Pick Up a Mom/Son RP?


Mar 22, 2015
US of A - east coast specifically
Linking to it here - if anyone's interested and wants to pick up the mother role from any point in the RP (could literally be after my opener or simply where it ended up being left off), just DM me. Cheers


Dave walked downstairs from his bedroom in the 3-floor townhome he and his mother occupied, a warm home that they had shared together, alone since he could remember. It was Friday at 7:30 AM and Dave was readying to get picked up by a friend to head to school, the first Friday of the school year on this seasonably warm September day. The day had special significance in this household as it was Dave's first football game of his senior season, on a team many pundits predicted would advance far into the playoffs this year, and with commensurate expectations about Dave himself as a talented, highly-recruited linebacker.

At 6'3 and 215 pounds, Dave didn't look like the typical average-developed high school senior. Years of participating in athletics and training with his local high school coaches in the offseason had built him up as a sturdy young man, solidly defined and muscled in all of the right places. His height must have been a blessing from a father he never knew, but his attention to his body, health and physique was also a direct result from his mother, herself being fit, curvy, and healthy. She had instilled the kinds of good habits and work ethic that had resulted in him being a solid student and tremendous student-athlete. The story could be considered cliche; but Dave knew that his mother had sacrificed a lot to raise him and provide for their 2-person family. And Dave was determined to hold up his end of the bargain.

Wearing a pair of faded blue jeans, a white polo shirt, a white undershirt, and black boxers, his clothes fit a bit too tightly but it was certainly nothing the girls in his school would complain about. And if his musculature was on display, it was what lay between his legs that was even more impressive; the envy of everyone who shared a locker room with the young man, something that Dave was finding increasingly harder to conceal as his clothes fit snugly and the outline of his length and girth readily on display when wearing just boxers or shorts. Entering the kitchen, Dave put his backpack on the kitchen counter and grabbed a glass of orange juice. He saw the granola bar and flavored yogurt that his mother had clearly put out for him, sitting there on that kitchen counter as Dave opened up the yogurt, his mother nowhere to be seen yet. Hearing the pattering of footsteps, it was apparent she was upstairs; Dave knew her work started a bit later around 9, and he was usually the first one out the door.

"Mom, Jack's going to be here in 5." Dave called out, knowing he and his mother had their morning ritual of saying, well, good morning, and sharing a quick kiss goodbye as they wished each other well. In all his years growing up, Dave couldn't remember more than once or twice when this ritual was skipped. As Dave sat on the stool up against the kitchen counter, he continued eating his modest breakfast. Off of the kitchen in the hallway that led to the front door was Dave's duffel bag, containing all of his clothing for tonight's game. They were kicking off at 7PM, playing a team in their conference, and like so many other high school students, Dave had a hard time sleeping the night before. He was excited - the summer two-a-day practices were done, the scrimmages, the drills, it was time to go out and play a real game. There would be college recruiters in the stands and a packed crowd in this small-to-midsized Midwest town; it wasn't something out of Friday Night Lights but it certainly wasn't far off. And of course, he knew his loving mother would be in the stands to cheer him on.

Taking a sip of orange juice and hearing the sound of his mother starting to walk down the stairs, Dave's thoughts were focused on what his schedule that day would be like - classes, study hall, a walk through, and then getting ready for the game. One he stepped foot out the door, he wouldn't be back home until his mother had driven him after the game. A completely full Friday, one of many coming up this fall during the high school football season.

Mother (Played by whoever wants to pick it up):

As with most mornings, especially a Friday morning where 7:30 almost seemed too early for anyone to be up and around, Megan found herself back in bed staring at the ceiling for just a bit longer. After she had set out the light breakfast for her son, Dave, she made her way back to her covers for just a little bit longer. It didn't take too long for her to get herself ready for the day, on a Friday she didn't dress up as much as usual and went with comfort, that and knowing she'd likely go from work to Dave's football game it saved her time in the long run.

Megan was a natural beauty the kind of woman that some people would describe as winning the genetic lottery, it had been that way most of her life. She grew up in the small town that she raised Dave in, had met his father at the same high school, and started a wild summer with the man, or rather a boy. They both were still young at that time and Megan had gotten pregnant before the school years end, she kept Dave though with the help of her parents and raised him without ever seeing his father again, once he found out Megan was pregnant he left without a word and never showed up to school again.

On her end, Megan had looked for him, briefly, but gave up and focused on what mattered at that time. Dave, her education, and a career all of which she'd never have been able to do without the help of her parents, Dave's grandparents. They looked after him while she educated herself, finished high school and some college, allowing her to get a better-paying job in town and eventually move into a better neighborhood. And the best part is it meant small family gatherings around the holidays, Megan loved her parents and called them every week, when they were able to they liked to watch Dave's games, or at least see them on TV.

"Good morning, love," Megan said, finally making her way downstairs. She'd never miss the chance to say "good morning," or "have a wonderful day," to the most important person in her life. She dressed in a pair of comfortable jeans, a thin sweater over the top of her bra. Her long, brunette-colored hair hung down her back. Everything had been done already from her makeup to the clothes, Megan always made it a point to put her face on before anyone came over, a quirk she had gotten from her own mother.

Megan would make her own breakfast once Dave left for school, opting to wrap her arms around him in a large, squeezy hug. Leaning back to try and lift him off the ground in an attempt that only ended in her laughter and his feet likely never leaving the kitchen floor. "When did you get so big? I used to carry you around with one arm," Megan said up to her son, who every day looked more and more like his father with some of her as well.


Dave turned toward the stairs instinctively as his mother entered the kitchen area and greeted him with her familiar morning refrain, his spirits immediately feeling a bit lifted by the sound of his mom's melodic voice. A small smile was on his face as he watched her come down the stairs, dressed comfortably, if not casually in a pair of jeans and a thin sweater. This was Dave's favorite part of each and every morning - seeing and greeting his mother. What had been a morning ritual rooted in their mutual comfort and affection had, if Dave was candid with himself, evolved on his part to see beyond the woman who was just his mother. As he grew up, gained height, built muscle, and as virility flowed through every vein in his body, he most certainly had begun to notice the beauty and voluptuousness of the woman who was currently walking toward him. And it made his heart leap, among other things...

"Hey Mom," Dave said, his eyes casually glancing down at the swell of his mother's chest against the thin fabric of her sweater. Concealing his glance by taking another sip of orange juice, he got up, knowing she'd want a hug. Placing his glass down, he waited for their embrace, and laughed a bit, his cheeks flushing red for a few moments as his mother playfully tried to lift him off the ground, his feet barely getting on their tip-toes. His arms instinctively went about her shoulders, hugging her into his built chest as he shook his head. "I mean you're the one who kept telling me to eat my vegetables and drink my milk...it was bound to happen." Dave kept his embrace nice and tight, the fragrance of his mother's hair hitting his nose as he hugged her closely for a few seconds before finally breaking.

Sitting back down on the stool, Dave was more eye level with his mother and her neck/collar bone. "So my game starts at 7, we have pre-game dinner, walkthrough, study hall stuff after school. Do you know where you're going to be sitting? Will you be with some of your friends? I know you weren't a big fan of where you sat last year so I need to know where to keep my eyes peeled." It was true, Dave would invariably seek out his mother and look at her during the game, knowing she was sending positive thoughts to him throughout. Then, as typical, Dave would exit the locker room after the game where family and friends and, more so now recruiters would be loitering to have quick conversations and introductions and such. His mother was mindful of Dave having those conversations with her at a minimum within earshot of them, but just as much being a part of those conversations so she could keep everything above board.

Finishing his yogurt and starting to polish off his granola bar, Dave looked around the kitchen, noticing the counter was bereft of some of the usual snacks they had lying around. "I know I'll have already eaten before the game, but do you think we could get some baked goods or a simple cake for after the game? I know my friends are going to want to go out afterwards but I'm guessing I'll just want to relax and hopefully not be feeling too sore." This too, had become a ritual; even as his friends on the team would go to parties and the like after a Friday night game, Dave took a strange sense of pride in turning down those opportunities, choosing instead to spend the rest of his night at home with his mother who had been more than willing to pamper him. It felt nicer than going out boozing with his buddies, something he had done a decent amount of during the summer, but always careful and cautious and not going overboard. Still, there would be a lot of girls at these parties...

Looking up at the clock, Dave knew his buddy was only a couple of minutes away. Wiping the sleep from his face, Dave sighed. "Man I'm going to be looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow," he mused, giving his mother a soft smile as he stood up again, his towering build almost hovering over his beautiful mother as he brushed by her to discard of his items.

Mother (played by you):

Even when he didn't wear cologne Megan knew his scent from his clothes, and when she hugged him her cheek resting against his powerful chest, she was able to take a moment and inhale. If she was struck blind she'd still know her son just from that alone, and the way his warm body felt against her own. She had to look up at him before he let her go and she was able to move around the large kitchen island in the center of the kitchen.

"I think I am sitting near the same place as last time? That center sorta area, I know Janice wanted to sit there so we can talk and totally ignore your game," Megan says to him, a teasing tone to her words as she offered a wink. "Baked goods, huh?" Megan thought it over, gently sliding open a drawer on the island she pulled out a small tin box, about 6 inches long and 4 inches wide, a small metal rectangle. It was old, with little images that looked like they were from the 60s if not earlier, "Dave, I have some of my Grandmother's old recipes, I can bake you a cake? Since it's a special game, your first one of the season," Megan added with a smile.

Megan grabbed the empty yogurt container and tossed it in the garbage for Dave, a thunk in the kitchen as it hit the bottom of the empty can, "But you let me know, I can head to the store, or bake my own," Megan stated, turning to wash the spoon that Dave was using. There'd come a time when he wasn't around and the dishes would be less, but Megan enjoyed cleaning while he was there. And leaning over the sink, rubbing that spoon made Megan's ass jiggle in her jeans some. Because Dave worked out so much Megan had taken a liking to exercise and did so every day when he didn't have a game, either early morning or evening.

"Let me know about this evening too, yeah? I'll come home after the game, or I can give you a ride. If you want to go party? Not gonna hurt my feelings," She said, turning around as she set the spoon to dry in the dish rack, leaning her elbows on the top of the kitchen island, looking at Dave once again.


Dave laughed as his mother chided him, jokingly saying she would be gabbing away while Dave played his game. It was also funny because, in reality, Dave was almost embarrassed by how much people watched him play and how focused they were on him specifically. His mother had raised him to be confident but humble, and while Dave played with a tenacity and aggression commensurate with his size and stature, he was still a sweet young man and wholly unaccustomed to a lot of attention. But he'd have been lying if he said he didn't enjoy his mother watching him play, it was unconditional in a sense; she wasn't watching to compliment or criticize, she was simply supporting him.

"That's okay, I'm sure Janice has been waiting all week to gossip with you about whatever rumor mills are swirling...who knows, that might be more entertaining than the game." Dave smiled at her as she started habitually cleaning up after him. "Mom, you know I'd prefer the food you make, but I don't want you to have to go to any trouble if it's easier to get something at the store. But if you're up for baking, I'm up for eating later tonight." Dave watched as she floated about the kitchen quite naturally, discarding his breakfast remains and going to clean his spoon. As he started to step off the stool, he noticed his mother leaning over the sink to wash his spoon, her ass jiggling a bit in those jeans that, similar to Dave's boxers and shorts, fit his mother a little too tightly. Not because they were too small, but because she had the most delicious curves...

Dave shook his head; it was in the 7 o'clock hour for Christ sake. Rubbing the sleep and the staring out of his eyes, Dave stretched out a bit and walked over to where his mother was. Coming up behind her at the sink, his prowess could almost be felt as he grabbed his mother's shoulders and leaned forward, kissing her on the cheek from behind. "No mom, I'll take the ride home and come back with you. I'm not interested in going out tonight, guessing I'll be pretty sore and also need to make sure we win after all." Giving his mother another kiss on the cheek, his built chest brushed against the fabric of his mother's sweater just as the sound of a car pulling up in front of the home was heard. "Alright Mom, gotta go!" turning around, Dave went to the hallway and grabbed his backpack and his duffel bag. Before he closed the front door behind him, he called out. "Love you!" It was the little things, right?

Entering the car of his friend Jack, they slapped hands and greeted each other. Dave had a smile on his face, like he always did. "No one has better mornings than you, huh?" Jack mused. "Your mom must make a mean breakfast." Dave just smiled and shook his head. His mornings were indeed great because of his mom, but it had nothing to do with his breakfast meals.


Oh great, thanks for reminding me about Janice and her rumor mills," Megan said, rolling her eyes even if he couldn't see them. Which reminded Megan that it might be the night to add a little something extra to whichever drink she brought, to get her through talking to Janice.

Megan had to smile when he came to her, it had been years since any man had done something quite like that. Even knowing that the large man behind her was her son, part of her mind loved feeling him there. The sense of strength and confidence in his movements, the kiss on her cheek that caused her to tilt her head so he had a better angle, she almost felt embarrassed with how Dave made her feel sometimes. Of course Megan had dated some off and on over the years, but no one really wanted to stick around to a single mother and her young son.

"Love you too!" Megan called out, noticing that empty feeling behind her as Dave moved away. Leaving Megan in the kitchen, she could hear the rumble of the vehicle as it pulled away. At times like this Megan was reminded that Dave was quickly becoming his own man and one day would move on out of her home, and into another place, and hopefully meet someone that he'd bring home for her to dote over as well.

The next little bit for Megan was getting her things ready for herself. A quick breakfast, lunch packed away, grabbing her jersey with her sons name and number on it for later, and a hoodie that she bought herself, Megan tossed it all in her SUV made sure the house was locked and drove off to work with Dave still on her mind.

Son/Me: (this is where it ended):

Dave headed to school with Jack, entering and being greeted as per usual by his friends. The day felt like a blur; there was the standard town meeting around midday that doubled as a pep rally. Dave as one of the team captains was supposed to give a speech but, despite being a large, masculine, exceedingly talented young man, he never went in for that sort of thing, always having a bit of nerves. It was when he had his helmet on and was on the field that he felt most like himself. And of course, when he was at home with his doting mother, when he felt like all was right in the world.

Aside from a take home test that Dave disappointingly got an A- in that he had expected a better grade on, classes went well. A few girls wished him luck, including Lisa, one of the cheerleaders whom Dave had canoodled with once or twice; they hadn't gone all the way, in fact it was one of the more embarrassing moments Dave had experienced, basically with Lisa pulling out Dave's cock, clearly getting intimidated by Dave's immense size, and getting nervous and ending their session short. Still, there was an attraction, a flirtation, but something Dave was reticent to engage in again.

As the day wrapped up, Dave packed his backpack with the books he needed for weekend homework, headed to study hall, then the pregame dinner with the team. There was an energy, a nervousness about him that typified what football players felt on gameday. And as they finally made their way to the locker room, Dave could feel he was ready. Changing with his teammates, he kept getting complimented by his fellow teammates at his position for how good a shape he was in, his muscle definition, etc. They didn't realize that his mother, his beautiful, curvy mother at home was part of his inspiration as they both had committed to working out, sometimes even together, but she always managed to drag him out of bed each morning in the summer to perform his workout routine, at home or at the school gym.

Donning his pads and jersey, his bare, muscled arms on display, Dave ran out onto the field, dusk hitting the evening as he and his teammates ran onto the field to cheers. Dave looked over toward the crowd, looking over for where he thought his mother and Janice would be.
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