The Bosses Whore! (Jack Stalker and Devious Intent)

Dec 26, 2011

If Natalie Porter's mother or sister would have seen her, they likely would have called her a whore. A slut. A wretched twenty something young strumpet, using her filthy cunt to get what she wanted. They were idiots, which was why her mother was still working in some factory and her sister waited tables.

As far as she was concerned, she considered the way she was dressed to be classy and sexy. It was simple, reliable, tested and effective. A tight fitting black dress with white trim at the top of it. The hem rode up to mid thigh when she sat down, but looked oh so very respectable when walking around. Five inch killer heels, with narrow spikes which adorned the open toe and single ankle strap design, completed her outfit... apart from the accessories of course. Silver stud earrings, a silver bracelet on her left hand and a simple minuscule silver cross on a chain dangling about her neck. She liked the feel of it as it swayed and laid against her chest. She didn't like rings, so left those off.

She wanted the promotion. Bad. She'd heard the boss was pretty forward with offering promotions, rises, shifts to different roles, in exchange for private meetings. It was an opportunity she wasn't going to pass up.. plus, if she played her cards right, then she would be able to 'cash in' twenty years from now by playing a victim card and saying she was coerced... maybe even start a 'hashtag me too two' movement. Hell, if he tried to double cross her she wouldn't even need to wait. She chuckled to herself, being coerced? Far from it. The boss was good looking, not some fat bastard who couldn't get a woman. He was clearly oversexed, with the rumours being that he plucked girls from the employee pool to promote in exchange for sex... or maybe he was just lazy or needed a change from whoever he was fucking at home.

Hell, she hadn't bothered to check if he was even married. Whether he had kids. Perhaps she reminded him of his wife when she was younger, or perhaps she was the spitting image of his daughter, one he wanted to fuck, but sought a surrogate to satisfy his incestuous urges? None of it mattered to Natalie, outside of the promotion. Whether he was a single playboy opportunist or someone whose marriage was about to be wrecked, who cared? She didn't. She was just hungry for some no strings sex and a promotion she didn't want to wait five years for. She didn't care what she had to call him, sir, daddy, master, slave, she just wanted that promotion.

And maybe some of that experienced cock as well? She hoped she hadn't overdone her look, otherwise he wouldn't last three minutes.

Girl power? All the sensible girls knew all their power was between their legs. If you were hot and you fucked the right man, you could get everything you ever wanted. Why take the hard road and work for it, when you could fuck your way to the top?

She finished her make up. The lipstick said 'fuck me', her heels said 'rape me', her dress said 'ruin me' and even the scent she'd dabbed between her ears and across her panties told a man that she wanted to be fucked. Now she sat on the edge of the window sill, waiting, playing with her heel and trying not to bite her long red nails. The hotel room was expensive, discrete, but he was paying so who really cared. The rest of the room held a living area, a bathroom, a kitchenette... she wondered if he'd restrict himself to the bed? Take her on the living room carpet, bend her over the kitchen counter, screw her in the shower or simply shove her against the hallway wall and fuck her right there. She squirmed a little as each fantasy played out in her head, her panties soaking up some of her excitement. She'd considered not wearing any, she wasn't wearing a bra after all... which was obvious from her bullet hard nipples poking at her dress. The white ban about the top barely enough to conceal her pert perky tits as she crossed her legs, towing with the strap on her heel.

No. She'd worn panties because it had been ages since anyone had torn a pair off her, and she wanted to see whether he was going to be a rough bastard, desperate and eager to fuck, or someone taking it slow. She noticed his car pull in to the car park below, next to her small Volkswagen beetle. She hopped up, rushing into the bathroom again, checking her appearance. P.A. That was what she wanted. P.A would a stepping stone to anything else she wanted after a few weeks, months at most.

Natalie heard the knock at the door. She'd locked it of course. Checking her teeth and making sure no lipstick was on them one last time, she turned and took a slow saunter to the door. She paused, hand on the handle, glancing back into the room. Her bag was there, with the items in it, ready to be used or ignored as the mood dictated. She looked back at the handle, there was no going back after it was turned. "Fuck it." she muttered under her breath, turning the handle and putting on a smile. She didn't say anything, just looked him over and stepped back to allow him through... they both knew why they were there. "Mr Wellton. Would you like a drink... or do you want to get straight down to some aggressive negotiations?" she smirked a little.
Dave Wellton was the name, and fucking women to grand their wishes was the game. Dave was a middle-aged CEO running a billion dollar company. One could think life at the top required constant attention, threading carefully and to be focussed on his work 24/7. And while there may be some thruth to that lifestyle, taking the position of CEO for a few years had cleared a few things up for him as well. Men in his position ruled the world. Not governments, not social norm... rich, powerful bastards sat atop the throne.

He'd taken his role aa a god and ran with it. At first it had been all about power. Rewarding the women he fucked had been to keep them quiet. But as time passed, Dave realised no one would ever keep quiet. So he changed the game. It had been about fun... dedication.

If a woman wanted something, they, much better than men, targeted in on that goal and were often able to preform outstandingly. That had been the challenge. Finding the right women, motivating them to the right level, and have them preform better than they'd ever done before. Not the first time he convinced an employee into giving up her anal virginity to him, which in itself was a fun game he played on the sides.

Today was all about Natalie however. The woman who'd gone out of her way to set this 'meeting' up herself. Dave appreciated a forward attitude and putting in effort beyond anything else. Natalie already was a step ahead of other horny bitches who wanted the position and were waiting to get fucked for it. However, the position was still a popular one to obtain.

Making his way into the room, Dave's senses picked up the scent of both artifical parfume and natural excitement. Was it nerves... or arousal? Time would tell. As he walked in, Dave nodded to Natalie and extended his hand in formal greeting before starting to take off his coat revealing the expensive suit underneath. "Thank you Miss Porter, I'll accept a drink to toast to our meeting. Whiskey or cognac, whichever the bar offers." Dave said confidently and eager to watch Natalie's behind aa she'd turn to walk away. "Shall we toast to say... satisfactory... results?"
Natalie smiled at the formal handshake, taking his hand with a slow handshake, her dainty fingers wrapping about his and teasing at his wrist, before she moved to take his coat and hang it on a hook close to the door. She grinned as he asked for his drink, choosing to grab one of the bottles from the mini bar. Natalie knew his eyes would be on her as she walked across the carpet in heels that would have broken a lesser girls ankles, bending over slowly and throwing a glance over her shoulder as she grabbed a couple of bottles. "Ice or straight up?" she quipped, moving to grab a couple of glasses to go with them. He looked good and he sounded in a great mood, which of course was only to be expected he was going to get to fuck her, after all. She made one of each and would simply take the one he didn't want, she wasn't bothered and she certainly wasn't in need of any alcohol based boost to her courage. She wanted this, craved the promotion, the money, the power and all of it without having to waste a life in hope.

She moved back to him and offered him the glass he wanted, then smiled at his proposed toast. "Hmmmm... that's not very realistic." she mused, "I don't like satisfactory results, I go for a level of excellence above and beyond that.... also..." she grinned widely, a sparkle in her eyes as she turned around and walked over to the table where she had placed her bag. She upended it, emptying a cascade of items from it onto the table as she took a sip of the whiskey. The harsh liquid burning her throat on the way down, but only adding to the fire in her belly.

The items were a smorgasbord of sin and depravity. Butterfly vibrators with remotes, dildos, strap ons, a whip a paddles, some handcuffs, feathers, blindfolds, straps, rope, a magic wand, electric spark wand, lube, cock rings, studded collar, leash, nipple clamps, butt plugs, and several other sex toys tumbled into view, some of them over spilling to land on the floor. She didn't bother looking at them, after all she had spent a long time selecting everything she could think of so she knew what was there. Instead she looked at Dave, Mr Wellton, with a serene smile and a tease of her tongue against her upper row of teeth.

"No... satisfactory is a word which implies failure to me. I don't want to be 'satisfactory', I want to be 'fucking amazing'... just like I expect you to be." she enunciated the word 'fucking' with relish, moving away from the pile of sin that she had pilled from her bag, to breeze past the doors to the other areas in the expensive luxury hotel room. She wondered if he was familiar with it, or whether it was a first for him in this particular room. Not knowing the contents of the mini bar suggested the latter. "I want to be sensational in the living room area." she stroked her fingers along the wall, brushing them beneath a painting of some semi naked woman, strewn across a log in some woodland setting, looking as though she were inviting rape from the beasts of the woods. "Spectacular in the shower." she wandered past the bathroom door, fingers teasing against a small statue of a horned devil blowing a pipe which was on a stand there for some reason. Hotel décor escaped her. "Hot in the kitchette." she drew her fingers along the island counter, "Incredible in the bedroom." she paused, leaning against the door frame, raising one knee, placing her heel flat against the wall behind her. "Or unmatched... against the wall in the hall, the floor by the door, the window by the, um, balcony?" she grinned.

"Let's be honest, we don't want 'results' here, we want orgasms. You don't want someone who thinks one fuck is sufficient, satisfactory, to ensure the position of P.A for her. You surely want someone forward thinking who wants to excel in the role and have you not simply satisfied, but craving more, looking forward to the flight in the company jet, the conference away, the late night brainstorming session... because their P.A is always wet for them, soaking, horny, reading to fuck... desperate to ensure that she doesn't fall out of favour, keen to make sure that thoughts of being replaced never enter your head." she raised her drink and walked slowly over towards him, never breaking eye contact, until she was close enough to slide one hand onto his tie, stroking her fingers up its length, and to clink their glasses together. "To sensational orgasms." she gave a soft chuckle, "So, Mr Wellton, where would you like to begin our, um... meeting?" she glanced about behind her, then turned back to him. "Tell me where and how you want me."
Dave's eyes followed Natalie's body every step of the way. "No ice, thank you. Needless to say, it serves to remember the way I like my drinks." Dave commented before the woman started to prance around. Somehow he felt like watching his prey as she moved through the room, Natalie, much more than any woman before her understood the game. And she'd come prepared!

Dave's eyes only briefly glanced over the objects on the table. A laugh escaped his mouth as he watched the strap-on roll around. She'd certainly come prepared for anything. But he didn't play that way. Though he appreciated being prepared for a scenario in which he was more submissive. Hell, he'd let her have her own fun if she liked being on top every once in a while. But unless she brought in another woman, the strap-on would remain unused.

When he wanted to open his mouth to speak, Dave waited his turn as he enjoyed Natalie giving him a basic rundown of the room. Gosh, he could watch her all day! But that wasn't the play either of them wanted. Judging from her words, her sultry voice and subtle body signs... Natalie wasn't here JUST for the promotion. Or at least he thought.

Finishing his drink, Dave held the glass out to Natalie. A silent request for a refill, surely she'd not need to be asked politely right? If so, she'd poked the bear the wrong way. Nodding to the collection of toys, Dave couldn't hold back a little laugh and comment. "I do hope there's a gag in there Miss Porter, while I do love your enthusiasm and devilish tongue... a woman, and especially P.A. should know when to let her hands do the talking." Dave joked, swatting Natalie's behind with his full hand. Once again hoping tk watch her walk over to the bar, this time going over to the table as he inspected her toys a little better. "Quite the collection Miss Porter. Can I ask, are you familiar with bondage and restraints? If I'm not mistaken most hotelrooms do allow for some rope to be attached to the bed or ceiling, at least in my experience. I bet you'd look amazing as a rope bunny."

Turning around Dave looked at Natalie again and shook his head. "Where are my manners? I forgot to tell you how amazing you look Miss Porter. Definitly charming and well prepared. Do excuse me asking, have you brought another set of clothes? I'm afraid these won't survive long..." Dave said biting his bottem lip as he started to undo his tie while looking at the blonde vixen.
Natalie raised an eyebrow at the drinks comment, still smiling she gave a nod. However she was pretty sure that he'd pretty much forgive her for forgetting about a drinks combo by the time she was done fucking him. At least he found the items on the table somewhat amusing, she didn't know if he was the sort to use accessories during 'fun time'. He killed his drink fast and she nodded as he stuck out his glass, grabbing then emptying another of the small mini bar bottles into it then discarding it to a side table.

She looked a little surprised by his 'gag' comment, failing to completely suppress a reaction in her eyes. She recovered quickly though. "Oh, I don't know Mr Wellton... I like to talk and it's something a P.A is going to be doing a lot of. I suppose it just requires me to find a subject to talk about that interests both of us." she shrugged. Maybe he would loosen up with some more alcohol? She eyeballed the bottles and kept an eye on his drink, he was obviously in need of some more in her opinion.

Natalie openly laughed as he joked about the items and hanging her from the ceiling. "You're a funny guy Mr Wellton, I love your sense of humour." she chuckled. "If you do need someone to dangle from the ceiling, spit on or generally use as a punch bag, if those were your area's of interest, then I'm sure I could find someone dedicated to being abused. Personally I'm only interested in actual sex... or things which are at least deemed to be mutually erotic." she explained. She hoped he wasn't one of those freaks who was unable to get an erection and instead just wanted to inflict pain and humiliation on their supposed 'fuck doll'. It would be a real shame, as he looked so handsome.

She grinned as he spoke about her dress. "Well, I don't think you have the strength to tear my dress apart, it would be faster simply to take it off... and the only underwear I'm wearing are my panties." she shrugged, letting go of his tie as he started to take it off. She stepped back, easing down onto the couch and crossing one knee over the other, watching as he began to strip off his tie. "Are you going to put on a show for me?" she asked. "Would you like me to get a pole in here? Or did you bring your own?" she smirked, letting her gaze stroke down from his chest to his groin as she took a sip of her drink.
Dave shook his head, they'd not gotten off to a flying start. But he blamed neither Natalie or himself. After all, one could never be certain what sorta sexual creature the other was without asking. In such a sudden and brief meeting... but he'd learned a few things about the aspiring P.A. as was.

"Miss Porter, I do not hope you mistake me for some sadistic bastard..." Dave said making quick work of his second drink as well, walking over to the table and placing it down. After doing so, Dave sought out position behind the couch and Natalie. "While I have every intention on using your body all night long, it'd be a shame to put as much as a blemish on it." Dave spoke quietly as he leaned forward, his hands rubbing over Natalie's shoulders as his warm breath lingered on her cheek for a moment before he pressed a kiss onto it. "You're such a beautiful woman miss Porter..." Dave said once again pressing a kiss on Natalie's cheek. Lingering this time, slowly making his way back her face until he could tease her neck. "And I'm going to make you mine... all... night...long..." Dave groaned as his hands massaged the woman's shoulders.

"But don't underestimate me darling, while I may not tear your dress clean off... I'd be a shame to ruin it with a deep gash..." One hand slowly slipped between the top of the dress and Natalie's skin.

Looking out of the window in front of them, Dave didn't enjoy the beautiful view... but admired the slight reflection of Natalie's face in the glass. "Luxurious fabric Miss Porter. You do seem to appreciate finer dresses." Dave commented as his hand slid down over the curve of Natalie's breast. Softly his hand grobed the delicate breasts. His fingers squuezing and rubbing the round shape while his palm stimulated her nipple. "I'd love to go outfit shopping with you if you were to take the position. Fly to Paris, dinner by the Seine..." Dave commented as his second hand touched Natalie's hair and neck still. His hand slightly tipping her head back leaning it against the couch as he brought his own lips to hers.
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