Mx Female Risks and Consequences in Realism

Ken Khalil

Apr 30, 2021
What I'm offering:
Multi- character (on both of our sides), long-term roleplays

Modern World

Would you be interested in a multi-character, long-term RP? The idea is that we create a number of characters that exist within a small community in Somewhere, USA. There can be various elements that we can draw characters from, such as the local highschool, some local businesses, a church, and even local government.

I want to play as all the males in the community, with you playing the females.

We can start as big or as small as you'd like. For example, we could start with a simple teacher in the highschool lusting after a student, or the local town mayor having an affair with his intern. Whatever we decide to start with, we can then branch out from there and include the intern's friends, the mayor's family, etc.

How do risks and consequences factor in here? Well in some RPs, when a 'bad end' is reached, that's usually the end and you start something new. Here, whatever the 'bad end' is may have ripple effects to other characters that we're controlling.

This sounds like a lot to track, but I'll be keeping track of all characters we create in an external page so that we never lose track, and we always know who is who. If you want a detailed roleplayer who enjoys long-term stories and actions that have consequence, I'm your guy.

Discord: Stryker#8147
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