Mx Female Just lie there, you don't need do anything - Looking for competent partners


Dec 24, 2021
Mature and literate male roleplayer

Used to roleplay when the dinosaurs were around, but say it quietly since many believe they still are around

More than a competent player with interests far and wide, prefer to play characters being forced out of their comfort zone.

Particularly like unusual and unlikely pairings and seeing whatever they can get up to.

Never the one for stereotypical personalities, the more the quirks can be more the fun.

Needs updating for plot ideas

'Just lie there, no need to do anything' conjures up various ideas the obvious being about women's needs being ignored

Love to hear from anyone looking for a serious partner of the female kind if interested in this general idea or others

In meantime be interested if anyone also wants to build something

Versatile player hopefully here
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