Mx Male Heaven Official's Blessing/TGCF RP


A Cute Peach
Oct 18, 2018
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Hi everyone! As you read in the title, I'm looking for something kind of specific. I don't know if I'll have any luck, but I thought I'd give it a try because you never know.
So I recently watched a Chinese anime called Heaven Official's Blessing and I fell in love with it. I have a HUGE muse for Xie Lian and I'm dying to play him against a San Lang/Hua Cheng. I'm honestly looking for almost anything with them. We could do canon verse or we could do something AU, I just love this couple sooo much and I'm dying to rp them. So, if you also like Heaven Official's Blessing and have the muse for Hua Cheng, please PM me! I'll be forever grateful if someone is willing to scratch this itch for me.

~A Little About Me~
  • I've been rping on an off for about 15+ years.
  • I'm 32 years old and female.
  • I write in third person, past tense.
  • I write anywhere from one paragraph up to like five paragraphs depending on my inspiration.
  • I'm not picky when it comes to rp length as long as I have something to work with on your part.
  • I'll rp over PMs but I greatly prefer Discord.
  • I love talking OOC with my partners, so please feel free to talk with me <3
  • I play a lot of video games too, so if we click as partners and become good friends, that's one way we can hang out if you like!
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