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Fx Female Corrupting the Soul...

Devious Intent

Dec 14, 2021
I'm going to need your undivided attention...


Thank you dear...
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First of all, Hi and welcome!

The fact you read this title, saw my avatar... and still clicked on this thread... it's a good sign. :devilish::)

My name is Devious Intent, but you may call me (almost) anything you like! Among favorites there are: Queen, Goddess, Mistress...
But a more casual darling or honey/sugar will suffice for the beginning.

Like I described in my introduction, I'm an advanced and experienced roleplayer. A Lesbian in real life (currently single) who's had her fair share of experiences.
The main reason I joined this roleplay forum is because porn just doesn't do it for me! I wanna taylor fantasies to my liking (and yours) and to do that I want to get to know you a bit better.

Since I have limited time right now, I'm going to post this thread with just a few ideas on them. But that doesn't mean I do not have any.
I'll be working on the format and artsy display I want to add to this thread to make it personal and interesting.

In the meanwhile, did I catch your attention? Sweet! Do shoot me a message.
While my roleplay availability may be limited to only a select few, I wouldn't mind having a chat to some lovely ladies on the side!

For now, you'll have to trust me you'll see plenty more of me around here.​
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[Finally Together] {Romance & Potential troubled past}
The story starts when our characters are finally able to enjoy a moment of peace after their wedding ceremony has just ended. Finally... since there'd been so much drama before the two made it to their big day! Could be anything, a religious family for one? Maybe the two have been running from the police for over a year? Are they in trouble with the local mafia? We decide! What's important that our characters have worked hard to get married... unfortunatly their celebration is about to be cut short as the troubles once again catch up to them. Now they need to fight to STAY together. (Intersted in present play laced with flashbacks of their passed experiences.)
pzHKY4f.gif [Back room loving] {Secrecy & (potential public play }
As the title suggests, our characters are tasked keeping their interest in one another a secret. Whether it is from the journalists following them... from their families, or just from other co-workers. The thrill is just too much to resist. The two loaded lovers constantly throw themselves at one another. Trying to keep quiet while making intense love.
A premise we can use to build off of is an (oc) celebrity finding interest in one of her fans. With the national press constanly on their back, our characters need to find a way to make theirn relationship work while travelling the globe and being constantly watched. If the news comes out, the celebrity may just waste all of her life's work. But isn't it worth it?​
[Blackmailed. Or am I?] {Blackmail & BDSM}
She knew it was dangerous. The tales had been told many times, and never had they ended in favor of her side. But she couldn't resist. She needed this.
This plot sees one character seeking out another woman who is famous for blackmailing girls into sexual favors. The 'innnocent' party may need money, or some other favor from the blackmailer. Question is... does she REALLY need it? OR is it just a lie she tells herself and others? After all, she knows what she's walking into! And doing so willingly!
Can take it any direction we like! Actual blackmail? Sure! Willingly getting blackmailed and craving the actions that come with it? Yes! Give me your take on this!

[Plot Title] {Theme A & Theme B}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ipsum sem, sodales et hendrerit eu, mattis eu massa. In pellentesque est vel nibh ullamcorper ultricies in eget ex. Quisque a nunc dapibus, posuere nisl vel, dignissim nisi. Pellentesque congue tellus nec ligula mollis tempor. Praesent efficitur porttitor ex sed interdum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer viverra rutrum justo. Aenean in egestas odio.

Lesbian Bondage Play : r/lesbians


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Alright, one more time. Tonight should be the night I get to use a keyboard and get this puppy up to date! (I hope...)
REALLY frustrated bump! Have been on this thread for hours!
It's not working out the way I want it! Fond all over the place, and I don't know how to get it simatrical!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Worst part, all of the ideas I had in mind.... DISSAPEARED!!
Surely they'll come back whenever I took a breather and some time away from the struggle of making this thread. But for now, you'll have to do with these three brief describtions. I am sorry... really am!
Slowly getting back into things. If I have put our play on halt and you wish to continue, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Also, new players are very welcome to help smoothen my return...:) ;)
Got to take the knee here....
I am SO sorry for everyone who I have let down, dissapointed or ignored.
I have been away for a few months, had a terrible breakdown that made me question who I am, what my purpose is and further.
I feel like I've answered those questions to myself, reshaped into a much stronger form.... but I do realise I dropped something along the way.

This bump isn't just me saying I'M BACK.
It's me saying I'm sorry, please do forgive me. After all, it is just my hobby to be on here... but again, I do not wish to let down anyone, ever. Much less those who placed their secret kinks and/or desires into my hands.
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