Mx Female The Oregon Apocalypse


Oct 11, 2017
Usually, I feel like my titles are fairly self explanatory. This time, I think there's going to need to be some clarification.

This story would take place sometime in the 1840's-1850's during the time of the Oregon Trail. There would be a wagon caravan heading west. Head for hope, prosperity, and a new home. Also the escape the ever encroaching tide of the undead that is overtaking the east coast.

Did I mention this is a zombie apocalypse story?

So that's the core premise. A historical zombie apocalypse that adds an extra dynamic to the famous migration west. The zombies can be as present or absent as needed. They are a threat and have forced people to reevaluate life.

Beyond this, the main idea is hazier. So you can propose anything in this setting (that doesn't involve sex zombies) and I'm likely to consider it as an option. However, I also have a plot for the setting.


My character is a caravan guard. He's a former soldier who was hired to help keep this group safe while the rest of the world burns. There are complicated feelings towards him by some. Some feel that he should've stayed back to fight like the army was. But he was here and helping to keep them safe.

As the caravan presses on, he finds himself developing feelings towards and romantic relationships with multiple women. Of course, in a place with fathers, suitors, the still religious, and even simply the jealous, it's possible men might just end up being more dangerous.


That's what I've got. If you're interested, please reach out to me through DM's. Chat doesn't always work for me. Also, I prefer to play on Discord, so let me know where your preference lies.
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