Mx Female Spiraling Downward


May 22, 2012

  •              fallen spiral.png               

    Hello everybody. Not much to say about me. I'm just a guy who enjoys corruption and monster girls.

    What I'm Looking For In A Partner:

    • Someone who enjoys mid to long-term games.
    • Someone who contributes to the story and world building. Don't be afraid to add things and please don't leave all the work to me. This is a collaborative effort.
    • Someone who doesn't mind a slow partner.

    The Kind of Kinks I Enjoy:

    • Non-Con
    • Monster Girls
    • Corruption
    • Mind Break
    • Lactation
    • Breast Expansion
    • Hand Holding
    • Bondage
    • Hypnotism
    • Energy / Life / Power Drain
    • Transformation
    • Tentacles
    • Maebari / Vaginal Sticker / Protective Barrier
    • Womb Tattoo
    • Impregnation
    • Breeding

    I have separated my roleplays into three different categories; Fantasy, Sci-fi, & Miscellaneous.

    Corruption and Non-Con make up the core of all my roleplays within this Request Thread. If there are any particular changes you want to make or ideas you want to incorporate into my plot, please feel free to inform me. I am open to any suggestions and is willing to accommodate you.

  • Mahou Shoujo Kissy Kissy Sparkle <3 [Closed]

    Beyond the veil of reality, something unseen observed humanity with dark desires. It envied the world beyond its bleak prison. From the vibrant colors that painted everything to the delectable humans who roamed around, the entity desired them all. This bountiful world teased it from the other side with promises to satisfy its endless lust. Like a moth drawn to an open flame, its many limbs reached out to gorge itself on the delights presented to it, only to be obstructed by that accursed veil. Thin enough to excite the senses and yet untouchable. Although its power alone is not enough to shatter the veil, it is not without its imperfections. It may be unable to cross, but it can still spread its influence. Their sweet whisperings reach the ears of the swayed, transforming them into its loyal soldiers. Shadow Vessels, a title gifted by those who oppose them, are created with one purpose imprinted on them; to tear down the thin layer separating the two worlds by harvesting the degenerate feelings hiding within the hearts of humans.

    To counter this threat, young women across the globe are assigned a guardian spirit and are given miraculous powers to combat this evil. YC is one of these women. It is her duty to protect her city and defeat the one leading the Shadow Vessels.

    Beast Type: The weakest and most common type of Shadow Vessel. Those transformed into a Beast Type take on the traits and abilities of animals. While physically imposing, they are incapable of making intelligent decisions and are slaves to their base instincts.

    Chimera Type: Powerful Shadow Vessels capable of commanding Beast Types. They possess the abilities of multiple animals and can utilize magic. Unlike those who become Beast Types and lose their ability to reason, they retain their intelligence. This makes them far more dangerous than their lowly siblings.

    Demon Type: The rarest and highest ranking among Shadow Vessels. Unlike the other types, they can freely transform their body as they wish. In addition, their physical and magical abilities greatly surpass that of their siblings. What makes them truly dangerous, however, is their power to transform others into Shadow Vessels as well. Out of the three types, they're the ones who retain the most of their previous selves.

    Closed Space: An area made inaccessible by normal means by twisting the fabric of time and space. Normal people are unable to perceive or interact with a Closed Space. Only Demon Types are powerful enough to create it.

    Calamity: An unknown entity or entities from beyond the veil of reality. Nobody, not even the Shadow Vessels, knows what it is or its ultimate goal.

    Your character will start with 100 Points when they transform and has a max limit of 200 Points. There are three ways they can gain points.
    • 10 Points are gained for every post you make.
    • By using Concentrate, she can earn 40 Points.
    • Purifying a Shadow Vessel will earn her 40 Points.
    As a Magical Girl, YC can use fantastical spells to purity her foes! All spells need Mana to function. There are four levels of spells; Minor. Moderate. Major. Monumental.

    You're free to create whatever spells you like. Below serves as a general guild for how much any given spell you create will cost. The more powerful the spell, the more points you will need to spend.

    - Spells of this strength are used for passive buffs that heighten physical abilities.

    Cost - 5 Points

    - The most common strength spells are typically cast at. Although nothing special or particularly flashy, they get the job done. They are reliable, practical, and don't cost an unreasonable amount of Mana to use.

    Cost - 10 Points

    - Powerful Magic that can make quick work of foes. Make sure not to go overboard when casting this tier of magic! For the price of over double the cost of a Moderate spell, everything is amplified drastically.

    Cost - 25 Points

    - The highest caliber of Magic she can cast. Incredibly powerful and costly, it's best to either use this in an emergency or when she has Mana to spare. Causes extreme fatigue afterwards.

    Cost - 50 Points

    Mana Drain

    Whatever you do, don't get caught by the Shadow Vessels! Every one of them are capable of draining Mana and will not hesitate to milk her dry. Once her Mana is completely depleted, she will lose her transformation. Without her transformation, she is no longer protected from becoming impregnated by Shadow Vessels and turned into a seedbed. Defeated Magical Girls are often captured and forced to give birth to more Shadow Vessels so please be careful! In order to transform again and be able cast Magic, she will need to reach 100 Points. It will be difficult, but not impossible to regain her transformation again so no matter what don't give up!

    Thankfully, Mana Drain can be resisted. This is determined by a 1-10 dice roll. In order to pass, you need to have a higher number than me. Keep in mind, however, anytime she uses Magic or Concentrate, there is a chance she can be interrupted. Here's the formula: Your Dice > or = (My Dice + Sexual Attack Modifier)

    Light Touches
    - Any physical interaction. While it can be sexual in nature, it doesn't have to be in order for it to work. Something as simple as briefly touching their arm can do the trick.

    Mana Lost - 5 Points
    Sexual Attack Modifier: +1 Magic | +2 Concentrate | +1 Untransformed

    - This has a wide range of actions. Kisses. Having her tits sucked. Basically, any sexual action that isn't outright sex.

    Mana Lost- 10 Points
    Sexual Attack Modifier: +2 Magic | +4 Concentrate | +2 Untransformed

    Sexual Intercourse
    - Sex. More specifically, vaginal and anal sex. Pretty simple and straightforward.

    Mana Lost - 25 Points
    Sexual Attack Modifier: +4 Magic | +6 Concentrate | +3 Untransformed

    - Whenever she comes, she will lose a large chunk of Mana.

    Mana Lost - 50 Points
    This can't be resisted.


    A transformed Magical Girl is automictically protected from becoming pregnant. Once stripped of their transformation, not only can they give birth to more Shadow Vessels, but their mana rich bodies will accelerate their growth tremendously. Every time her womb is filled with cum, there is chance her belly will become swollen with demonic children.

    This is determined by a 1-10 dice roll. In order to pass, you need to have a higher number than me. Here's the formula: Your Dice > or = (My Dice + Number of Consecutive Creampies While Untransformed)

    Curse Mark

    A terrible curse has taken root within your humble village. It began when a mysterious outsider entered the village in search of your teacher, the head shaman. At the time, nobody within the village thought this visitor to be suspicious. The head shaman was famous within the kingdom for being a 'Miracle Weaver' capable of curing the hopeless and banishing curses. It was a reputation she earned while roaming the land in her youth before retiring back to her village of birth. Even twenty years after returning home, people would occasionally brave the dangers of the Shimmering Woods to seek healing from her. The wizened Goblin would grumble and berate the traveler, but ultimately do everything in her power to heal them.

    This visitor seemed no different than the other previous ones. An Elven woman, disheveled and distraught, had come seeking to be purified of a curse she had the misfortune of being afflicted with. She claimed to be an adventurer who, in her never-ending quest for riches and glory, had stumbled upon an untouched ruin deep within the Blight Swamp. She didn't manage to explore much before being attacked by a bizarre monster. It had bested her and processed to mate with her. After the deed was done and the monster lost interest in her, she noticed a strange tattoo appeared right above her vagina. Realizing it was a Curse Mark, she abandoned the ruin to get it purified by a priest before the curse overtakes her.

    Unfortunately, every priest she sought out was unable to cleanse the curse from her. Even worse, the Curse Mark was spreading and causing her to change. Her once lithe form had slowly become more voluptuous over time and started to burn strongly with worldly desires. She would often find herself overcome with the urge to masturbate, even in public, and it took all her willpower to not start jamming her fingers into her dripping cunt right then and there . Most frightening, however, was the voice in her head trying to compel her to lay with individuals who it deemed either had 'Delicious mana' or was a 'Good host". Now at her wit's end, she had come to your teacher in hopes of being purified of this dreadful curse.

    The Elf was tied down and locked within a special room for both the village's and her own safety. This was a precaution whenever a patient with a dangerous curse was being treated. Days pass by as your teacher did everything in her power to purify the Elf. However, the curse proved to be far more powerful than anything your teacher has faced. The curse eventually overtook the Elf during one of your teacher's daily attempts to cleanse her and escaped into the village. When the warriors finally managed to locate and restrain her, she had already infected several villagers with the curse. Unlike the Elf, the effects manifested far quicker and within the following days the village fell into a panic as more villagers were raped and cursed.

    With no cure in sight, your teacher came to the conclusion that the most certain and possibly only way to end the curse was to kill the creature who originally placed the curse. She would go herself, but old age has made her unsuitable for such a journey. Instead, she decided to task you, her prodigy, to slay this creature while she continued trying to find a cure. Using the information given by the Elf before she had gone mad, you journey to the Blight Swamp in search of the creature and the mysterious ruins it inhabited.

    Pride Before The Fall

    YC is a renowned Kitsune shrine maiden throughout the country. She possesses power unrivaled by her peers and is often sought after by many people for this reason. From humble farmers to the Royal Family themselves, YC has helped countless people. All for a reasonable sum of money, of course. There's a reason she's known for her power and not for her benevolence.

    Like all shrine maidens, her immense spiritual energy is a double-edge sword. Although it gives her the ability to fight and destroy demons, it also makes those deplorable fiends greatly desire her. Demons feed off spiritual energy by engaging in sexual intercourse and as a Kitsune she possesses far more than the average human shrine maiden. Even worse, her excessive spiritual energy makes her the perfect breeding host for demons.

    In order to prevent themselves from being deflowered, shrine maidens protect their sacred place with a blessed talisman that prevents any evil entites from penetrating them.

    YC has recently received her next job. Her objective was something she has done countless times before; save a backwater village from demons and rescue the kidnapped women. This was an easy job for someone of her caliber. In fact, as far as she was concerned, it was beneath her. YC did consider turning down the job until the discussion of payment came into light. The village was offering five hundred gold pieces. Although YC found it a bit suspicious that such a tiny village was offering such a ludicrously large sum of money, the allure of money was too strong to resist.

    Unbeknownst to YC, this next job wasn't going to be as easy as she initially believed.

    Soiled Wings

    YC is an archangel tasked with protecting humanity from the demonic forces overtaking the land. With an army of fellow angels at her command, she has been battling demons for centuries on end. The war between the two forces has long since come to a stalemate and there seemed to be no end in sight.

    However, the war suddenly takes a turn for the worst. Under the command of newly appointed demon, they manage to ambush her forces and drive them into a corner. The angels prepare themselves to fight to the bitter end, but the demons have a different plan in mind. Instead of ending their lives, they demons are capturing them and dragging them back into Hell with them. Even worst, the commander is fixated on personally taking YC for himself and defiling her purity.

    All is not lost however. A powerful protective magic prevents YC from having her most sacred place violated by those vile demons. So long as her will holds out and she doesn't give in to the devilish pleasures the demons have in store for her, YC should be able to find a way to escape. However, if they manage to break her and dispel her protection, then her soul will be forever soiled.

  • The Collector

    Dr. Faust has always been fascinated with Superheroines ever since he was a little boy. From their powerful feminine forms to the spectacular powers they wield, he wanted to learn everything he could about them. As he grew older, his love for these beautiful crime fighters transformed into an obsession. He did everything he could to get close to the Superheroines he adored and study them. Graduating from the top college in the country and using his family connections, he managed to land a position within SMPH (Specialized Medical Professionals For Supers) a government program created to provide specialized medical treatment to Superheroes. His position allowed him to fulfill his dream of personally attending and getting close to Superheroines, but it wasn't enough to satisfy him. He wanted to closely study every inch of them. As the years passed by, his examination of his heroine patients became more and more invasive. Eventually, during one of his 'medical examinations', a coworker walked in on him while he was inserting unauthorized equipment into a drugged out heroine's pussy. In a panic, he knocked out his coworker and fled the building before it was too late to escape.

    Dr. Faust quickly became a wanted man after that incident. This fact, however, wasn't enough to stop him from continuing his 'research'. He went underground, using his intellect to collect resources and build his power. Five long years after his disappearance from the world, he was now ready to emerge as the Supervillain known as "The Collector". Unlike other Supervillains, his goal wasn't world domination, but to capture heroines in order to examine them without any restrictions to hold him back.

    Being the brilliant scientist and businessman he is, Dr. Faust found ways to profit off his kidnappings and fund his ever expanding research into Superheroines. As it turns out, he's far from the only degenerate interested in sensational caped crusaders. There existed a good number of wealthy individuals with questionable morals who were very willing to pay him handsomely for the results of his research. His products ranged from machines designed to snag heroines and safely transport them to serums that enhance the sensitivity of any Superheroine unfortunate enough to be injected with it. Out of all his wonderful products, there is one that consistently outsells them all; Superheroine milk. Chock full of vitamins and minerals, this nutritious drink is not only healthy, but can temporarily bestow the drinker with the superpowers of the heroine who generously provided the milk. Delicious!

    Emboldened by his success, he set his sights to collect his first S-Rank Superheroine. This particular young heroine has become widely popular due to her rapid ascent up the ranks and the part she played in repelling a Global Level threat. This made her quite the appealing prize and a heroine he would love to add to his lovely collection.

    Metroid Fusion: True Corruption

    With the destruction of the Biologic Space Laboratories, the Galactic Federation has declared the once famous bounty hunter a wanted criminal. A bounty was placed on her head, the biggest the galaxy has ever seen. Samus Aran was to be captured at all cost. The official reason was for her involvement in destroying government property and going rouge, but the true reason was what she possessed. Her body contained the last remains of metroid DNA. She was valuable research material and her insubordinate behavior during her last mission made for an excellent excuse to have her detained.

    Samus, however, wasn't someone who could be easily taken. The ex-bounty hunter was as cunning and powerful as they came. The Galactic Federation in their desperation to capture her struck an uneasy deal with their long-time enemies; the Space Pirates. Although a shadow of what they once were, the Galactic Federation hoped to use their experience battling 'The Hunter' and their expertise in bioengineering to help create something to exploit the quirks of her Fusion Suit that had bonded with her. The Space Pirates were quick on the offer, excited to have a chance to both humiliate and experiment on their most hated foe.

  • Pairings

    Here's a list of simple parings if the above plots didn't interest you. They will be formatted like this: MC x YC.

    • Mage x Succubus
    • Incubus x Mage
    • Monster x Adventure
    • Supervillain x Superheroine
    • Demon x Miko
    • Demon x Witch
    • Demon x Angel

    An Deeper Explanation of A Few Unusual Kinks I Have

    When it comes to kinks, they come in a variety of flavors. Some are so widely common and known that even the most vanilla person is aware of it. Others are bizarre or unsettling enough that anyone who enjoys are often looked down upon by their fellow degenerate peers. There do exist, however, kinks so incredibly niche that few are aware they exist at all. Finding material of them is often near impossible due to their rarity or lack of any proper label. Trying to find someone to roleplay with it can be equally as difficult as few people will have any interest in participating in it.

    Here's a few of mine.

    Energy / Life / Power Drain

    This particular kink involves a character having an important intangible part of themselves taken away from them and are consequently rendered helpless. It is usually done forcibly through sexually means, but it can be a consensual act. Although it does have a name, it is outright impossible to find any naughty materiel by directly searching for it. This kink can be found paired with Monster Girls of the MGE variety and very rarely with plots involving Heroines.

    Maebari / Vaginal Sticker / Protective Barrier

    Unlike the other one, this kink doesn't have an actual label. Maebari is the closest equivalent to it I could find and it in itself is a fairly niche kink. Basically, Maebari is a strip of cloth that goes over a girl's bare crotch by means of an adhesive substance. It was once used as a crude form of censorship, but has since became its own fetish item. Such beautiful irony.

    The kink I'm talking about, while it can involve using something to cover the crotch, it is primarily about having a fantastical means of protection against being penetrated and impregnated by perverted monsters or demons. For example, a Shrine Maiden covering herself with a protective talisman. Or an Angel having divine protection that perseveres her purity. Or a Magical Girl with a spell that creates a magical barrier.

    What really gets my engine revving about this kink is the process of having that protection stripped from the unfortunate heroine as she futilely struggles against the vile villain. It's the journey of the heroine slowly surrendering to the pleasures of the flesh and her fall that I find extremely hot. The impregnation and loss of her purity at the end is simply the cherry on top.
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