Mx Female Acolyte's Purely NSFW Ideas Thread


Jun 12, 2021
Hello! Welcome to my request page, it's full of... requests! For roleplays! In this case, the sex-forward, fetish-and-fantasy-satisfying sexy kind. If you're looking for something more romantic, I have a thread for that too [it's right here, in fact!]

For an idea of my kinks and preferences, I have an F-List in my signature. If it's not listed in the "not into it" column, but you don't see it anywhere else, just ask me! Even if it's not my thing, I promise not to be a jerk about it.

***what I'm looking for in an RP partner***

-A sense of humor.
Maybe it's odd that this is #1 on the list, but I actually really like it when my partner can let some of their personality and playfulness show through, either IC or OOC chat. I'm not exactly looking for a comedy or slapstick RP, but for a partner who takes the act of roleplaying seriously, but doesn't really take herself seriously. Or me, for that matter!
-Some flexibility in schedule. I work a full-time job, and while I can hopefully get in at least one post a day, I can't promise that I'll always be able to reply as soon as I get one from my partner. Which, I know, sucks. I promise, though, that when you get a post from me, it'll be worth the wait.
-A few paragraphs per post. Not every post needs to be an in-depth examination of your character's emotions and actions, certainly. Personally, I always end up writing about 500 words or more in an RP post, so I just like to see that reciprocated.
-A desire for adventure. Whatever RP we end up doing together, I'd like it to have some twists and turns, some unfolding story, some character development. Romance is first and foremost, but I guess for me romance really lives and breaths in the way the characters change, and change one another, because of the relationship. Even if the adventure doesn't involve literal swords and magic and high drama, let's go on a journey together and see where it takes us!
-Posts via PM here. Discord is an awesome tool for RPs, but because I can't be on as often as I would otherwise like, PMs are just a better fit for me. Plus, I just like the vibe better.

***currently seeking***

Welcome to Monster Island

Maybe you came to this island as a researcher, an artist, or a tourist. Maybe your plane crashed, or your boat ran aground. Maybe your spaceship landed at the super wrong coordinates for this alien planet. However you got here, here's the problem: this tropical island is absolutely infested with monsters. Sentient plants whose roots spread through the island's soil, giant serpents or dragons with the power to charm or hypnotize their guests, shadowy beings that only come out at night to seek the warmth and breath of the living. And oooh yes... they all seem to have a use in mind for a poor, lost human girl. The question you have to ask yourself is, how will you ever escape from Monster Island. Unless the real question is... once you're here for long enough, will you even want to?

Full disclosure: this one is really for noncon/dubcon. Pheromones, hypnosis, promises made (and broken) in exchange for sex, all employed by nonhuman creatures who want to use you for your body. Bad ends here are negotiable, but I want to say up front, I'm not gonna just kill your character. Transformation, sure. Eventually making her love being used by all these strange beings for whatever they're into? Great. But outright death isn't what I'm after, and I promise I won't force that on you.
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