Mx Female [Closed Temporarily] Acolyte's Cute Romantic Ideas


Jun 12, 2021
Hello! Welcome to my request page, it's full of... requests! For roleplays! In this case, the sappy, romantic, slow-burn, emotional roleplays. If you're looking for something harder and more sex-focused, I have a thread for that too [it's right here, in fact!]

For an idea of my kinks and preferences, I have an F-List in my signature. If it's not listed in the "not into it" column, but you don't see it anywhere else, just ask me! Even if it's not my thing, I promise not to be a jerk about it.

***what I'm looking for in an RP partner***

-A sense of humor.
Maybe it's odd that this is #1 on the list, but I actually really like it when my partner can let some of their personality and playfulness show through, either IC or OOC chat. I'm not exactly looking for a comedy or slapstick RP, but for a partner who takes the act of roleplaying seriously, but doesn't really take herself seriously. Or me, for that matter!
-Some flexibility in schedule. I work a full-time job, and while I can hopefully get in at least one post a day, I can't promise that I'll always be able to reply as soon as I get one from my partner. Which, I know, sucks. I promise, though, that when you get a post from me, it'll be worth the wait.
-A few paragraphs per post. Not every post needs to be an in-depth examination of your character's emotions and actions, certainly. Personally, I always end up writing about 500 words or more in an RP post, so I just like to see that reciprocated.
-A desire for adventure. Whatever RP we end up doing together, I'd like it to have some twists and turns, some unfolding story, some character development. Romance is first and foremost, but I guess for me romance really lives and breaths in the way the characters change, and change one another, because of the relationship. Even if the adventure doesn't involve literal swords and magic and high drama, let's go on a journey together and see where it takes us!
-Posts via PM here. Discord is an awesome tool for RPs, but because I can't be on as often as I would otherwise like, PMs are just a better fit for me. Plus, I just like the vibe better.

***currently seeking***

We Can't Let H.R. Know About This

We work together at a crappy retail or service job. We watch each other's backs, help each other out, listen to each other's problems while we restock or clean up after terrible customers, and we go out drinking after really bad shifts. We're good work buddies, maybe even what you'd call Work Wife and Work Husband. Of course, there's a line you just don't cross with your co-workers, no matter how well you get along. No matter how smoking hot they are. No matter how happy they make you, or how badly you might need each other. You just can't cross that line. But what if... we did?

I like this one because it involves an element of secrecy and sneaking around that doesn't necessarily have to involve infidelity or cheating, which I'm a little iffy on. It's also a nice twist on the "friends to lovers" trope, and not for nothing, but it allows for sex and make-out scenes in some pretty unusual places. Also some opportunity for "okay but that was one time, we can't do it again," and then the inevitable failure to follow up on that.

The Road of Princes

Setting-agnostic fantasy. The greatest trade route in the world connects both the richest, and the most dangerous of places. Those who travel it for a living -- merchants, guards, nobles, and oh yes, bandits and con artists -- rub shoulders in ways they never would in the more settled, "civilized" places. A lust for riches and adventure is the one thing everyone on the road shares, and understands about one another. Of course, there are the more fundamental kinds of lusts, which plenty of them share, too.

I wanted to try something a little different from the "standard" adventure fantasy scenario, something that still involves going to fantastic places together and surviving dangerous situations, but allows for some different character types to interact with. I don't really have a preference on what kind of character to play, myself, and would love to hear what you've got in mind and tailor something to suit that!

Death Is Not The End

Whatever you were expecting when you passed into the next life, this wasn't it. You're stuck, haunting the house you died in, left with only your memories and regrets. All your attempts at reaching out to the living have failed, or worse, been misinterpreted as poltergeist or demonic activity. You've lost track of the number of times you've been "exorcised," only to eventually reemerge into this sad, lifeless existence. So when a paranormal investigator shows up to your home/prison, you're not expecting anything good to come of it. So it's a surprise when you realize, he can see you. Like... really, really see you.

Lots and lots of places to go with this one! Maybe my paranormal investigator has more of a connection to you than just a random ghost hunter showing up to look at a haunted house: maybe we knew each other while you were still alive, but couldn't be together for one reason or another. Now, we have a second chance. Or, for the really sappy side of things, maybe my character can't really relate to the living anymore than you can, and we're both each other's best chance at finding someone who understands what it means to feel... well, the opposite of alive. And maybe now, we can feel that way again.
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