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Fresh Meat (zavaya x Indulgeme) NSFW and gritty warning!!


Dec 4, 2019
Damon and his wife Amy, both sharing the last name Denvers... spend more time fucking poor innocent girls than one another.

Amy and Damon were a safe-haven, promising young women a safe place to live in exchange for some small favors. They'd opted to be upfront about it, telling their targets the favors were of sexual type as to not have to explain and force the new girls into it each and every time! There was enough time to be spend breaking these little souls, they did not need to waste more on 'introductions'. Alexandra seemed to be willing to take the offer, a girl who was thrown out by her landlord and in huge financial debt... Damon's offer to live in a mansion in exchange for sex was enough to get her to shake his hand.

Not a word was lied, Damon did indeed escort Alexandra into his car and told her that they'd first get her checked up before taking her to her new home.


Receiving her husband's text saying the new girl was in there having her full physical... Amy smiled and snapped her fingers. "Where are you slut... I got a surprise for you!" The woman snarled visciously awaiting the arrival of their already broken toy. It was time to move on... move down... the blonde would move ro the basement where she'd get to live the second and last stage of her broken life. That also meant... there was some clean-up to be done. Their current basement girl had been worn out quickly, and hopefully this new skank would proof more durable.

"Come on bitch, we're going to give you a new room in the basement!" Amy cheered opening the door and starting to descend into the well furnished torture chamber, knowing the girl crawling behind her would soon come face to face with the soon to be dead girl. From across the hall, Amy saw the useless woman strapped to a cross, her chest whipped and cut open. "Go say hi..."
Getting into the car already felt like she was saved. Alexandra had been on the streets for five months now and she felt she had escaped death at least three or four times already. Pretty women usually didn’t last long on the streets. It were the exact words of one of the guys who had tried to rape her. Had the police not come around the corner, she had no doubt she’d been raped and murdered. And now with winter approaching and the temperature dropping, the offer was quickly accepted.

Sexual services, whatever that meant, was better than freezing to death or being stabbed or something. Besides, judging by his expensive car, this man probably could help her get her life back on track once the sexual services were done. She wasn’t aware of any conditions but judging by how she looked and smelled after five months without a proper bath or meal, it only made sense he took her to the clinic to get checked over. She only wished she could have taken a shower, even though it was probably only some bloodwork to get checked.

“Thank you. For this.. I think you may well have saved my life.”

At the clinic she followed him inside and waited for him to sign them in. Then, at the waiting room, she began to feel some hesitation. She reeked. She could smell herself for days and all these people in the clinic were not ready for her smell.

"Excuse me? Damon? Maybe I should wait outside? Because... well... you know..."

She held her nose theatrically and looked at the man who had literally plucked her off the street.
Damon waved the comment away. "I trust these people for their professional behaviour. Besides, you're getting a chance to shower when they ran the blood and samples in the lab." Damon said and raised an eyebrow at the poor girl. "There's also a warm meal waiting for you after you come out of the shower. One thing though, I'd prefer for you to refer to me as Sir. It's a... personal thing." Damon said and smiled politely as the girl behind the bar told them they were ready to see Alexandra.

The doctors already knew Damon's wishes, besides a full blown blood test, Damon wanted the girl's reflexes tested before being checked on STD's or skin diseases. Even her saliva was tested, after all, some 'party guests' occasionally liked for the girls to spit into their mouths. One couldn't be too careful.

Damon remained by the girl's side until the assistant took her away, taking her over to a small adjacent room to shower and asked the girl's preferance. "Beef or chicken? With potatoes or rice?" The woman asked as she took Alexandra's arm moving her away from Damon and the doctor.

"A fine candidate Mister Denvers. I'm surprised by the quality of her skin, even Emily wasn't in such a state when she last entered." The doctor commented shaking Damon's hand. "Emily... now there's a name I haven't heard in forever. Surprised you still remember it doc, if I recall correctly you called her throat slut." Damon said with a slight chuckle. "I'll give your regards to her. Or better yet, why don't you swing by anytime this week? You can take our soon to be corpse to the morgue and say hi to Emily in her new situation?" Damon offered as the two chatted, clearly familiar with one another.

When all the results were satisfactory, Damon nodded and the doctor prepared the cocktail and sucked it into the needle. "Aphrodisiacs, hormones and tranquilizer. When she wakes up she'll be nice and naturally aroused. The hormones are for her curves, since you mentioned wanting them bigger. They'll grow her chest and butt over-night. Her hips will take a bit longer, since the bone will have to bend. But within a week she should have nice fertile hips to bump into. Not those brittle bones that poke into your crotch." The doc laughed and went into the room to give Alexandra the shot. When she'd be put to sleep, Damon had her wheeled to his car and secured in the back for transport.

It had been months, or maybe years, since she got to the mansion, Emily couldn’t remember. Sexual services. It had sounded abstract and vague but the house was awesome and the Denvers really were a good looking couple. It had taken her only a little bit of time to settle in. It had started with sucking cock, eating pussy and giving hand jobs. Over time it had gotten more and more perverted and more than once Emily had the idea that they were trying to get her pregnant. They fucked her, at least daily, sometimes even more and when there were parties, she was usually the center of the show. Emily loved it all and even when they started to restrict her more and more, she still loved it.

They didn’t call her Emily anymore but whatever they wanted. Bitch, slut, fuck holes, cock sleeve, sex meat, anything really. She crawled on hands and knees more often than not and had even gotten knee pads from the Denvers to protect her knees.

Now, as she followed Amy down into the dungeon she had never known existed, her heart pounded in excitement. Last time she was given a new room, it had been a huge step up. From a small cupboard under the stairs to her own room, of course the upgrade came with a cost but seriously, not being allowed to do anything on her own, like showering or eating was overrated anyway. Emily loved getting told when to eat, shower and do anything in return for the bigger, better room.

As she climbed down the stairs though, she wasn’t sure how this room was going to be better. Sure the equipment around her seemed bliss, the basement itself was a bit dark. And she didn’t see a bed yet. Or a shower.

What she did see though, had her stop in her tracks. Was that…

There was a woman, tied spread eagled to a cross. Her skin an unhealthy shade of pink and grey, covered in cuts and bruises. Her scalp was bald and glistering in the dim light of the basement. The only sign she was still alive was a soft rasping noise when Amy and Emily got closer.

Emily swallowed, sat on her knees in front of the girl and next to her owner.

“Miss? I don’t understand?”


Alexandra wasn’t expecting the full test to be this full. Saliva, medical checks, bloodwork, STD’s, they were really thorough on the testing. She couldn’t really blame them though, not with how she looked and smelled. Best be thorough and safe she guessed.

She didn’t get the question regarding the beef or chicken so she ended up blurting out chicken with potatoes. When Damon and a doctor came back in the room, Alex looked at them, a happy smile on her face.

“I think I’m all cleared Da.. Sir.”

She blushed a little as her excitement of going home to shower and eat got the better of her.

“Can we go home and..”

Before she could finish her sentence she felt the needle in her shoulder and looked at the doctor a bit puzzled.

“I thought everything was fine? Why do I nee… shot… chicken…”

Her words quickly became incomprehensible gibberish as she slumbered onto the hospital bed falling asleep.
Amy smiled and turned to Emily before suddenly twisting her leg and granting Emily the first kick against the ribs. The first of many likely. "Did I tell you to fucking talk to me!?" Amy shouted taking Emily's hair in both her hands and pulling it hard as she made her look up. "I told you to say hi, you don't follow my orders, you get punished!" Amy snarled spitting right onto Emily's face before pulling her hair again hard, dragging her over the floor closer to the restrained woman. "Eat her pussy! Eat it whore!" Amy ordered, slamming her knee into the same spot on the girl's ribs before focussing on the bound woman.

"Hello cunt." The rich woman said and smiled. "I brought you a present for your big day..." Amy said and smiled as she looked into the broken girl's eyes... she'd already forgotten the woman's real name. The woman however smiled back at her, perfectly broken, loving and craving every sorta abuse. Amy decided on a long time favorite of hers, placing both her hands on the woman's bare stomach and slowly turning her fingers so her nails dug into the woman's skin. When she felt she was about the puncture the skin, Amy started to drag her nails down the woman's fragile skin opening up two deep gashes. "You're mommy's favorite of the day..."


Damon smiled, Alexandra was brought into his car and soon the two were well on their way. Alexandra only woke up once they wore on Damon's private air-plane. The smell of chicken filling the cabinet, but only Damon was inside sitting opposite her.

"I'm sorry Alexandra." Damon said as the girl started to wake up. "You seem to have passed out from the shot given to you. How do you feel?" Damon asked, the scent of chicken only mixed with female arousal. "The chef's making your meal, but in the meantime, why don't the two of us have some fun together?" Damon asked and smiled politely, reclining in the leather arm-chaie of his private jet.
Emily was used to a bit of roughhousing but this kind of violence was new to her. She curled up at the first kick in the ribs and still reeling from shock, took the spit in her face. That wasn;t new. The spitting was common, it was something she had grown used to and even in a strange way, enjoy. She barely managed to crawl along as she was mostly dragged by her hair over the floor to right before the bound woman. Before she could obey the order, she got another kick. This time she quickly recovered and after a gasp or two put her mouth over the exposed pussy of the bound woman.

It felt wrong. Nothing like Amy, who was warm and soft and tasted a bit sweet. This girl tasted.. stale. Her skin felt cold and dry, almost lifeless. As she began to lick and suckle though, she felt something warm on her lips. She licked them and tasted a metallic flavour. When she looked up, she saw the big cuts, dripping blood out of them. Emily knew enough about the human anatomy to understand that on a normal, healthy person, a gash that deep would bleed a lot more than this. As she lapped at the girls pussy she tried to remember when she had been taken here. As she couldn't remember she linked some things together. She was getting a new room. Maybe this girl... Maybe this was the other girl her new room? How long had she been down here?

A little scared now but still completely trusting Amy, she continued to lick and suck at the pussy, occasionally licking her lips to get the blood off them.


Alex woke up, groggy as hell and feeling like she had slept for days. She woke up in a strange environment, something new and alien to her. She quickly realised she was on a plane and the smell of the food made her mouth water. As she shifted in her seat, she realised something else was watering. Partly in control and partly scared out of her mind, she heard herself flirt with Damon.

"Yeah.. I think you should give me a test drive. If you can handle the smell..."

She ruffled her clothes a bit before taking her shirt off. Her coat and sweater had already been taken off, probably in the clinic. Wherever they were, she hadn't on them and she felt the urge, and fought it, to have nothing on.
Her little bound toy was responding accordingly, against all odds she was actually being pleasured for once. Where she'd learned to accept and appreciate pain, here was the long-forgotten pleasure again. Amy's nails had become so familiar with her skin, it felt like her own. It felt like home when the devious woman used them to slice open her useless flesh.

"That's it baby... mommy has always been so fond of you." Amy said and took the woman's throat in her hand, squuezing hard. Hard enough to feel the already weak arteries pulse underneath her fingers. "But it's time for change baby... it's time we let you go." The woman said and reached out to the side of the cross, reaching for a thick rope which she looped round the woman's throat and pulled tight.

Meanwhile her knee lifted and rested atop of Emily's neck, pressing her face deep into the woman's pussy as she licked it. "Please, I want you to go with an orgasm. One last time..." Amy said and reached out, her lips touching the woman's. She however didn't kiss them, but grabbing her bottem lip between her teeth and biting down hard as she stared into her eyes.

"Make her cum!" Amy shouted jabbing her knee against the back of Emily's head as she choked the last remaining air from the girl she'd kept down here for over a year. The longest one yet. And there is was, one last glimpse of delight in the girl's eyes... before they glazed over.

Making quick work from Emily next, Amy took her wrist and cuffed it to the same cross a corpse now hung. Only barely next to the dripping blood. A cloth tossed her way and an order for Emily to clean herself up. Master would be home soon.


"A test run?" Damon asked and smiled as he remained sitting comfortably in his chair. "What are you thinking Alexandra?" The rich bastard mused his erection growing in his pants, doing no effort to hide it however as he watched his new toy undress.

"Don't tell me... show me."
Emily was conflicted. What was happening? This warm and loving lady who had been firm with her but always fair was now a completely different person. She was hurting the crucified girl and the girl seemed to like it?

She grunted when she felt the knee and heard the command. Emily licked and suckled on the clit as best as she could and only when she felt the slight spasms of a body deprived of oxygen on her face did she realize what was going on.

Quickly she stopped and looked up at Amy.

“Stop it! You’ll kill her!”

Amy wasn’t interested in her protests and used her knee to push Emily’s face in again. Part of Emily still trusted Amy to know what she was doing but another part of her had a bad feeling about all this. She continued to lick though, figuring she had nothing to lose anyway. Her old life was gone. Not there had been much in the first place, a DUI charge made sure of that.

One slip up. If that man wouldn’t have crossed the road… But he did and she didn’t see him, until he was on the street after having bounced off her windscreen. He was dying by the time she saw him. An eerie coincidence with the woman on the cross. She hadn’t seen her until she was dying.

Emily got charged with driving while under the influence of alcohol. Her percentage was almost four times over the limit, the judges were amazed she was still able to walk and operate the vehicle. The defendants attorney pleaded for vehicular manslaughter and the judges went along with that. That basically ended her life. So when Damon met her and paid her bail, she had little choice. The only likely outcome was a long prison sentence. So sexual services in a luxurious mansion felt like a no brainer. And it had been.

She felt the life drain out of the bald and bruised woman on the cross but she kept licking, even as the spasms increased and eventually stopped. Emily knew what that meant. Before she could think about it more, she felt her arm being raised and cuffed to the cross and she cleaned her face with the cloth and the rest of her body from where she had been dragged over the dusty floor of the basement.

The blonde prisoner tried her best not to look at the now dead girl next to her and what had been done to her. Her eyes pleading to Amy in between.


“Yeah… I think I shall.”

Her little resistance broke as she saw Damon’s erection through his pants. She quickly stripped off the last of her clothes, her body still filthy from the streets, her pussy covered in a large bush. Now fully naked, she got on her knees and crawled up to Damon and immediately began to fiddle with the zip on his pants.

She had never done anything like this. Alex wasn’t a virgin, she’d have boyfriends before but being this eager to have sex was not like her. Also, oral jobs were never something she enjoyed very much. She always feared choking on a load that got ejaculated into her throat unexpectedly.

As soon as she had the trousers open though, she used both hands to free the erection and before she knew it, she tasted the salty taste on her tongue. Using skills she didn’t know she had, she massaged his ball sack while using her other hand to twist and turn the cock when it came out of her mouth.
Damon sat back, enjoying the sensation as Alexndra seemed to work on her own excitement. It was in no way a bad blowjob, Damon noticed the young girl was trying her best to make her new owner enjoy what she was doing. Of course it wasn't top three either, used to training and abusing women for over 10 years... Damon was also used to getting exactly the blow and throat-job the way he wanted it.

There were however always these special moments. The first time comming into her eyes for example... or having her lose conciousness on his shaft... and her first time doing it on her own accord was one of those too!

So Damon sat back, grabbed himself another glass of Scotch as he watched Alexandra work her way up his cock like she worked her way off of the streets.
Completely intoxicated by the aphrodisiac, Alex used her skills, how little there was of it, to give Damon what he wanted. As she continued to work it, her own smell and filthy skin got less and less on her mind and eventually, when she felt her pussy drip with wetness, she gave one final jerk and suckle on the cock before she stood up.

She faced him, her skinny emaciated body clearly visible to him, and swung one leg over his hips. As she looked down at his cock, her hair fell in front of her face. Quickly she lowered herself until she felt the tip of his cock against her hairy slid and then used her hands to quickly swipe the hair out of her face.

Her breathing was louder than before and her humble chest fell up and down at her increased breathing and heart rate.

“Fuck my pussy… Fuck my filthy homeless pussy hard..”

She lowered herself onto his cock, groaned as he entered her and then leaned forwards onto his chest as she began to move her hips up and down, causing her breasts to bounce a little and her hair to fall down again.

“Oh fuck…. Yes… Deeper… harder!!”
Damon sat there, he'd been quiet for most of the exchange. Watching Alexandra go to work on his cock with her lips, trying to get her hand to cooperate with it... a skill much appreciated and which he'd make certain she perfected before the week was over...

When she however started to lift herself and make intention clear she wanted to fuck him, Damon rose just a bit in his chair and was about to stop the new toy before she already sank down onto his cock and he felt her still fresh and tight folds strangle his member... it... how could he stop such a cute girl in her attempt to make this all work? To stop her when her body desperatly craved release...

That gave him an idea. The inspiration he needed to push Alexandra off of his shaft and look her in the eyes. Not giving her that orgasm she so badly chased would only make her hornier! That'd ought to be fun.

With a fake dissapointed look in his eyes Damon shook his head at Alexandra. "Unbelievable. Here I am... doing all this for you, and all you're after is just to get fucked and cum yourself. So selfish, you can't even give me a proper blowjob. I'm dissapointed Alexandra. I really am...".
Alexandra looked at Damon confused, trying to figure out what was wrong.

“I… I’m sorry.. I didn’t…”

She quickly got on the floor again on her knees and took his cock deep into her mouth again and continued what she had been doing. Alex tasted herself for a second or two on his cock and only then realized how much she wanted him inside of her.

He had made it very clear though that her pleasure was not important right now and possibly ever. If she were to serve, her own needs and comforts were no longer important. What she did think though was that feeling her pussy clench around his cock would be more pleasant for him that her mouth and hands but that was another lesson she had learned. Damon preferred warm lips and her mouth over her other warm lips and the pussy.

So she went back to work on his cock with her hands and mouth, rubbing and massaging and kneading his balls, using skills she had never used or known she had.

The homeless girl worked his cock, hell bent on getting him to cum and feed her his warm seed deep down in her throat. When she began to giving signals that he was close, Alex closed her eyes and took his cock as deep as she could while kneading his balls.

The plan had been for him to cum down her throat and she would swallow it. The reality was different. He cummed down her throat, that was about as far as her plan worked out. She was unskilled and unprepared and immediately began to cough. His cock flopped out of her mouth, spraying her face with the remaining seed in his balls and Alex heaved and coughed violently, her hands and knees resting on the floor of the aircraft, desperately trying to get some air into her lungs instead of cum.
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