Mx Male monster boy harem/slaves! LF MASTER <3


Oct 15, 2020
No thoughts head empty (except for dick)

Hey and welcome to my opener. Im devilish, a multi para lit role player with a horny itch and a thesis to finish

I'm usually the one reaching out to other’s role play requests, but I have some specific plots i want to do that i will share with you today.

I'm a switch but have been feeling more like playing a bottom recently. I love playing characters who want to be dominant but get over powered, and absolute brats, but I’m open to more.


What I’m like as an RPer
  • Literate role player- i'm a bit rusty and looking to sharpen my skills up again. basically i can write well, and sometimes it sounds pretty, too
  • 2+ paragraphs
  • Inconsistent reply times (sorry, i am a thesis student, i’ll be replying at best multiple times a day and at worst once a week)
  • a crap ton of excitement and desire to world build/brainstorm with my partner!! I'm very chatty and friendly and I love to draw our characters.

What I require from you:
  • Literate RPer
  • 1+ paragraphs
  • OOC chat- seriously, I need this so badly, I want to be friends with my rp buddy, chat when I don’t have time to reply in a week, gush over characters, and get reassurance that my reply wasn’t trash!
  • Being absolutely perverted garbage like me
If you want to rp with me, please tell me a bit about yourself in a private message! F-list or list of kinks appreciated.


I see this being set in a D&D-esque universe, but it could easily be modernized with supernatural elements.
YC is wealthy- a king, warlord, or a businessman with fingers in the black market, up to you! Either way, he has one particular passion in life- collecting rare specimens from all corners of the globe. Demon princes, fallen angels, abominations sewn together in a lab… some of these monsters he collects to train, or merely contain and put on display. Others, he keeps with the intention of forcing them to submit to him sexually. The most prized possessions, whether they be rare or obedient, are rewarded and treated nearly as well as concubines. The others are punished by being forced to service the beastial monsters Master keeps in his dungeons.
MCs would be among the cast of collectables. From well trained, albeit disgraced members of elven royalty to near feral incubi, I would be juggling a parade of cute monster boys for you to ruin. Would also be happy if you wanted to help puppet the other members of the castle, whether they be main characters or side characters like staff/guards/monsters.
MONSTER FUCKING is optional, though desired! My own characters are pretty much just pretty boys with horns and tails, but I’m interested in fucking them with horrible monsters! I"M ALSO OPEN TO THIS PLOT BEING FURRY SOMEHOW??? ALSO I LOVE OMEGAVERSE/PREGNANCY???

I love the idea of a caste system within the monster slaves. They all wear collars, but the material signifies their status among the other slaves. Their behavior can be punished or rewarded by changing status.

GOLD COLLAR: The hardest to achieve. Rewarded by being both rare AND obedient. These slaves live as well as concubines with luxurious living quarters, delicious food, and accessibility to tutors and hobbies such as playing an instrument, painting, library privileges, and more. Typically they are exclusive to the Master, as they are too valuable to be handed out willy nilly.

SILVER COLLAR: are doing fairly well for themselves. They are allowed comfortable, shared living spaces with other silvers, are well fed and cared for, and have access to some of the free time and recreation awarded to golds. They are up for grabs at orgies held by Master, and shared among his trusted friends and rewarded to high ranking guards/etc.

BRONZE COLLAR: Awarded a life suitable for the typical maid or slave. They are sometimes expected to do work within the castle, and are up for grabs to any of the other staff whether it be guards or the grounds gardner. They are typically desperate to please the Master and get up in ranking as their days are exhausting and physically punishing.

BLACK COLLAR: reserved for the most stubborn and disobedient slaves, this collar is more rare of a sight than Gold- partially because they are nearly always in the dungeons of the ground. Black collars are used on slaves whose sole purpose and punishment is to satisfy the more feral monsters kept in the dungeon, who often go into heat and need a warm body to fuck relentlessly until their rut is over. Black collars are put on slaves who have offended the Master so greately he doesn’t mind if they are broken, regardless of how valuable they might be.

IRON COLLAR- iron is used on the bestial monsters who are kept in the dungeon- orcs, nightmare stalkers, even dragons. Their collars are meant for containment purposes less than signifying status, because they have no chance of ever leaving their cages.
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