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Request Thread 6: The Requestening


Jul 22, 2018

1. I have no set posting length for a partner. I tend to do 2-3. As long as you give me something to work with, we’re good.

2. While I’m up for discussing my plots/cravings, don’t bother asking if I’m interested in something that’s not on my list.

3. I readily admit I like smutty RPs. I’m fine with plot heavier stuff if anybody wants that but even then, I wants me lots of humping.

4. I don’t like canon x canon pairings. If one isn’t listed with a request, do not ask for it.

Star Wars

As divisive as the new trilogy is, there’s one thing most us can agree on….

Rey is pretty freakin hot!

I’m looking to do something pre movies, where’s she’s trying to survive on that planet she was on. Thus, there’ll be stuff like her trading certain favors for supplies or catching the eye of a local crime boss who’s determined to make her his bride.

So, this’ll be fairly plot heavy. But of course, there’ll still be more than enough sexy fun with her and her fine ass.

Demolition Man

I actually quite like this movie, unlike most people. One of my favorite things about it is Sandra Bullocks character. Has her hotness mixed with a great adorkable personality. Would enjoy doing some quick smut with her. Not really wanting a long term thing. Just a few naughty scenes of something like a criminal showing her how people did the nasty in the past.


I’ve played most of the older ones but this craving would be based on the new series…….despite me not really liking Eternal.

Annnnnyyyyyway, I’m wanting to play a super sezzy female iteration of the Doom Slayer. Like other ideas, this will have a hefty amount of smutty fun but there’ll also be a nice bit of plot. While DoomGal will still be fighting and fucking demons, I also want to give her some actual character and explore it a bit.

Like when she’s not ripping and tearing, she’s adorkably socially awkward with her allies since she’s only really ever known combat.

Just note, I’m gonna want her getting humped by demons. Doesn’t have to be constant and doesn’t even have to be forced. Like maybe a friendly but very horny little imp joins up with her and takes advantage of her social ignorance to do naughty things with her. Or hell, maybe demon jiz gives her a buff, leading to her occasionally leaving one demon alive after a fight just so she can fuck it’s brains out and boost her abilities.

Video Craving (NSFW)

Jurassic reproduction

I first discovered this video a few months ago and have since lost count of how many times I’ve pleasured myself to it. I would LOVE to play this out, be it quicky one shot or full length RP.

As long as there is Dino humping, it could be an original setting or series based. There’s a few hotties in the Jurassic franchise I wouldn’t mind seeing getting Dino humped.

The Mummy

This craving is based on the Brendan Fraser movies and not the old black and white ones which I haven’t seen. The first two are quite enjoyable with one thing that really stands out to me…..

Rachel Weisz is fucking gorgeous in them. Especially in one specific scene. That being where she has that flashback to her past life where she has that match against Anck Su Namun whilst wearing what I can only describe as an ancient Egyptian battle bikini.

That one scene gave birth to this craving along with a plot to go with where Evelyn ends up fully transported back to the past, taking the place of her past incarnation. The plot would focus on her life back in the past whilst she tries to figure out how she got here and how to get back to her present.

Even with a heavier focus on plot than my other ideas, there’s gonna be plenty of sexy fun. Such as fertility rituals that require a bit of public naughtiness to pacts with gods like Anubis that require sealing the deal in a very physical manor to a fiery romance with a bandit, etc…..

Got plenty of ideas myself and we can certainly brainstorm together for even more.

Jessica Nigri

If you don’t know her, I’ll keep it simple. She’s an Uber gorgeous cosplayer that does cosplay from various series. Yea currently find myself wanting to have some smutty fun with her.

But, I don’t really enjoy basic celebrity role plays. So I’m not interested in the slightest in doing something where she hooks up with a random guy at a convention. Instead, I’m looking to do stuff like using her appearance to play a sexified version of a fictional character or have Nigri herself transported to the fictional world of the character she’s dressed as, where smutty fun abounds.

Anyway, I’ll link the pics I’m interested in basing an RP around below. Just PM me if any pique your interest and we can discuss a plot.

In Diana Jones
Female Nathan Drake
Female Link
Female Sonic
Female Fox McCloud

Resident Evil

Seen all the movies and played all the games. Plenty to work with here but I’m mostly interested in playing new remake Jill/Claire, Sheva, Ada or Excella. Fine doing something based on their respective games or an entirely original setting.

Just note that I do want some non human sezzy fun. I’m fine with you playing a normal human OC to pair with the gal, but she is gonna get humped by zombies and the like through out.

The Witcher

Wanting to play Ciri from 3 going on smutty adventures post game as a Witcher. I have also seen the Netflix series. So, could be fun to have grown Ciri end up in that universe for some sexy fun time.

Crash Bandicoot

I’ve only played 4. So, it should come as a big surprise that the plot/s in mind are based on it.

Now, what I’m REALLY wanting to do is pair Coco or Tawna with Dingodile. The specific plot will depend on which sezzy bandicoot we pick. Regardless, the RP will basically be a smutty romance. By that, I mean there will be build up with their relationship, but once they do the nasty, they will be quite the frisky pair.

Yea, it’s a small list, I know. I’ll no doubt add more in the immediate future as they come to me with the handful of games I’m working on.
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