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Trekkie (Priscilla May and MacCloud)


Mar 22, 2021
East Coast USA
Ranulf had been in space a few days, eating field rations so the site of the Luna class on his sensors was a welcome sight. That would be his new home. The younger Lieutenant had been assigned to the flight department. He had mixed feelings about the transfer. Having spent his first five years on an Anubis class patrol destroyer. It had been a combat heavy tour as the Breen were against the Federation expanding in territory they considered theirs. He had expected moving into the senior spot but the Captain had other thoughts. As good a pilot as Ranulf had proven to be in hazardous conditions and combat the Captain had called him in as his five year tour was coming to an end. The Captain had explained the combat and hazardous conditions would look goo on his file. If he wanted to be moved to a larger ship though he would need to prove he was reliable during normal flight conditions. The transfer to the explorer/survey Luna class would prove his stability. The Captain had admitted he thought Ranulf was becoming a risk-taker-junkie. At the time Ranulf had felt hurt but with time he had seen the sound reasoning and the career prospects this new assignment might open up.

He had been dropped off at a starbase where his replacement had been taken on. He had been given a lift across space to his new assignment. As he waited at the starbase he was given an option to fly this type-9 shuttle out to meet his new ship. They were going to bypass stopping at the starbase for some undisclosed reason. Ranulf had readily agreed. So he had plotted the course to rendezvous and the last day been in regular contact with the ship. As it grew in his viewscreen he had to admit he liked the lines and the size of the ship. It was a bit larger than his last ship for sure. The crew was also larger so that would make life a bit more interesting. The next half hour was busy as he was in regular contact as he flew into the shuttle bay and set down. Following the deck boss's instruction he parked the shuttle right in the open bay where it was assigned.

The 6'2" very athletic 200 pound human stepped from the shuttle onto the Luna's flight deck for the first time, stretching to his full height felt good after a few days in the shuttle. He looked around as he took a PADD from is cargo leg pocket. Turning it on he requested directions to the Operations Chief's office so he could sign in. His polite and soft spoken way he greeted all he he passed as he started toward the turbolift.
The flight deck of the USS-Bulan was not horribly busy at the moment of Lt. Ranulf's arrival. In fact it was quite dead, the only personnel in site were a few ensigns conducting maintenance on the fuze sets of a near by converter, the deck boss in the over head control station, and a single ensign waiting near the double doors towards the rest of the ship. As the type-9 was brought in under the control of the Bulan's computer and set neatly in order with the other shuttle craft in the way, the single ensign approached the ramp where Ranulf disembarked.

She had blue eyes and hair, straight as could be and swept neatly behind her. Her collar was blue, indicating some sort of science department. She clutched a PADD in her arms as she smiled to greet the Bulan's newest officer.
"Welcome aboard lieutenant!" Her bright smile and eager expression overflowing and nearly washing Ranulf off the flight deck.
"I am Ensign Lyla Woods, you sure took your time getting here!" She painfully jested in an awkward sense, adding in a nervous laugh as she fidgeted with her PADD.
"Just kidding sir, I have been assigned as your orientation partner for your on boarding to the Bulan." She smiled, waiting to hear any response.

"I assume you'll want to go report in to the ops officer first?" Her almost singsong voice would be annoying if it was not attached to a cute face. “Lieutenant Commander Vvel is stern… and sort of domineering…” Lyla looked down and too the left with consternation as she spewed that thought. “…but uhhh we all *generally* like him.” She grimaced a bit as she put emphasis on the generally.
Ranulf bowed slightly and stood to attention "Well Ensign Woods I was just checking on the location of the Operations Chief's office. I was going to use the turbolift to get there as soon as possible but since I have such a lovely guide I do believe a tour of the ship between here and there is more to my liking. As we walk please impart the information you might feel I need or just of interest to me? You know as a single guy coming aboard a new ship." His smile was warm, friendly as he stepped around her toward the ramp to the next deck up. The main hangar on deck -12 was a bit of a walk to the Ops Chief on Deck -2.

So first pressing question would seem to be "Is there someone who might be jealous of you spending time with me? Husband, boyfriend, girlfriend?" His tone was light, speaking softly as they walked. His eyes had a sort of teasing/joking expression as he tried to break the ice. She was cute after all and he would not poach on someone's else girl. She looked human and her rank suggested she had not been long out of the academy. She might be interested in a fling. After all he knew women kept score as often as men did. Getting the new guy might be as much a competition for the women here as any other endeavor to alleviate the boredom. He was certainly not concerned, He was far too young to settle down and if she felt like he was a notch in her belt he was not going to object in the least. In fact he felt it simpler that way. If she had no emotional attachment she would not likely be hurt later. He was not going to be bothered if she moved on. It was something he was used to actually.

On deck-6 they moved across the ship from engineering to the command section. They passed many of the crew during the walk so far. Ranulf greeted each one officer or enlisted with a friendly 'Good day'. The crew was busy and moving about with a professional ease. He could feel the hum of the engines and all seemed well aboard here. He would listen intently to what Lyla said. Any information on the current mission, condition of the ship, and information on the crew high on his priority list. When she seemed about done catching him up on the ships news he asked "I am curious about one subject Lyla? Why was it you, a Science officer, who is giving me this orientation? Why was it not someone from Operations?"
A coy smile was passed between the ensign and the newly arrived lieutenant as they both passed into the turbolift to travel to engineering. Lyla scuffled her nose and gave him raised eyebrow as he laid it on thick, though she hardly minded.

"We'll I'll have to say of all the people who would care about your making a pass at me theres an entire line of guys whom have claimed first dibs you know." She teasingly air nudged him with her shoulder, not quite making contact with him but rather getting the point across.
"You'll just have to wait your turn." Her tone was amused, yet guarded as she walked in front of him, purposefully or not her black uniform tight across her swaying ass as they strolled through engineering.

Most of the crew members in the compartments they passed were busy conducting whatever assigned duty that happened to be partaking in, hardly time to meet and greet as they sonic soddered wiring connections and hyper-splayed control conduits under the decking. Lyla herself didn't mention must past engineering, whether it was because she didn't want to spend much time disturbing the crew here, she didn't know much about these systems, or she just didn't care was up to question.

"I'd introduce you to the chief but he doesn't seem to be around." She narrowed her eyes before nodding to the corridor leaving engineering.

Up another turbo lift to -4 and Lyla used a more hushed tone. The main corridor split off into many branches with large doors, the lights dimmed and things eerily silent in parts or mutterings in the other.

"This is the junior grade bunks." Lyla nodded to rows of double bunks down an entire branch corridor. Junior officers had the pleasure of sleeping in such arrangements, though Ranulf's rank afforded him his own quarters.
"You probably get a fancy cabin." She remarked, as fancy as a small studio could be.
"My bunk is just down there." She nodded towards a set of bunks, a few other blue collars gathering around it.
"But don't get any ideas, my bunk mates wouldn't appreciate it." She snarked before moving on to the turbo lift.

The doors shut to the small compartment, yet before Lyla gave an order for which deck to visit she continued on her narration.
"I'd show you more, but a fly boy like you might get bored at sciences." Her tone when teasing was always evident as such, hardly any true meanness behind it.
"Plus lieutenant commander Vvel wanted to see you in ten minutes."

She paused and looked towards Ranulf quickly and then back to staring at the wall.
"Operations." She ordered, the whirring of the turbolift wasting no time

"And to answer your question, its just a collateral duty, I want my next pip." She winked.
Ranulf decided she was hands off and did not make any more sexual innuendo. If she had a lot of guys seeking her good for her. His manner remained the same, he was friendly, polite, and listened to whatever she had to say. The change was subtle, and he was mildly more professional in his behavior. He got the feeling she was not too interested in him from the discourse. She might have been trying to set him back on his heels and being hard to get but he was just not interested enough to play that game. He was fine just the same. Her comment about him getting a fancy cabin made him laugh. A ship this size as a Lieutenant she was right he would likely have a small personal space. If he had more than a room with a private shower and office space along side his bed would be all he expected. If it was any larger he would likely be sharing with another officer.

On the last ship he had shared a cabin with a security officer for a big chunk of the time. When the security guy had shacked up with a lady in her cabin Ranulf had enjoyed the extra living space for nearly two years. Only the last few months had he had a room-mate. She had taken a liking to him and moved over to his cabin. He sort of thought she had shacked up with him to get his cabin. Not that they had not shared an active love life during his remaining time aboard the Anubis. He had always been glad not to be assigned a Defiant class. The idea of hot-bunking had not appealed to him in the slightest!

When she had mentioned her pulling extra duties to get her next pip he had to laugh. "Well good luck with that Lyla. You need a good word put in feel free to drop my name. I like someone who has ambition. I got lucky on my first assignment. I got my Jr Lieutenant pip within the first six months and made full Lieutenant inside three years. Combat postings are like that though. Normally flight would take me a minimum of six years to get where I am already. Likely closer to ten."

He looked around to see where he was "Hmm, you said ten minutes so we better start toward the Op Chief's office. No sense in making a bad impression on the first day."
Whether he was obvious about it or not, Lyla picked up on his turning off the charm, the young ensign resigning that her sarcasm ha backfired once again. She puffed out her cheek some as the walked down the hall, listening to Ranulf's story about his promotions.

"Mmmmm, so I bet you are a pretty tough guy then? Seeing so much... action." She teased. They were ambling down the corridor towards the commander's office.
"But when my next eval comes I'll make sure to tell the science chief to give me my junior pip.... because lieutenant Ranulf says so." Lyla looked back at him over her shoulder and winked.

They soon arrived at a double door that explicitly said "Operations Officer" in red, clearly the destination that they sought.
"Well... this is it." Lyla took a deep breath, hitting the chime next to the door and grasping her PADD tightly.

"Come." A coarse voice sounded, it was an unbothered tone that conceded to interruption.

Walking through the door they entered a small office, a desk at the far back corner over a sofa and small sitting area. Behind the desk a large Bajoran man sat, his typical ribbed nose interrupted by a scar that ran from brow to chin. His ear had the typical ornamentation, and Ranulf could easily tell the scowl was standard.

"Good afternoon sir." Lyla looked to the clock on the wall to even be sure it was afternoon.
"Lieutenant Ranulf has arrived and is here to see you as ordered." She finished, stepping aside to allow Ranulf to report in.
Ranulf had stepped in beside her coming crisply to attention. he gave the standard salute when introduced and spoke with authority "Lieutenant Ranulf MacCloud reporting for duty Sir." I would appreciate receiving my coming aboard packet with quarters assignments and access codes. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have as well Sir. He placed a packet on the desk with his orders and information on the type-9 he had brought aboard.

Ranulf was very professional and proper here. he had to report to his department Chief and either the XO or the Ship Captain as a full Lieutenant. This was just his first stop. As he waited for the Ops chief to reply he wondered if Lyla was going to be hanging around or if this would conclude her extra duty assignment. She was fun to have around even if she was not interested in him physically. He was going to miss her if she left!
"At ease." The operations officer sniffed and nodded as the new officer reported in.
"Welcome to the Bulan, I trust after your time on the front lines with the Breen this assignment may not only be good experience but a but of a change of pace for you." The commander crossed his fingers and rested his chin behind them as he looked over lieutenant Ranulf.

"I had a good look at your file, I respect the work you have done, I only hope you don't get bored here, though we do see our own form of action from time to time." He had a stiff formidable presence about him. The anticipation Lyla would have communicated in the hanger is easily understandable, but his demeanor is mostly intimidating to those not with more rigorous career experience.

"I flew shuttles during the war myself, so much respect there. Stick to the regs here aboard the Bulan and you will do just fine." He nodded to the ensign and passed her another PADD.

"Ensign Woods, see to it the lieutenant gets to his quarters, the information as well as details of his welcome package are there."

"Yes sir." Lyla snapped to it quickly as she grabbed up the PADD and hustled back behind Ranulf.

The commander huffed, shaking his head.
"You're a breath of fresh air around here Ranulf." Clearly his discontent with the softer aspects of the crew stemmed from rough times much like Ranulf.

"Get settled in and then report to Lieutenant Cam, she's your section head." He stood and extended a hand to Ranulf to shake.
"After that, I believe the ensign will give you details about your introduction with the captain."

The room fell silent as clearly the commander was finished with what he had to say.
"Oh and feel free to use the ensign for whatever you need during your initial time here, she is your on boarding 'buddy' and is tasked with helping you acclimate."
Ranulf shook the offered hand "thank you Sir. By the book sounds just fine to me." When the Ops Chief seemed done dispensing information Ranulf saluted once more and took a short step rearward. Knowing Lyla was behind him he could not withdraw properly so he turned toward her with a smile "Yes Sir and I appreciate Ensign Woods help already Sir. She has performed in a most professional manner and has been a great help to me thus far." He stepped around Lyla and opened the door. Stopping he made eye contact with the Chief, the look in his eyes made it plain he was not kissing ass here. He spoke as an equal, his confidence on display but his tone respectful. "If you see me in the lounge Sir. If you have time, I would enjoy listening to your war stories. I have found the experience of other officers is worth listening to in the past.

He smiled suddenly "I am not to proud to freely admit the advice of a few senior officers on my last assignment saved my ass more than a few times." He bowed slightly "thank you for your time sir." With a wave he ushered Lyla from the office and closed the door in leaving, so it was how he had found it. As he followed her down the corridor he felt pretty good about the meeting.

Once on the main concourse he sighed "say Lyla, you have done your job here. I put in a good word for you as I said I would." He smiled, his expression honest and friendly. "So look you give me the welcome packet, and tell me about the Captain's schedule and you can take off if you like. Don't misunderstand me here. I like having you around, but I understand if you would rather be elsewhere. I can find my way around just fine if that is the case." He hoped she would not be offended, he liked her but felt she was not fond of his company.
Prior to the pair departing the ops officer's office, the gruff commander nodded to Ranulf's request.

"Of course." He said in his deep and low tone. He quickly returned to his previous desk work as the visitors left, leaving Lyla and Ranulf in the corridor alone once again.

To Ranulf's remarks about cutting her loose from her duties as his on boarding buddy, Lyla gave a wide smile and subtle laugh.
"I see you are trying to get rid of me, am I cramping your style?" She winked at him before heading down the corridor towards the turbolift with onboarding package in hand.

"This way lieutenant, lets go check out your new digs." Her slim body sauntered down the corridor as her eyes watched to make sure he was following as she flicked her hair over her shoulder.
"But for your information I don't have anywhere to be." She said as she plucked away at the controls for the turbo-lift.
"This is my only duty today." Her tone was rather care free as she ordered the turbolift to the applicable deck the lieutenant's quarters were on.

The hallways of this deck were much different than the junior grade berthing, a more subtle dim and moody light decorated the walls where lines and lines of individual doors rested.

"Lets see... fifty five... forty..." Lyla counted room numbers before arriving at the exact digit she was looking for.
"Here we go!" Her dainty hand pressed the door control as it slid open.
"You'll have to program the door to your biometrics later Lets see what you got." The girl seemed more eager to see how the other half lived than Ranulf was, sliding between the opening doors and charging in with a curious expression.

It was not a large compartment, about the size of a standard bedroom with a full sized bed, couch, storage space, and even its own bathroom. Yet Lyla herself was more amazed with the view, a large window predominating the far wall of the quarters that looked out the aft of the ship.

"Wow...." her eyes were full of wonder as she sat the PADDs down and stared out into space. They were still in orbit of a barren planet, awaiting continuation of their mission.
"You're lucky... this is a better view than most." She smiled at Ranulf as she made use of his window freely.
She seemed happy to show him around yet so he followed her. When they came to his room he was pretty sure she was more interested in the room than him. His two dufflebags already on the bed, he opened the first as Lyla stared out into space. "Enjoy the view as long as you like." He began putting his uniforms away "in fact you can come over and enjoy the view anytime you like, just knock before entering. You understand so you know I am decent." There was a touch of teasing there but nothing malicious. He continued putting his stuff away. He even hung a few pictures on the wall over his desk. They were magnetized so just place and activate the magnet. The pictures were of his graduation from the Academy with a handful of friends. A few pictures from his last assignment. He had a few awards for combat he added last. He had often flown the Type-18 when an Ensign, escorting shuttles to some where and back again. The Type-18 had a galloping horse with the callsign 'Mustang'.

He did not take long to unpack, he had almost no civilian clothing at all. So just his uniforms and a few minor items. He joined Lyla at the portal but kept a polite distance to not offend her. "So how long before I am to meet Lieutenant Cam? I am depending on you to keep me on schedule after all? What do you say after you take me to see my flight department boss we stop at the mess-hall for something to eat?. I should not like to have my stomach growling when I meet the Captain."

The view was pretty amazing but the planet sparked his curiosity. "So what was so interesting down there that the ship has been delayed from departure?"
As Ranulf unpacked, outlining she was welcome over any time, Lyla turned around and leaned against the rim of the window, smiling as her eyes looked to the lieutenant.
"Come over any time? Is that an invitation lieutenant?" Her tone suggestive. The other questions he asked remained unanswered for a long silent moment as she closed the space between them from polite distance to questionable. Looking him in the eye she kept to her character despite the mounting tension.

"Time." She said, just inches from him as she looked down to his chests and then back to his eyes.
"Thats the answer to all fo your questions. We have plenty of it...." her tone trailer off as she took a deep breath.
"I'll of course make sure... you get fed." There was a hesitation about her that she herself was going too far, but for Lyla being not an adventurous person this was putting herself out there.
Ranulf tilted his head as his eyes met her's. "What about that line of people I had to go to the back of? I also would not wish to offend your bunk-mates? You mentioned they would be annoyed with me if I did anything sort of inappropriate." Even as he spoke he closed that slightly invasive distance till his body touched her own. His hand cupped her cheek and his fingers drifted through her hair. "I would appreciate being fed as well. You have been an exemplary escort Lyla."

"You realize I have been more or less in transit for nearly a month. All alone in that tiny shuttle for a few days as well. I am likely hungrier for some company that I normally am. Still feeding me is not a duty, it is only something you might consider if you are interested." He leaned in as if to kiss her but stopped short of her lips. It was not much distance, but it would mean she had to meet his lips for the kiss to happen. If she did not meet his lips he would accept that and move on.
"You're not very good with sarcasm are you?" Lyla swiped a strand of blue hair behind her ear as she closed the gap between them and met his lips with her own with a thick kiss, nipping at his lower lip with her teeth before coming back down off her tippy toes.

"The Bulan has a negative guy-girl ratio, so that line I spoke of is quite inverted." Her hands slipped behind her back, finding the zipper of her uniform and loosening it halfway down her shoulder blades, the top falling a bit off her shoulders to show her science department-blue undershirt.

"As your welcome aboard officer I want to make sure you feel right.... at... home." The ensign's fingers teased at his neck as she looked him in the eye to wait to see if he would further this, he just had a few layers of clothes to get through.
"Sounds interesting. He kissed her back before reaching around her to finish unzippering her uniform. He was not shy and she had given him permission, her enticements more than enough to get his attention. He moved around her removing her clothes, his fingers caressing her soft skin, kneading and massaging as they removed every bit of clothing she wore. It was not just his fingers at play either. He was moving up and own her body kissing her back, ass cheeks, her inner thighs, mound and nipples. His hands lifting and squeezing her breasts. It was a sort of sexual exploration of her body. As he explored Lyla he had stepped from his shoes and his own shirt had vanished, his chest was hairy but the hair was soft, more like fur. Once she was naked he lifted her and laid her on the bed.

"Since your a Science officer I expect you have a great deal of curiosity." He moved between her legs, her legs spread and lofted over his shoulders. I am going to experiment on how sensitive you are here." His fingers drifted between her labia, spreading her lower lips and flicking across her clitoris. I will not allow you to climax however till you tell me three kinky ideas we could try out over the coming days." He dipped his face sucking on her clitoris, pulling the button out from under the hood with his mouth so his tongue could flick and lash the sensitive bundle. Meanwhile he used two fingers to stroke between her labia and slip inside her pussy with a firm thrust every so often. His free hand lifted her breasts. Squeezing or massaging the soft flesh. Seeking each nipple for a tug before switching to the other breast.

All the while his eyes watched her face trying to read her reactions. His fingers inside her keeping track of her arousal, slowing when she tensed and speeding up with she felt like she was relaxing. Doing his best to keep her from a climax till she told him what he wanted to know.
Lyla's eyes widened as she was disrobed in such short order that she almost felt a chill from the draft of her clothes hitting the floor. Her body was born to him, petite, short, smooth, and soft, breasts smaller than most yet still feminine in every positive way. For a girl who had teased this situation she seemed taken aback for a quick moment by his dominance, a rush of blush hit her face seconds before she was lifted and carried to bed.

Her mouth fell open and hums resounded from it as he began to toy with her. His hands were everywhere on her, spreading warmth and sexual energy before his lips joined in the service.
"I can see you know how to help yourself to a tour of my body." She said in her usual sarcastic tone before a shiver made her moan away all the words. His sudden assault on her womanhood left her speechless, all except for the sexual songs her mouth played as she sweetly sang his praises while sliding his fingers, lips, and tongue around her cunt.

"Haaaaa ahhhhhhh... I can see ahhhhhh what you did between battles." Her hand gripped the hair of his head tightly as she moved her hips up and down to slid her slit across his mouth and tip of his nose. Her mound was bare and shaven, reddish blush coating her labia as she enjoyed the feeling of his attention to her clit.

"Three things huh?" Lyla attempted to laugh at the idea but was brought to submission as his fingers plunged in once more. Instinctively her hips were moving more and more to match his tempo, trying to extract all the pleasure she could.

"Well... since you have a nice big window... next time we are at a star-base ... I wouldn't mind being fucked against it." She smiled, whispering "oh fuck" as his tongue slid across her hood.
He lifted his hand so she could see and made an 'Ok' sign with his fingers and thumb. Letting her know he would be glad to accommodate her desires in that regard. After that he held up three fingers up and bent one down leaving two up. Letting her know her climax would be denied till she gave him two more kinky desires to try. He was simply not willing to stop what he was doing with his mouth to reply to her verbally. He had two fingers pumping inside her pussy at that point and his mouth was sucking hard to keep her button exposed for his tongue. His tongue was circling that sensitive button, flicking across it or lashing the very tip depending on how reactive she was. If she showed signs of nearing a climax he would slow down. His arms holding her pussy against his mouth as he held her legs aloft making escape rather difficult. He didn't want her escaping just now after all! At least not till she needed him to badly to resist.
Lyla threw her head back with a thud on the bed. Her mouth open and breaths wild as he pleasured her with mouth and hand. Never outside a holodeck has she been pleased this well. Though her frustration was mounting at how he was demanding her think in a time like this, it was part of the charm and excitement.

"Oh my gosh... ahhhh you are so mean." She giggled between moans as her hand pulled at his hair. Her pussy was beginning to squeeze on her fingers, she was so close to cumming, she wanted to let it out but he unlike many men were more astute.

She had to think fast of more kinky things.

"The bridge! The bridge! Fuck me there... fuck me with all of them there!" She cried out as he slid across her clit. His fingers were going in and out just at the right pace, she wanted to cum on them badly.
"I mean... gahhh ahhhh ahuhhh... they holodeck version of if... the bridge training sim!" She clarified.
That was a bit scary at first when she asked to be taken on the bridge! he was not sure he was even that bold? She was going to be quite the challenge so she was! Than she had clarified the holodeck. That was a relieve. That he could do readily enough. He had no problem being watched by a holographic command team. Maybe he could program them to urge him on? He wondered if that was a gang bang kin as well? She was full of surprises for sure. Once again he held up his hand that was teasing her nipples and gave her another 'OK' sign. he held up two gingers and bent them both down! Ashe did that he seized her exposed clitoris with his teeth gently. His tongue became what could only be described as frantic as he lashed her clitoris. His two fingers pumping inside her pussy enough to push her body on the bed. The thumb from that hand teasing her rosebud, wet from her juices. His free hand moved to her face caressing her face and lips. He was clearly driving her to an orgasm at this point.

He would not slow down this time. He would only increase the firmness and speed till she climaxed. Once she, only than would he slow down as he lapped her sweet nectar. he would leave his fingers deep inside her till her pussy so she had something to squeeze as she climaxed. "Only removing them when she started to calm down a little.
Looking at the ceiling of Ranulf's quarters, Lyla was panting, his fingers drilling her neglected sex hard as she wrapped her legs around his back and pulled him in tighter. She was so close, her core could feel it. All this time aboard the Bulan she had not enjoyed the feel of a man, it had been a good time since someone had scratched this itch for her, and even then she didn't remember it being this good.

"Ranulf... ahh I ahhhh!" She cried our his name, trying to think of a third thing for them to do so he would finish her. But whether his control or hers she was already headed that direction, her pussy constricting on his fingers, making it harder and harder for him to shove them in and out as her hole warmed around it. Her mouth grasped for the words to tell him a third, but the air was all but gone as she began to quake.

It was then that she pulsed, her eyes rolling back as her orgasm caught his fingers tightly, labia blushing a bright red as she finished.

Her mouth meanwhile still attempted to form the words.

"Cuuhhhhh ahhh uhhh...." she moaned. "Mmmmakkke me... yourr... ahhhh little..." her pulsing and orgasm came to a close, her pussy releasing his fingers as her voice faded off.
"Your little cumslut...." she whispered as her body relaxed.
He kept his fingers deep inside her so she had something to squeeze with her pussy as she came. With his tongue he lapped at her sweet nectar as she writhed under him. Once she released his fingers he stood and dropped his pants. He grabbed her by her nipples to pull her to a seated position and used her shoulders to guide her to the portal. He lifted her hands and put them on the large window. He lifted her hips and lowered her down onto his cock. Impaling her from behind as she leaned on the portal looking at the planet below. As he lowered her he kissed her shoulders and back. Once he was buried deep inside her pussy he dropped his hands to hold her knees so she could move her ass to help fuck.

As he began moving inside her lifting her body as he thrust inside her "so you want to be my cumslut? You would need to get me off quite regularly to get that title." He was showing off some of that prestigious strength he was so proud of as he held her in the air against the portal fucking her tight pussy hard. "Your going to need to agree to sex where ever and when ever I want as long as your not on duty." He was really into fucking her hard but again he was going to tease her. "If you agree I will allow you to cum when your ready. Refuse and I will leave you horny and needy."
Her breasts were shoved against the glass, the stars and planet below full view of her small mounds as they scooted up and down the portal depending how hard he thrusted. It would be erotic that the galaxy could see her like this, but more than likely nothing beyond the particles of light were in on this action. Looking back at him, blue hair and cheek pressed against the glass, her expression was one of awe.

No longer could she feel her toes on the ground, it was like his cock was the only thing holding her in the air as he pushed his way inside. There was no gentleness, no consideration for her shape, just plain shoving and widening of her cunt by his large warm member. What made it worse was how sensitive she was from her first orgasm Her petite body trembling at the feeling of being fucked raw just after finishing. He spoke about letting her cum again, but this felt like it was more for him, and Lyla was ok with that...

Looking back, gaining more control over herself once more as she felt him shove his way through her lips, she deviously smiled.
"I agree in part... but I don't care if I or you are on duty... a cum slut is a cum slut." Her eyes twinkled as he shoved her against the glass again.
"And you better be prepared for the 'wherever' part of that."
"A challenge is it? You think you are such a wild little slut you that you can scare me off?" He thrust harder lifting her in such a manned she bounced back down impaling herself on his cock even more deeply. "You thin I am too nice a guy to make you walk around with my cum still leaking from your holes. Do you think I would be too whimpy to cover you with cum and dress you to parade about the ship smelling of sex? Oh I believe you will either be as kinky a slut as you think or rue the day you ever made me think you were a challenge."

He continued fucking her hard and fast. He would not cum till she did, but when she seized his cock with that tight pussy as she lost control he would fill her sweet pussy with his cum. When she had ridden out her orgasm he would turn and lift her off his cock dropping her face down on his bed. Replacing her panties before he went to clean up. "You can feel that cream oozing in your panties when you take me to mee the Flight department Chief." If you ask nicely I will allow you to clean up before we go see the Captain."

He smiled as he wiped off his cock in the rest room. "Oh feel free to challenge me, I can do much worse."
Barely has she felt the last tremor leave her body than was she shoved on the bed and half way dressed by the man whom she mated. Her spine trembling as she feeling of warm cum pressed against her pussy on her underwear. It was not a comfortable feeling at all, yet the idea of his domination certainly sparked a bit of intrigue. She lay there topless staring up at him as she few more orgasmic shakes left her, cheeks and thighs red from his vicious trashing of her pussy.

"I think we are going... to make good friends." Lyla caught her breath as lay there. The time on the wall was however inching on, and they only had a small window for which the flight chief expected them.
"We better get going soon... I don't know if I do have time to clean up if it makes you happy." She giggled a bit as she nodded to her uniform.
"Can you toss me my other clothes?"
He picked up her clothes, pleased she was willing to obey. "Here you go Lyla. "After the meeting with the Flight Chief if we have time I will give you a refill." His smile was mildly predatory "I am sure we can find an unwatched place as we tour the ship after that meeting. We can come back here for you to clean up before visiting the Captain. If you want that is." he waited for her to get dressed before opening the door. "So just how available might you be? I understand you have a long line of clients from what you said earlier. I would not want to interfere in your lifestyle." He walked beside her toward the Flight Chief's office near the bridge. "Will be fun taking a shift at the helm of this bird. I am qualified but still she is a lot of ship to control."

ON arrival they were announced and he walked inside coming to attention three feet from her desk and snapped to attention offering and holding a salute. "Lieutentant Ranulf MacCloud reporting for duty Ma'am. He offered her a padd with his files and orders once he dropped the salute.
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