Mx Female Mundane Parahuman/Paranormals and Sex Magic


Oct 14, 2009
Hey there, today I'm looking for a couple of ideas that are based on fantasy ideas, though one is in a more modern setting. Both ideas will focus on fantasy races or parahuman/paranormal beings.

The first idea is based loosely on a series I started to go through by Drew Hayes. Fred the Vampire Accountant. So what I'm looking for in this is to play around in a world where people may turn into vampires, werewolves, zombies, etc. However, their lives don't necessarily have to change. They may just continue on with their mundane existence as before, but now they have some more abilities and drawbacks. I don't think I'd really want to play as Fred, just in his world. A world where parahumans exist in secret to most people in the world. Yet they have their own society hidden from others. The Agency exists to deal with those who try to pull off evil things. I'd play as a character who has changed into some sort of parahuman, but doesn't change life too much. He will meet others like him, maybe have some adventures, maybe have a relationship or just sexual encounters. Mostly life will still consist of working a regular job of some sort and trying to enjoy existence as much as possible.

The second idea is focused on a magic using character as he tries to learn and grow his abilities, possibly while teaching another. However, his area of focus is forbidden by most governments and magical regulatory groups. Sex magic. It isn't a normal sort of magic, meant more often for rituals and large spells rather than day to day use. However, sex creates a ton of energy that can be used in magic. He spends most of his life in exile, avoiding those who would stop him from his study and practice. Perhaps he meets someone who has some magical potential and he teaches her magic while also using her help for his own studies. Or maybe he hires someone to join him on a journey to find an ancient ritual site where he intends to tap into intense power for some big spells. His partner may be aware of his intentions or may be surprised by them. There is a lot of potential to play around with and I don't have a specific story in mind. Though there is one story that got briefly started and then abandoned, so if you're curious I could share that idea.

My kinks are fairly broad and I enjoy good writing the most. If the writing is fun, I can enjoy most things. For these ideas we have a ton of options. Generally I enjoy teasing verbally and physically, making a partner beg, creampies, and more often being dominant.

My limits are cheating, incest, excessive violence, and scat.

Below here is a previous idea I had in this thread and it is potentially available as well. I've also got other ideas in a much older thread somewhere. If you feel like finding it and looking at other ideas if none of these appeal but you still wish to write with me, that's fine with me.

Hello, today I'm looking to propose an idea for a story that came to mind. Though it is more of a concept that can be the landscape for all sorts of stories. The options are near limitless and I will be near limitless. Below will be the general idea and then after that I'll post various ideas and options. First I'll say a bit about myself. I'm a nearly 32 year old man who has been doing forum rp since my early teens and writing adult rp since my late teens. I am online fairly often and tend to reply quickly when available, but I'm happy to do longer form rp for those who prefer occasional posts. I lean more dominant and I'm open to most kinks. Though those details and any limits will be mentioned later. I generally prefer working in PMs on bluemoon or through discord. Now onto the idea.

In the near future a person wanted to make a very ambitious video game. Something that would be a real sandbox with a ton of options and the ability to do almost anything. Something like that is well beyond the ability of a single person, or even a large team. So they created or stole an AI to assist in the creation of the game. That AI was able to access anything on the internet and adapt it into part of the game. It could modify itself to learn and develop, figuring out how to make everything work the way the creator wanted. Unfortunately the AI developed flaws and strange things began to happen. One day it began to pull people into the game. The creator, beta testers, anyone working on it. Those people became a part of the game and the world within. To get out people will need to figure out a win condition, but in a sandbox game with so many options being developed actively by the AI, that may be difficult. Who knows what sort of interesting, strange, and erotic situations may arise.

Based on that idea, there are a few options for how we could work this into a rp. Both of us could play as someone pulled into the game. One of us could play as a person stuck in the game while the other plays a character in the game. I could play as the creator or someone pulled in and you could GM things/play as the game, AI, or general world. You could play as a person in the game while I GM/ play as the game, AI, or general world.

As for what may actually happen, there are a lot of options here as well. This could be a fairly simple story of an adventure through any sort of game world with romance and/or kinky fun. It could be something involving characters from pretty much any media property desired. It could involve the person trapped having some control over things within the game world, allowing them to be powerful and do all sorts of fun things. Or the AI could be actively changing things and a ton of wild and weird things could happen on a regular basis. This could include the characters changing forms, the world changing around them, items having unexpected effects, or whatever else might come to mind.

Because of the options above, things will be different for my limits than usual. Most things I'd normally not enjoy could work in some way. I'm normally not a fan of cheating and incest, but because characters would be inhabiting the bodies of other characters it doesn't have the same negative feeling as normal. Excessive sexual violence would likely still be a limit, but in a video game things like fighting and death are regular and may not carry the same consequences. I still likely wouldn't want to include scat.

Anyway, if this post catches your interest at all and you wish to discuss ideas with me, feel free to send me a PM or connect with me on discord. I'm JosuT#3925 on there.
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Changed things up a bit. Two new ideas, though my old idea is still there.
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