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Comic’s face claims and roleplay stories (NSFW)


What is your deepest desire
Aug 25, 2021
Hello there,
Im making this thread to hold my face claims (test them out with site cause idk if they will be safe) and to share few roleplay stories some safe others not so safe for work….
Lets get started shall we?

(Note: i want to let the mods know if one of the pictures is bad let me know and i will remove it)

All oc pictures will stay with the site rules of 16 and up same with canon.


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Partner: BikiniLovingM )
It was a calm night in the city but at night many normal people head home or enjoy the night life
But there are some who rather enjoy getting sex, the ysc club (the young sex club) is a place where men can get relief from stress or just wanting to flirt with females (16 or older.
Inside there was romance hot music playing like a club but not too loud as one, the females wear outfits like bikinis to even just garments..... some serve drinks and others help the customers.
Luna who had join a month ago has been doing this mainly for the money and tips but also to get sex, so hopefully tonight will be it, she walk over wearing revealing top and shorts with jacket tied and stop at your table "welcome to the underground what can i get you? We have drinks, ladies or even some food items...." looks up at him and feels bit of suprise mixed with shock not saying a word "oh my god...."

Jackson was as surprised as Luna was but did his best not to show it. He came out to the YSC in hopes of maybe finding a side piece. Though they hadn't been married for too long, Jackson and Maria lost that hot spark they used to have.
He told Darius and Alex about it and they said he should come here. They were regulars who came at least weekly, which Jackson only could've done 20 years ago. It was only his first time there, and shit already hit the fan. Darius sat up and whispered in Jackson's ear. "Yo, you know this girl?" Jackson shook his head and looked over to Luna, stone faced. "We'll get everything you just said; one order fries and a pint of beer for the each of us." He panicked a little as he realized that along with the food came a show. Luckily, Alex piped up. "Oooh, get us a beer maid." Jackson was confused for a second until he looked around the club and saw woman standing by tables holding pitchers of beer. Some just stood and smiled while others worked for a tip, pouring some on themselves or letting customers drink it off them. Jackson's heart sped up as he avoided Luna's gaze.

Luna start to write the orders down and asked bit curious:" alright ill get that in for you, would any of you like special services tonight?~ whats your name sir for the order?"

She knew her stepdad probably want to avoid her, but his friend did look bit handsome....she heard few rumors about some guys that are really good at sex

Darius was built like Jackson, but shorter and fatter. Alexander was thin and lanky, but still shorter than his two friends. He was the the one who decided to make the call. "Yo! Put it under Alex. Were gonna want a fresh cycle of girls throughout the night. We don't plan on needing to request any special services, but I'll let you know." He gave Luna a bit of a stare before grinning and waving her away. Jackson knew he was more of a douche than he was charismatic, but he wasn't hurting anyone. He also knew that Alex talked a lot of game, yet didn't have any.

Luna smiled and wrote it down:"i will get that right away" she walk over and talk to few coworkers

The beer maid walked over to your table setting down your drink orders after few moments:"hello there, any of you want a shot of beer from my breasts?"

Luna walk past a table, one guy slap her ass lightly with a smirk

Jackson wasn't suprised that someone would slap Luna's ass, but he didn't know why his stepdaughter would put up with it if she didn't like it. Could he do something like that to her? Fuck it! He knew he shouldn't be thinking about his stepdaughter like that, but the atmosphere made it difficult not to. He just wanted to have a good time and ignore it.

Jackson looked up at the beer maid and patted his thigh. "Sit on my lap, baby. You're gonna be serving me first."

The beer maid pour the beer into the shot glass and sit on his lap, the shot glass between her breasts

Luna walk over to the tables taking orders and writing them down

Jackson shoved his face into her breasts and picked up the glass with his lips, making sure to be as loud as possible. He let the the glass drop and without swallowing the beer, kissed the beer maid and tried to wash her mouth out with beer.

beer maid smirk kissing back staying close pressing body agianst him, hand move up on his left thigh ass press agianst his lap

Jackson's massive cock was beginning to grow underneath the woman on top. "Yeah baby, you like that?" he teased.

Alex and Darius looked at eachother for a second before they both released a heavy sigh. Alex looked across the club at Luna and called for her to come over.

Beer maid blush only wearing her outfit, no bra or panties:"yes, does master want some special service?" Grinds naked ass under skirt agianst him
Luna look over and smile, walking over to alex:"yes sir?" She notice the beer maid ontop her stepdad but didnt want to ignore alex

Jackson leaned in and kissed the maids neck before whispering in her ear. "That depends. Are you gonna make someone like me pay?" He nibbled on her ear while waiting for her response.


Alex smiled at Luna and wrapped his arm around her. "My friend seems to be hogging the beer maid, so we're gonna need some more girls. Actually, why don't you hang out with us for a bit?"

Beer maid blush moan softly:"no it wont cost you"
Luna felt bit suprise as he wrap his arm around but sits beside him "sure i can hang out, is there anything you had in mind?"

Jackson wasn't really okay with Alex inviting Luna to sit down with them. He slapped the maids ass before looking to his friends and saying "We're gonna go for a walk." Before he could pick up the maid Alex said "Yeah, we'll come with you." It seemed that Alex didn't really want to put in the work when it came to seducing. Jackson sighed before looking at the girl on his lap and saying "Where do you want to do it?"

Beer maid look back at him:"how about the private room in the back?"
Luna felt jealous by the second, the maid touching him, looking at alex:"would you like to play with my breasts?"

Jackson went back to groping the maids breasts. "We could do that,or....we could go fuck in front of some of your coworkers. Just think about how hot it would be, making them watch how good you're getting fucked.

Alex didn't even respond to Luna. He just began squeezing her breast as hard as he could. There didn't seem to be any technique or thought attributed to Luna pleasure.

Luna frown feeling her breast squeezed hard he was just squeexing it no pleasure or anything
Beer maid blush deep:"yeah lets do it, we will make them so horny"

Luna move and sit on the other friend lap:"your friend isnt really pleasurable could you help?"

Darius immediately begins groping Luna, gently rubbing her areola with his thumb in a circular motion. He goes to touch Luna's pussy, but she is pulled away from him by Alex.

"What the fuck, you bitch!" Alex screams at her. Jackson's attention was pulled away from his sexy toy as he saw Alex push Luna to the ground. He pushed the maid to the side, stood up and punched Alex in the head. Alex fell to the ground, knocked out. Jackson held out a hand to Luna and asked "You okay?"

Luna blush and moan lightly then glance up feeling afraid when alex pulled her away, only to see her stepdad punch him, taking his hand:"yeah sorry about that....your friend wasnt very pleasurable since he just squeezed my breast hard, the other though he is very pleasuring"

The beer maid walk over:"holy shit...well ill come back another time" she walk off to check on other table

Jackson turned over to the beer maid and yelled "Baby, you better not ditch me." He looked back at Luna, pissed that his girl just left. "At this point, I don't really care if you work here. I suggest you tell your boss and leave."

The beer maid walk back over:"sorry i had to check on another table"

Luna shook her head and explained:"im not leaving till i get a man to fuck me...."

Jackson almost yelled at her. She was his stepdaughter, but had the gall to say something like that to him. Jackson didn't respond until the beer maid got back. "I don't care if you're horny. Go home!"

Luna ignored his words and went over to darius:"come on lets go have a chat..." leads him to the back

Beer maid look confused at him:"no one is allowed to be rude or controling to the workers"

Beer maid led him to a empty booth and move down panties

Luna goes with darius to a empty bedroom in back and start to kiss him

Incompleted, end of story
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The last house of Rooker Street, a very large home that is about the size of a mini mansion. From a glance it looked perfect for any family to have, however there is a dark truth within the house. It was also a home for demon worshipers. Unlike many that would be summoning the devil and all this one was of a demon lord of lust and chaos. Many years ago a priest came and put an end to the worshipers and imprisoned in the house it self. The only way to fully free him is some one to read the black book that he manage to hidden before the priest imprisoned. Though he is locked with in the house it self his power is able to seep out and effect anyone that stayed in the house long enough. Have sexual urges and doing crazy things and so on. Many have come and read the book but didn't read the right spell to free him. However the next owner or rather owners he had a feeling that would all change. They were three women and all very hot looking as well. If only he could be free he would give them a hell of a time and make use of them as well.

The demo's name is Lexx Shadowheart and if anyone looked him up they would find out he his a power demon lord and knows all kinds of ways to pleaser a woman, as well making chaos in his path. He also able use his power to look though the wide web of the internet to catch up of what he miss over time. Once he got use to it he found so much information, and ways to make it seem like this house can be bot by anyone. Figure thats how he gotten three girls to come to this house and by the sound of if these three were going to have a party here. Oh the fun he can have if everything goes right.

The car drove up to the house, turning off and park in the driveway…the owner step out, luna wearing a skirt and blouse top overy her skinny body tan skin and black hair

She was very suprised that she had gotten this house easily, not really caring to read the reviews after packing her luggage and heading to her new possible rental property, mainly planing to use it for summer then renting it out to someone in the fall and winter…she pull out the keys and unlocks the door heading inside flipping a light switch

It look very beautiful though needed some touch ups to become rentable

Lexx could see though the house and everything in it so when he saw this girl moving in. Though he couldn't get out of his impressment he still could influence things in side of the house and though the house he got a good look at the girl. A fine young girl but couldn't tell if she was a virgin or not, more likely not but still he can always hope she was. As she walked around he decide to have a little fun with her. He waited for the right moment before he suddenly lift her skirt up to see what panties she had on and also to see how she would react. However he did wonder what she will do while shes here but he also thought how he would enter her dreams when she did fall asleep. On the fun he will have with this one.

Luna felt suprise and push her skirt down wearing white lace panties:"whos there?" She look around confuse then went to her room and unpacks her bag putting her clothes in drawers

Mr Jones let out a long huff as he stepped onto the the already busy carriage for his long journey home. He desperately searched for a seat but as usual they had all been taken by the passengers who had gotten on at the previous station. He remembered a time when people would have given up their seat for an elder person such as himself but those days were long in the past. These days people were only interested in burying their faces into their electronic devices or drowning out the rest of the world with their god awful music. He looked around the busy carriage at the blank faces of his fellow passengers. "Not one of them is capable of holding a simple conversation any more! I could murder someone in this god forsaken carriage and not a single one of them would even notice let alone lift a finger to stop it" he thought to himself shaking his head in utter disgust at them! Finding a place to stand he managed to undo the top button of his shirt loosening his tie in the tight hot confines of the carriage before the doors closed moments later the train began to move off from the platform. He was thankful that standing over six foot he was able to look over the heads off most off his fellow passengers so didn't feel so walled in by their bodies or trapped.

Just then the train pulled into the final station before the two hour long non-stop journey until he was able to escape this hell hole. He let out another long huff as the doors opened and even more passengers entered the already over crowded carriage. "Oh that's just fantastic!" He thought to himself wishing he could have a carriage all to himself where he could read and think without being disturbed. He was beginning to think that coming into the city to visit one off his old colleagues wasn't such a good idea after all.

Luna followed behind the passengers feeling very crowded by the people, she push past a few people but eventually ends up near the right side of the train

She look around her but soon people pressed up agianst her and cause her to bump agianst the old man, hand moving on his ass not groping it just keeping it there.

Blushing to herself but wait a moment to see what the man would do would he notice and stop her or let her keep it there?
An idea slowly crept in her mind she never tried a old man before and could take her mind off the ride home

Mr Jones mood didn't improve when the train pulled into the next station. The platform was busy and as the doors opened even more people rushed into the already packed carriage. All the old man could do was shake his head in utter disbelief.

He smiled trying hard not to show his irritation as he was knocked and banged into. He could feel someone's hand brushing against his backside but didn't take much notice. Things like that were bound to happen with so many people cramped in such a small space.

As the temperature began to rise he wish that he removed his long coat before he got onto the train. There was little to no chance of being able too take it off now within the tight confine off the packed carriage. All he could do was to undo the top button of his tie and loosening his tie.

luna move her body closer agianst his slipping under the back of his jacket and move hand into his pants to get a hold of his limp cock

once she found it as the train kept moving and no one paying attention..begins to stroke his cock thinking the man didnt mind her touch maybe he was perverted or distracted
The old man was in his own little world as the train quickly moved along the tracks. Every so often the train jumped a little as it changed points. As he continued to daydream about being anywhere else other than on this god forsaken carriage he suddenly awoke back to the there and now as he felt someone rub of his crutch.

"What the fuck!" He gasped quickly looking to his left and right to see whoever it could be doing it. However true to form they both head their face buried into the phones. It wasn't the man opposite him who was somehow managing to sleep while standing. He slowly managed to turn himself around to find himself looking down at a young lady. "What the hell are you doing?" He muttered in a still shocked voice. Almost embarrassed that someone else may have seen.

Luna stopped feeling the man turn around and blush slightly as he look down at her "im giving you pleasure sir, no one is watching they are busy with other things"
She rubs his cock with her hands wondering if he would like her to continue
crowded train 1:
Luna followed behind the passengers feeling very crowded by the people, she push past a few people but eventually ends up near the right side of the train

She look around her but soon people pressed up agianst her and cause her to bump agianst the old man, hand moving on his ass not groping it just keeping it there.

Blushing to herself but wait a moment to see what the man would do would he notice and stop her or let her keep it there?
An idea slowly crept in her mind she never tried a older person before and could take her mind off the ride home from school.
Mall santa: it
was a calm afternoon in the mall, with four days till christmas parents were busy shopping and taking their kids to see santa…it wasnt the real one but it was to find out what they want. But the santa also has another purpose a more sinful delight for the young and older women who feel bit lonely and naughty near the holidays.

Santa shift was almost finish for the day, he seen few boys and girls but not many women that caught his eye…before santa could rest for a moment as the line was none existent. Luna walked over to him wearing a skirt and a button up school uniform, she take a seat on his lap, rub her ass a bit on his lap to get comfy wearing cotton white panties under her skirt "hello santa you dont mind one more person visiting you?"
Sex law starter option 3:
It was a calm afternoon at the park, as luna was near some bushes sitting on the ground taking in the calmness of the park though there are a few moans that can be heard nearby…from a female and man having sex in the pond, she tries her best to ignore it this new sex rule that has been enforced makes people or creatures paired with each other and help pleasure them. For the men it was a good thing but the young students (16-18 site rules) it wasnt so grand, some of the females were fucked by their fellow male students or fuck by a older man…she hope to avoid that atleast till they get assigned to their partner tommorow at school but a sound made her look around, it seem like no one was near her but it sounded close by……

Wearing sweater and pants over her body as she sit there for another moment.
Sex law option 1: it was a calm afternoon after school, the sex law was recently put into affect and her school has had an assembly about the new rule
Pairings? They were to be paired to a male?
It felt like a weird movie or book plot to her, she stood on the crowded train near the window in her uniform over her body trying to keep to herself for now as people stood close to each other, the train stopped some people leaving while more people pour in before the train doors close.
Magical girl (16-18) goes wrong:
It was a warm summer in the forest as luna rode on her horse wearing normal white cloth dress, looking at the map to stay on the trail for her mission.

She stop a few inches from the cave, stepping off the horse saddle and pet his nose gently "stay here, i wouldn't want you to get taken by the monster"

The task was to stop a tentacle monster from kidnapping people, using her magical girl powers

Though the horse is her companion it does get to watch her transform.

She fix her bracelet "scarlet prism!" The bracelet activates and makes her clothes disappear changing her into skirt with tight white top, purple hair and a jeweled wand

The hotel for monsters:
it was a cold windy night at the beast hotel, the maids had made sure the place was preped and ready for their inhuman guests......
some females were 16 to older with big or small busts. their maid outfits range from cleavge showing to short skirt. the bellringer at the front was blond and short sitting in a chair reading a book awaiting for guests to arrive while the others were cooking or cleaning.

four were attending to their guests, luna had walked outside the backdoor over to the water well, filling the bucket up to clean the large barn stable rooms entrance which was a place for their more Larger guests that couldnt fit in the hotel.
she was starting to scrub the door with water to clean the dust from the hotels magical travels

since there were no goblins tonight she would be on cleaning duty for the remaining evening having already done few chores allready made her feel bit glad not having to deal with that...a sound caused her to look over at the forest beside her few inches from her

The werewolf and his plaything:
It was a calm afternoon at the park, as luna was near some bushes sitting on the ground taking in the calmness of the park though there are a few moans that can be heard nearby…from a female and man having sex in the pond, she tries her best to ignore it. this new sex rule that has been enforced makes people or monsters paired with each other and help pleasure them. For the men it was a good thing but the young students (16-18) it wasnt so grand, some of the females were fucked by their fellow male students or fuck by a older man…she hope to avoid that atleast till they get assigned to their partner tommorow at school but a sound made her look around, it seem like no one was near her but it sounded close by……

Wearing sweater and pants over her body as she sit there for another moment.
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