Every once and awhile someone acquires rather unusual things, that was the case for one older man, a merchant to be exact. Now sometimes these unusual things are nick nacs, or perhaps rare documents for forgotten pasts. However this time he had acquired a pair of Neko twins. Very odd indeed, and he had no intentions of selling them at first. They had already gone between a few homes, at least six from their childhood to what they were now. Both girls were now going on eighteen, and the old man knew they needed a stable home. As good as his intention might have been, the pair was going to be quite a handle fool for him. Old age was against him, and these nekos were in their prime.
By only minutes one Twin was older then the other. A cute and very feisty blonde she was. Her name had change a few times during her childhood, but when she was of age to make up her own mind, she settled with the name Dresden. She was slender, but well built from her active life style. Often times she was the one getting into some type of trouble, and then dragging her sister afterwards.
The two were close, very close due to being passed around over the years. Dresden could only count on her sister, and so she had become very protective over her sibling over the years. Going so far as to take punishments for her wrong doings, and when she could not she really hated herself for not being able to take care of her sister. Seeing her cry, well it hurt worse then any punishment she could receive. It was a sweet relationship, one that had never crossed any sexual line. Just a love for one another, and a bond that would never be broken.
It was unfortunate that the merchant found himself with the twins. Dresden and her sister found themselves in a cage within his little shop. Treated like actual cats, fed like animalsâ?¦eats and drinking from bowls. Cat food, even after they begged for actual food. The old man just took it as cute begging, like any animal would normally do. The two slept in a cage no bigger then five feet by six feet. when really they needed free range. It was sad conditions, but the old man meant well.

Every once and awhile someone acquires rather unusual things, that was the case for one older man, a merchant to be exact. Now sometimes these unusual things are nick nacs, or perhaps rare documents for forgotten pasts. However this time he had acquired a pair of Neko twins. Very odd indeed, and he had no intentions of selling them at first. They had already gone between a few homes, at least six from their childhood to what they were now. Both girls were now going on eighteen, and the old man knew they needed a stable home. As good as his intention might have been, the pair was going to be quite a handle fool for him. Old age was against him, and these nekos were in their prime.
By only minutes one Twin was older then the other. A cute and very feisty blonde she was. Her name had change a few times during her childhood, but when she was of age to make up her own mind, she settled with the name Dresden. She was slender, but well built from her active life style. Often times she was the one getting into some type of trouble, and then dragging her sister afterwards.
The two were close, very close due to being passed around over the years. Dresden could only count on her sister, and so she had become very protective over her sibling over the years. Going so far as to take punishments for her wrong doings, and when she could not she really hated herself for not being able to take care of her sister. Seeing her cry, well it hurt worse then any punishment she could receive. It was a sweet relationship, one that had never crossed any sexual line. Just a love for one another, and a bond that would never be broken.
It was unfortunate that the merchant found himself with the twins. Dresden and her sister found themselves in a cage within his little shop. Treated like actual cats, fed like animalsâ?¦eats and drinking from bowls. Cat food, even after they begged for actual food. The old man just took it as cute begging, like any animal would normally do. The two slept in a cage no bigger then five feet by six feet. when really they needed free range. It was sad conditions, but the old man meant well.