Mx Female Any Interest for an Isekai RP?

Sam of the North

Aug 12, 2020
Hello all! My name's Sam, and as the title of this post suggests, I'm looking for someone who might be interested in doing an RP based off of the rather popular Isekai genre. For those who aren't aware, "Isekai" is a term used in anime and manga which typically features the main character being transported to another world, the word quite literally meaning "another world." I've done a bit of developing myself for a world we could use, or we can instead craft one together if that's more your speed! If you'd like to hear what I've got written up, I have a google doc that does a basic rundown on the kingdoms, the villain, some potential characters you can play as if you don't want to make your own, and also a very rudimentary magic system! So essentially what I'm hoping for is an RP that, while there is potential for smut, is primarily about the journey--the adventure itself, the action, the drive to succeed in our quest, and... a bit of romance? I'd love to see this have romance in it.

Anyway, the gist of the story is as follows:
MC is a human from our world who is one day transported to a strange kingdom ruled by elves, which sits at the center of a coalition of other nations in resistance to an enormous empire ruled by an ancient and immensely powerful lich king. The empire has been spreading slowly but surely across the continent over the period of about two years, leaving destruction in its wake and the resulting dead being reawakened as undead soldiers to swell the seemingly endless ranks. As the "Chosen One" summoned from another world, it is MC's duty to seek out seven mystical artifacts which were used by the ancient Chosen One who initially sealed the lich king away, this time in order to hopefully find some way to defeat or destroy the foe permanently, within a span of about six months.

Where YC fits into the story--as my character is a rather normal human from our world, he's not exactly the most impressive when it comes to combat, and would no doubt be hopelessly lost if left to his own devices in this world. Thus, YC is chosen, or perhaps volunteers, as a companion to MC, potentially possessing such talents as magic, weaponry, or some other useful skill. It is then their duty to accompany him on his quest, fight along side him and assist him in his attempts to save this foreign world. Along the way, though, is it possible that a spark of romance may bloom between the two? With the fate of the world shared between them, will they be able to accomplish their goals, or crack under the pressure?

Now, a little about me:

- As mentioned before, my name is Sam. I'm 23 years old, currently in college and also working full time. I may not be able to rp every day, but I try to guarantee at least one response a week, if not more. My job is usually pretty lenient about letting me screw around on my phone, so if all else fails I can usually try and knock a shorter message out over the phone.
- I like to consider myself as literate, but usually keep myself more or less on par with my partner in terms of how many lines/paragraphs I put out. I never do one-liners, unless a scene calls for it. I am capable of both first and third person, though I have a tendency to lean towards first.
- I have been RPing for about 10 years now. I like to tell myself that I've gotten better at it.
- Fantasy is one of my favorite genres to write about, and even though I'm not a huge anime fan, I've come to really enjoy the Isekai subgenre.

What I'm looking for in a partner:

- Someone else who also really loves fantasy, and enjoys being creative and doing things such as worldbuilding.
- Someone willing to work with my schedule. As I mentioned earlier, I'm currently in college, partially online, partially in school, and I work full time. I don't always have time to rp every single day, but if I do, I will respond at every chance I get. I will respect your schedule, so I would appreciate some understanding for mine.
- Preferably no one-liners, unless the scene calls for it. More or less self-explanatory. I'd like someone who can do a few lines, keep up the story, add in different things, etc.
- I have Discord, but can also do Kik, or here, and though I'm not really familiar with how RPing on Google Docs works, I can give it a try at least!

Well... I think that might be all! I hope to hear from you if you're interested, and I'll gladly answer any questions that you might have!
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