
It is well known that any men of good heart should fear nights of thunderstorms. But Thomas Blackheart was not a man of good heart, or if he was, he did not know fear. The rain crashed against his goggles, digging into the unprotected areas of his skin like tiny crystal daggers, clinging into his beard and pushing back his long hair as he dashed through clouds on his broom. He was not in a rush, but taking it easy was just not his style. Life without risk was no fun, and he had always lived by that principle. Of course, Ellie would not have approved of him riding on a thunder storm, much less at that speed, but there were things that he would just do anyway.
Thinking of Ellie drew a smile on his face, at least for a second. She was the light that always guided him in the night, keeping him safe from the dark magic and its temptations. She was always there for him to strive to be better, to be the man who she needed him to be, and after all these years, he knew that he had got to this point because of her. Indeed, he felt lucky, almost as if he did not deserve her. Perhaps one day he would ask her to marry him, but not that day, not during a storm.
The barrier of their house was not visible to either magic or muggle eyes, but he knew well to avoid it. Too many crashes against the protections in the past had taught him well. He took out his wand, a beautiful black oak with dragon tooth centre, and waved it to open a small hole in the middle of nowhere. He dashed through it and closed it again, this time able to see past the illusion. Rain was bouncing against the protections, just to make sure that this storm in particular would not destroy the more fragile elements of their estate. In particular, the greenhouse would have been in danger of shattering under such wind.
From the air, the view of home was even more heartwarming. Their house stood at the centre, with its four floors and its astronomy tower, nowhere near as tall as Hogwarts but still, decent enough for divination on a clear night. To the East was the garden, where all kinds of plants and trees from around the magical world had been growing for years. Next to it, the fragile greenhouse, with even more exotic and valuable species of vegetables, some of which were crucial ingredients for their potions. On the opposite side of the house, there was a little wooden cottage which they called the farm. Now, a magical farm was never easy to keep, so it was actually a fake space, a hundred times larger inside than outside. They kept several species of birds, beasts of different kinds and for a couple of years they had even bred a dragon until it was fully grown. Ellie was the one in charge of all of these things, and it made her happy, so it made Thomas happy.
He landed next to the entrance, levitating the broom onto its holder, so the water could drip off the wood. It was tattered and significantly eroded, but it still did its job. He tried drying himself quickly, but the proper spell took too much time and control, and he was tired so he simply made sure he would not make a mess when he walked in. The door creaked and slammed itself shut behind him as the irregular footsteps of his pace announced his presence in the main hall.
"Ellie, I'm home!" She obviously knew it, but he liked announcing it loudly. After almost two weeks away, it felt good to finally relax in the only place where he knew he could be safe. "I don't know what that's smell is but I bet dinner is delicious!"
Under normal circumstances he would have run to greet her, but the truth was that he could barely walk properly. He sat down on a stool and took off his right boot, since the foot had been paining him for a while. With the rainwater, a few drops of blood also hit the wooden floor. He winced with pain, but refrained from making any sounds which could scare Ellie. It was just a wound, nothing serious. He did not even know what had caused it, some rogue wizard had been coming up with new magic devices outside of the ministry's control and they had been sent to shut him down. It had turned out that the guy was a paranoid and had prepared in advance several traps and spells to guard himself and the arrest had not been easy. Fighting was never fun for any side, but fortunately there had been no casualties.
"I'll be there in a second, sorry babe," he said, as he quickly cast a spell on his upper ankle to stop it from bleeding. The sizzling of the wound as it closed into a temporary scar hurt like hell, but he did not make a single sound.
He could have asked for help from her, but that was just not who he was. Even with Ellie, he always had the feeling of responsibility, of needing to help others, having to be the one who served and not the other way round. Perhaps because her family had been the wealthy one, the idea that he was eternally indebted to her was constantly in the back of his mind. It was not a topic which he wished to discuss, nor bring to his mind, but in that precise moment he could not avoid it. And his foot hurt like hell, too much to put a boot back on. He waited, staring at it, wondering why on Earth he could not remember what had caused that wound.