Mx Female Let me hear your desires - Smut? Yes. Story? Also yes. Why not both? ~{Pictures provided}~

Smut, story or both? What tickles your fancy?

  • Smut

  • Story

  • Both

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Booty enjoyer
Mar 18, 2013
Right behind you.
Hello there, you.
Are you looking for something?
Why, so am I.
Let us help one another, yes?

Let me hear your darkest, dirtiest fantasies...

Welcome, welcome.

I am going to try to keep this as brief as possible, mainly to not waste your time.
After all, the sooner you message me, the sooner we can get down to whatever naughty ideas we have, right?

Righty. Before we get down to things, here are some basic things about me that you may or may not want to know.
  • I'm a switch, and as such I tend to play switches a lot.​
  • I will exclusively play on this site. Threads or PM's, doesn't matter. I have tried playing on discord before.... just doesn't work for me. Can do OOC chatter on discord, though.​
  • I try to focus on driving the action forward, even if that sometimes is at the cost of post length.​
  • My post length varies greatly, but I am confident I can provide well above 200 words per post 99% of the time. Give me more to work with, and I can push it to 1000.
  • I write exclusively in 3rd person, past tense. Unless it's OOC banter/flirting, of course.
  • I enjoy RP-ing as much as I enjoy random chatter, memes and flirting.
  • I have work, and as such can not be here 24/7.​
  • I am a carpenter by profession.​
  • I like sweets. A lot.​
  • I really, really do not care what gender you are behind the screen, I only care what you play.​

Aaand here's what I will be expecting of you. Besides the obvious of trying to be a decent person.
  • I want you to talk to me. What do you want? I wont know if you wont tell me.​
  • I want you to at least semi-consistently give me AT LEAST 150 - 200 words per post to work with. With that, I will be happy.​
  • I don't expect you to be online 24/7 since I can't be either, but if we have a rp going and you know you are going to be unavailable for over a week, I would appreciate if you told me.​
  • I expect you to not give one line posts and call it good. Just don't.​

Next I am going to list some things that I either do or do not enjoy.
If something is not listed, then I either forgot to mention it or I simply don't mind it. That being said, I am generally accepting of most things - noted exceptions withstanding, as listed bellow.
Do note that the lists can/will evolve and change with time. We don't always stay the same forever, after all.
I can/will make a f-list page if requested enough.

Here are things I generally do enjoy a lot, in no particular order. Current cravings are marked with **
  • Thick/curvy bodies
  • ** Boob/butt smothering **
  • ** Face sitting **
  • Groping
  • Spanking (giving)
  • Breast worship
  • Ass worship (giving)
  • Anal (giving)
  • Cock/balls worship (receiving)
  • Oral (giving and receiving)
  • ** Face fucking **
  • ** Body modification / transformation **
  • Size difference (both ways)
  • Breeding
  • Excessive cum
  • ** Cumflation **
  • Pregnancy (or risk of)
  • ** Sci-fi/futuristic themes **
  • ** Exploration / Adventure **
  • ** Mechs **
  • Action and combat scenes
  • Non-human races (elves, goblins, demons ect.)
  • Monsters
  • Tentacles
  • ** Monster girls!! ** Holy shit please ffs
  • "Person vs wilderness"
  • Ownership (both ways)
  • Corruption (mental and/or physical)
  • Fantasy, magic and the like
  • "Tech meets magic"

Aaand then there are the things that I really do not like at all. The absolute no-no's, These are not negotiable; if you see it here, don't bother asking.
  • Real life face claims (real pics for reference/context are fine though)​
  • Underage characters​
  • Scat, vomit or piss play​
  • Guro​
  • Public humiliation / degradation​
  • Excessive torture​
  • Foot worship​
  • Cheating / NTR​

Now that all that's taken care of, time to get to the meat and potatoes of this thing - Starters and Cravings.
These are just some ideas I had that we can quickly work on, but they are by no means the only things I'm interested in.
Something you are looking for is not here? Ask. Want to edit, mix and match these? Ask!
You will find that once we come to an agreement I am quite willing to do a lot of things with you. And to you...

That said, the ones that I'm currently craving are marked with yellow ** symbols. Can't miss them.
  • ** Stranded on a foreign world - You vs the planet ** (Can be pure smut, pure story or both)
Your character is a brave explorer, charting the vast corners of space in search of all that the galaxy has to offer. She notices that the fuel supply on her ship is running low, so she makes a quick scan on a nearby planet to determine whether or not the atmosphere is breathable. As it turns out, the air is breathable so she makes a quick refueling stop on the planet and then be on her way... or at least she would be if the ships engines didn't decide to fail during the landing process. Now she is stuck on an alien planet, alone, with only the tools she brought with her to the ship.
What will happen to her? Will she get help? Or will she succumb to the whims and laws of this foreign world?

  • ** Short, Green and misunderstood - A goblin's tale ** (Can be pure smut, pure story or both)
It's not easy being green, everyone knows that. Even more so when everyone around you are decidedly not green and at least twice your height, if not more. Not to mention - most of them think you are some sort of monster. Well, you are gonna prove them wrong! You are gonna show them just how 'civilized' you can be!
For this one, either you or me can play the goblin.

  • Wrong place, wrong time, wrong world - A mage lost in the concrete jungle (Can be pure smut, pure story or both)
The ways and rituals or time travel are difficult to master; even such a simple task of slowing the flow of time for a few moments requires immense focus and concentration from the caster. Without the proper utterances at precise intervals, the process can fail spectacularly - which is exactly what has happened here, and now this novice mage is paying for it dearly. How long will they be able to live in the mean streets of [insert_preferred_city_here] without drawing too much attention? What will happen to them? Only time will tell. Ironic...
Either one of us can play the mage.

  • The widow next door - A steamy elevator ride (Pure smut)
He had recently moved into his new home in a multi-storied house, but due to work hasn't had the time to get to meet his neighbors properly yet. The landlord had mentioned who his immediate next door neighbors are, and despite seeing them in passing he had not sat down to talk with them yet.
One of the neighbors is a widow of 3 years, her husband having passed in a car accident. DUI. Since then, she understandably has not exactly had much activity in the bedroom, and its starting to take its toll on her psyche. One fateful evening, both she and the new guy end up in the same elevator together. Her body is hot, both figuratively and literally as her neglected womanhood is begging for attention... What do you think happens when two single, healthy adults are in such a close proximity?

  • Sheltered royalty, married to a commoner - Clueless of the world (Can be pure smut, pure story or both)
It was an imperial plot, to rid the old King of his heir by effectively selling the sheltered, clueless heir away to a neighboring kingdom and arranging them to be married to some peasant and thus effectively rooting them there. With no access to their previous luxuries that the would-be heir as grown used to such as personal servants, fresh bed sheets daily and not needing to clean up their own messes, how will they manage being thrust upon the grimy, hungry life of a mere commoner?
Either one of us can be the prince/princess.

  • ** The breeding stud - Threat of extinction ** (Pure smut, with a side of story)
The year is 3063, and humanity is facing a new sort of crisis. In the last 50 years, 98.75% of all children that have been born are females, with the remaining 1.25% being male. This figure is not great, and at the current rate it will exceed the 99% mark very soon. Needless to say, with the male population on the verge of being snuffed out and with no way to artificially fertilize women, this is a massive problem. A problem so serious, that all efforts have been directed towards both #1 the research of a potential cure for this massive birth defect and #2 the protection and preservation of the remaining male population, as well as a breeding program that legally binds the remaining men to fertilize as many women as ever possible. Some women are naturally all too eager to simply spread their legs, but others might even form gangs and effectively whore out what few men they can get their hands on. Let's find out what happens to one particular man in such a society....

  • ** A mate to a monster - Hunting gone wrong ** (Starts as smut, can turn into story)
A particular creature has been terrorizing the remote countryside. A group of would-be monster hunters has been tasked with taking the beast down, with the promise of 10.000 gold coins and as much beer they can drink for a week. Confident as ever, this merry band set off to their adventure. Little did they know, this creature is not your every-day beast, and all too late do the would-be hunters find themselves far in over their heads as the hunt doesn't exactly go as planned...
Either one of us can be the monster.

  • ** Sticky love - Alchemy at its best ** (Pure smut)
Did you know? Slimes make for very convenient pets. They don't make too much noise, they are not picky eaters, and they can even clean your home by absorbing all the dirt and grime off the floor and tables for nourishment! What the alchemy books don't tell you though is that they are also very voracious - they will devour and absorb anything they can fit inside their bodies. That suckling, kissy feeling you get on your finger when you poke one? That's the slime trying to figure out if it can eat you. Not exactly romantic, is it? But not to worry, this behavior is mostly relevant in "wild" slimes, specifically ones without a core. The core resembles a radiant gem, with its size increasing along with the slime as it ages and gains more mass. As it grows, it also matures - both in terms of age and mental capacity, allowing them to eventually reach the intellectual capacity of a young human. So, knowing all this, our little alchemist had fallen asleep in the middle of their experiments again, but their pet slime has been a bit too eager with the cleaning process. In a matter of hours, devours and absorbs all manner of chemicals and magical reagents... and when it is done, it knows only one way to repay its master for taking care of it so well all this time.
Either one of us can be the slime.

Look here, there's some pictures too! These can be used for reference material, both for characters we can use as well as scenes, and generally give you an idea of what I enjoy.
Almost all of the links will be NSFW so mind where you click them.

More stuff to be added later....
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