbled slated stairs. They are ascending up the mountains in a sleek and gentle manner, giving the impression of that this path can both take heavy traffic, but also welcome an individual like a king. The faint sound of the creaking gate is soon left behind like a forgotten notice as the sound fades away with every step up the stairs. Every step is polished and wet, forcing adventurers to be wary to not slip on the cold wet floor that could quickly become one's temporary bed.
Well beyond a thousand steps prides the menacing mountain that otherwise are inaccessible due to its dark and twisted nature. Despite the landscape around, almost caressing it for its presence, the mountain does not seem natural, almost as if it was created - shaped by magic.

Standing on the top of the stairs, one are greeted by a tall darkwood tree with two branches reaching for the stairs. The tree grows at the edge of the cobbled road and almost seem twisted and in pain with how the bark is shaped. Mighty roots have entangled its position in place, leaving the sound of swaying branches and leaves to greet visitors to a large castle that prided the top of the mountain like a jeweled crown. Beyond the tree submitting to the brisk wind, the castle towered tall up towards the sunless heavens with many small and some large windows glowing down upon the little path of cobblestone leading forth to a mighty door that menacingly greeted arrivals. The castle in itself looked almost like a church, but with a lot more gothic architecture and compartments that a church or chapel would never need. From the front, one could see a large glass dome on the top left, most likely a botanical garden, and to the top right on something that seemed to be on at least the tenth floor - a large part that for sure could room a hall was built. The dark structure felt like it could keep so many secrets that lips would spend lifetimes telling, and who might know what lurks below, in the depths of the mountain. A close look at the tree on the far end of the plateau of the mountain by the stairs, reveals its partly shaped like a crying screaming woman that reaches for the path away. Left there by nature - or magic, only the castle seem to hold the answer.

Beyond the two large doors that secluded the castle from the world is a large grand foyer. The grand design shows craftsmanship the world had long forgotten as the hours one would have to put into design and effort would extend beyond a millennia. Up top, hanging heavily from the ceiling, was a large chandelier that housed at least a hundred live flickering flames, illuminating the foyer below. It's design in both wood, gold and dark purple marble reflected upon the rest of the architecture of the castle. Along both sides stretching deeper into the foyer were columns holding up balconies, and separating the main foyer into smaller side-foyers along with cascading red heavy drapes that would offer privacy if desired. The balconies were posed as if one were able to spectate or oversee the arrival of new guests that were welcomed into the grand castle. Directly beneath the chandelier was a large carpet that had not even the slightest spot of any wax that might have dripped down from the chandelier which either was unreasonably well kept, or magic - to never drip its wax. The design of the carpet was of golden curls from all side, reaching for the middle where a full moon almost radiated in the display. In the middle of the moon were two eyes that was closed, weaved transparently into the blue moon that prided the center of the dark red carpet. On the columns on each side in the main foyer were candles that lighted the room up even more, despite the natural darkness overcoming the hall rather well despite the many lights priding the entrance.
In the middle on the far side of the foyer stretches a mighty set of stairs up towards the wall, and branches each way to the sides of the foyer. The railing are made out of a dark brown polished wood that curls at the bottom and snakes its way up to the top where a small beam stands with a vase of the most beautiful flowers of the night one could think of. Long straws, leaves and wide blooming petals graces the bushes in each vase, glowing faintly to the dim lighting as if feeding on the very scenery of illumination. The stairs themselves are lined with a red carpet from top to bottom and had a golden border that seemed like a gilded rope was sewn in. In the middle of the stairs on the wall greeting the foyer entrance, stood a large painting with a massive frame made of white gold. Its polished surface almost acted as a mirror as it embraced the picture of a man. The expression of the man seemed content and was looking directly at the artist as he was painted with his deep purple eyes, clothed in a fine black jacket with royal blue borders and a golden chain adorning his chest that was linked to what seemed like a pocket watch on his left side from the buttons on front. His beard was full, yet kept short, but his hair cascaded down to his shoulders in a kept and stylish way.

At the bottom of the stairs, stood a red demon. A demon of elegant stature which many would describe as a succubus. Her black short horns were placed on the front of her head in a pair that curled slightly up her forehead and a little back over her blackened hair. Her eyes are closed, but adorned by the color of a faint nightshade powder that matched her soft plump dark purple lips. Her otherwise red skin was bright red over her cheeks which could leave one to wonder if it was "natural" or cosmetics as well, but her clothing was perhaps what drew the attention the most - for there was none. The black hair reached down her chest and towards her ample bust that she had made no effort to hide as every visitor would be greeted by two breasts with a very dark red nipple crowning them both. Her hands were joined just over her belly, leaving a space between her thumbs and palm to see her navel which was the dot over her womanhood that was ridden of all hair and instead showed glistening dark red folds instead. Her thighs were somewhat thick for her posture, yet firm and complimented her slim shape where she stood. At the bottom of her legs were two black hooves, typical for a succubus. They were kept and almost polished with the way they shone in the faint flickering of the candles on the columns. In between her legs in the back her tail hang down resting as the tip was shaped like a vector spade. With gentle sways, the tail went from left and right.

Beyond her, up the stairs and down the hallway going further down into the castle, one will soon be joined by another hallway as soon one turn the corner, that seemingly comes from the other side of the stairs one ventured up to the second floor. Where both hallways meet, there are a large circle on the wall towards the depths of the castle, and a fountain on the wall towards the foyer. The fountain was small, yet with grand design. Cut in the finest marble the world have to offer, small entities of both angels and demons of marble adorn the edges as it seems to mosaic out a scene from a story. The water running in this fountain glows strangely like the stars outside. The fountain had three increments one larger than the other from the top, and water flowed down elegant shapes of marble to guide the magically sparkling water. Examining the surface, one can see the night sky twinkle in the wet depths, but above the fountain was nothing but a roof lined in red velvet.
The circle on the opposite side of the fountain seemed to be made out of black engravings speaking a language unknown to this world. It's impossible to see if this was engraved by knife, fire or other means, but upon touch, the large circle glows in a dark purple hue and sends out a pulsating feeling of familiar and unfamiliar spirits. Soon after, the energy focuses in the middle of the circle and slowly grows to fill the space to form a pulsating portal. The scent of sulfur radiating from this display is overwhelming, yet one can't help but feel that this magical scenery also welcomes you.

Stepping beyond the portal, which initially gives the sensation of stepping into a body of water, soon wraps around one and fades away upon finding everything before an adventurer. A large throne room intimidatingly towers before any guests that enters with a large throne in the far end. The only thing connecting the entrance to the throne is a long red carpet, much like the carpet in the stairs earlier. Where one exactly finds themselves in the castle is unsure, but one thing is for certain - the room one now finds themselves are not accessible by any other means, and whoever is the Master of this castle would not let a guest enter it without his consent.
The sides of the long room are lined with tall windows with different mosaics in them. One is of a lady, one is of a man. One is of the sun, another is of the moon. The last pair of windows are made out of mosaics as well, but the motives seems very fluent at this point of entry and any attempt to see them from the entrance would be shrouded by cloths that cascades down from the high roof and waves into small segments along the sides of the room to form small cells that almost functioned like open rooms. The sound of murmuring fills the room and seem to come from the segments that was draped in velvet. Advancing forward on the carpet, one would be able to see demons in every segment, sitting in the finest chairs and chaise lounges, talking to each other in a low hushed voice drinking wine and seeming to enjoy themselves. Smiles, laughter and intrigue fills the room all together as they seem completely oblivious to any guests that enters.

The throne in the far back are a tall structure. While the seat is on the top of a set of five stairs near the floor, the large backrest towers up towards the roof and depict a blindfolded smiling angel looking forward towards the entrance of the hall. The throne is outlined by grand carvings of dark gold that glimmers faintly to the low lighting of the candles lining the pillars along the sides of the hall. The rest of the throne is made of blackened red upholstery. On each side of the throne stands two more succubi like the one in the foyer. The one on the right have dark blue skin, and the other have bright gray skin with a green hue. Both demons stand like the first one, with eyes closed, nude and with their hands on their belly with the navel on display through the space of thumb and fingers.

In the middle of them both, on the throne - sits a man. This is the man depicted in the picture out in the foyer, but unlike his position there, he have his eyes closed as if resting on his throne. His chest heaves and sinks with every breath - silently and subtle, he sits with his back against the backrest and both arms along the armrests which were shaped to receive his frame.

As he years someone enters, the glowing purple eyes shines up behind his closed eyelids and slowly opens to look at his guest.
Bump and a small note - While the initial post is large and possibly intimidating, the replies are both preferred and expected to be way shorter.
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