Mx Male Looking for something new


Oct 25, 2021
Hey there everyone.

Like my post title says I'm looking to try something new, or at least something I've not done a lot of before. So in my many, many years of MxM roleplaying I've pretty much exclusively played tops, but the other day, while browsing RP posts I had an idea for a bottom/vers character. And the more I thought about it and fleshed out the character the more turned on I found myself getting. I'm looking for people who wanna help me create scenarios for him to live out his slutty adventures! This is all very very loose as a lot of my previous RPs have been not rigid exactly but there was a pretty clear course for it set and I'd love to work with someone and just see where things go! That being said I much, much prefer more real-life scenarios but like everything I'm open to discussion, I'll provide a brief description of my character below, message me if you're interested, look forward to hearing from you guys!

Scott was pretty deep in the closet for most of his early life up until his late teens, he'd fooled around with someone he went to school with but it didn't go that far. When he left for university and was on his own and lost his virginity he was never the same again. It was like a dam burst inside him and he changed overnight from a quiet reserved guy to a brash and some might even say bratty slut! A combination of his early years suppressing his feelings and the overwhelming pleasure he felt the first time he had sex made sure that he had little to no interest in relationships beyond the purely physical, he sometimes thinks he'll settle down one day but for now he wants to fuck as much and as often as he possibly can!

As for looks he's the textbook definition of a twink, 5'6 naturally hairless with soft almost androgynous features. He takes great pride in his appearance, often wearing very tight suggestive clothes. He keeps in shape but doesn't want to get too bulky and pays special attention to his pert bubble butt. He often dyes his hair in bright colours and along with his nose ring, he would have an emo look if it wasn't for his clothing which, while not outright bright and colourful like his hair is definitely noticeable and vibrant.

So if Scott sounds like someone you wanna play with, shoot me a message!
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