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Fx Male Specific RP Search (Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon) FxM and FxFxM, Settings and Other Details Inside


Jan 21, 2021
Somewhere Between Here and Eternity
Dear Blue Moon:

I am a seasoned RPer who is eager to meet and RP, both as a personal hobby as well as a way to improve my own writing skills. I RP as both male and female characters, but I prefer RPing as female characters since it comes more naturally for me. Most of all, I enjoy character interactions, building up relationships, and watching as the individual character's desires, wishes, dreams, goals, or intents clash against each other or work together to achieve their respective goals. I love stories with a more natural pace, giving time for the characters to understand each other as well as the world around them. For this reason, I try to avoid rushing into the sexy stuff (although at times I can be convinced otherwise if you're persistent) and would rather let things play out at a more organic pace.

In terms of my partners, I do not expect them to be masters of writing (I'm not a master myself) but I hope you will try to match post length if possible. I try to aim for at least two paragraphs per post (it varies a bit based on the amount of detail I can come up with for a given scene) but do not feel intimidated if you normally only write a single paragraph. As long as you give me enough to work with, it will be just fine for me.

In terms of pairings, I RP heterosexual (MxF) pairings, and occasionally harems (MxFxF). This is just due to personal preference.

If you see anything here you like, or if you have an idea of your own you would like to suggest, feel free to PM me. Even if you just want to chat or bounce ideas off me, I would love to hear from you!

Current Craving: Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon


In terms of likes/dislikes, I am pretty flexible and eager to please. There are a few points I have a hard "NO" on, however, which include: scat/watersports, heavy (sexualized) gore, piercings, vomit, etc.

Things that I am not particularly interested in (but are not necessarily a turn-off for me) would be: Anal, heavy bondage, and excessively large breasts (my character)

In terms of things I like/enjoy, I have a much wider range. Please note that I do not necessarily require any of these to be present. But if you want to include them, then it would make me very happy, especially in a few cases: sub/dom/switch, non-con, incest, impregnation, dirty talking, cuddling, foreplay, size differences, age differences (for example, give or take 10-15 years or so, and within the guidelines, of course), anime characters (either original or canon), Danderes, Tsunderes, Himederes, harems

Also, if you are willing to try a Touhou RP or anything with impregnation in it, I will love you forever ^_^

RP Starters

These are general RP ideas that I came up with, but please do not hesitate to suggest your own.

Dungeon Meshi

I absolutely adore Dungeon Meshi (AKA, Delicious in Dungeon), from its world building to the characters. Senshi and Marcille are my absolute favorites, but they would not necessarily be characters I'd want to RP as, since their respective stories have already finished (as of the end of the manga, that is. I will avoid spoiling the story for anyone who has not read through the end of the manga).

What I would enjoy is either entirely different characters exploring a similar dungeon (perhaps on a different continent but set in the same universe), or an alternative telling of the story with the original cast. It would not even necessarily need to have spicy scenes in it, I just want to explore and spend time in the world of Dungeon Meshi, because the determination to help friends and prepare delicious meals are two things that I hold very dear and are at the very heart of Dungeon Meshi!

Gaming Club and Lucky Stars

Konata Izumi, after entering college with her friends has found it difficult to keep interest levels up for her studies. She rather quickly discovers the source of this... Her sexual life is practically non-existent. Combining her love for all things anime and manga related, she decides to remedy this situation, not just for herself but for her friends as well.

It is basically a setting where Konata and a lucky young man who gets drawn into her plans form a new club where the activities involve various fetish experimentation (including cosplay, among others), and her efforts to draw her friends Kagami, Tsukasa, and Miyuki into her lewd experimentation as well.

Lucky Isekai

While in college, Konata has joined a game development club that has succeeded in creating an experimental full-dive gaming rig. As expected, she decides to give the new machine a quick test run, unaware that there is currently no way to exit the simulation!

Basically an excuse for Konata and her friends to end up getting themselves isekai'd into a fantasy setting (think Konosuba) where helarious heijink and mishaps are commonplace, and the quest to return home is distant, if possible at all. Can include plenty of other characters from other isekai series, either as regular cast members or cameo appearances.


Aside from these two RP ideas, feel free to let me know your own suggestions/settings/ideas and I'd be happy to work out something together that we can both be excited to pursue ^_^

- Wing
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