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Fx Male Slice of Life and more Parings (human only)


Nov 7, 2016
Just thought I would clean up my request thread and consolidate some of my ideas. It's long over due. While I'm open to lots of ideas including SiFi I tend to lean towards first time prostitution or porn. I don't have a specific ratio of plot to smut, but it has to start with a certain amount of story or motive to make it interesting.

As for my kinks it's best to go right to my Flist rather than list them here. I do lean towards age difference, but I'm fairly open to lots of ideas. It never hurts to ask. I'm not overly fond of romance as I prefer lust. Often my characters are not really into the sex at first, but that changes over the course of the roleplay.

I prefer to play in PM's usually about three paragraphs up to five typically. The first part of a reply can cover or fill in the blanks of what just happened. This is a good place to express what YC felt or saw. A growing pet peeve of mine is that my co writer doesn't say anything to "MOVE THE STORY FORWARD" with each post. I write as a sub for the most part depending on the story. I will tolerate a certain amount of godmoding as long as you don't describe what I am feeling.

I almost always play women from my Inspirational Characters List. They are a mix of ages and are the girl next door type. I play them within the site rules.

Below are a few of my ideas. Feel free to suggest others or alter these.

Porn Movie Film Crew
This could me any position on a film crew. I'm thinking a sound person holding the boom mic, makeup or lighting. My character gets into the film business in Hollywood as a crew person and has a hard time finding jobs. She resorts to working on porn films, which she thinks are gross or wrong, but eventually long story short she can make a lot more money as an actress and gets talked into being in one of the scenes. It could be any scene, but at the top of my mind I thing it could be a group movie where there are lots of women and they ask her to play as an NPC back ground actress not expecting to have sex.

Public Rape Contest This idea is a spin off another post I saw. My idea is that a group of women are turned loose in and arena in front of a crowd. After a few minutes of the crowd getting stirred up to watch the turn a few men loose that get to gang rape them. It similar to the Rape Island concept, but in an arena and a crowd is watching. It could also include an element of one country or race not liking the other and do it out of revenge. Their husbands could even be forced to watch. Similar to women getting raped after a war.

Rape (CNC) My character is an older psychologist that has treated young women who have been raped by date rape drugs. Over time she sort of developed a jealousy towards they pretty girls. A few of them even described it as being enjoyable thanks to the drugs, when they woke up during the experience. It increases my characters curiosity and she goes to a bar and set herself up to either actually get drugged or pretend to be drugged.

Undercover cop My character is an undercover cop and gets assigned to a case where they are trying to bust the owner of a strip club. They want her to work under cover in the club as a bar tender or waitress. She feels like she is getting close to the owner that owns the place and in order to get even closer she lets him convince her into stripping. She accepts so as not to blow her cover and succeed with their goal of catching him. What happens though is her very first time a co worker or two happen to venture into the club and see her show. Of course this will lead to more.

Time Travel My character travels in time via an old book, time machine or through a psychic palm reader. She travels back to her younger days like high school or college for instance. She gets to live situations over again without altering the future. What happens though, is that she has the mind of her adult person and takes advantage of it. There are no consequences for her actions so she can have sex with anyone and and she will only return to present time with a fun memory. That could include older men or classmates.

Czech Wall Sex More of a short story right to the smut where my character is forced, drugged or needs money really bad and gets a job at a wall sex secret club. Something like this NSFW for inspiration. I prefer to play my older MILF's for this.

SiFi Wrinkle in Time What if your character had a stop watch that could freeze time. The watch also has a function where it can isolate women of his choice and he can do whatever he chooses with them. He can start and stop that function at will so if they resist he can can freeze them onto different positions until he is finished and puts them back near where he found them. He could leave them without underwear and things like that to humiliate or make them wonder if it was real. Open for discussion and building the idea.

New Girl in a Strip Club Unable to make ends meet, MC ends up working in a seedy strip club that has private booths as well as the dance floor. The club is in a different city so she would never dream that she ends up knowing one of the men watching her. The man could even be anyone she knows or even a relative like her uncle or brother.

Caught with a controlled substance This could take place anywhere, but makes more sense in a foreign country. MC gets caught with a controlled substance much like Brittany Griner. When she is in jail she is forced to get a medical exam from a male doctor. He of course molests and uses her. She goes along with it because she fears getting locked up for a long time. The doctor is just the first of several men that use her and again she cooperates because she fears jail time.

Traveling and out of Money A couple is traveling either in country or another. Could be he is running from the law. They need money to eat so they decide she could make some quick cash with her body. Truck stops, brothels you name it.

Shopping for a Gift at an XXX Adult Store This idea builds on two women after a couple of drinks, that go to an adult store to purchase gag gifts for a friends bachlorette party. This can lead to different ideas like the clerk or a male shopping there directing them to a private booth to try out a toy. He could offer to help or they find a glory hole inside. They wouldn't necessarily go into the booth together, just an option.

Unlikely Sperm Donor This one has a twist on the normal sperm donor concept. My character has a conversation with a friend about her husband not having active sperm. They talk about the options of having to pay for a clinic to fertilize her with another mans sperm from a donor sperm bank, but it still costs money. The friend mentions sites where you can find natural insemination donors. The two discuss the costs of using such a service and jokingly the friend tells her "They should pay you to do it". This could lead to the idea of her posing as a prostitute to find a donor. We can also play this on the tamer side where she uses the service and your a donor.

First Time Orgy My character either single or attached is invited by a friend to attend an orgy for her first time. I'm willing to play more than one of my inspirations. This could have a spin in it where her brother shows up at the party unknown to her. When she gets passed around with different men will he take advantage of the situation?

Trafficked Based on the TV series season 1 episode 5 "Pimps where my character sets up interviews with real pimps. We talk candidly in front of a camera and your allowed to wear a mask or disguise. At the end of the interview you offer to pimp me out so that I can see what it's like. Long story short I agree to it.

Cuckold on live stream sex cam
My idea is that a man and wife have sex on a live adult webcam. It brings in a fair amount of money at first until the viewers get tired of seeing the same thing. As a couple we love the money it brought in. When we did previous events a few of the men were offering large amounts of money to be in a stream with me. Their posts were in the comments and rating section. One day we decide to take one of them up on their offer. Eventually it will lead to even more.

First time prostitution
1. I can play a woman that is curious about what it is like. A twist on this is a married woman that tries it behind her husbands back, sort of like an affair.
2. Gets hit on mistakenly some place and does it because of the amount of money she is offered.
3. Desperate for money so she gets involved in porn or prostitution.
4. A woman gets into drugs with a friend. When the friend moves away she asks to get hooked up so she can buy them herself. Turns out he's a pimp and turns her into one of his whores.
5. a female reporter goes on assignment to do an interview prostitutes at a brothel. When the interview is over they offer her a chance to give it a try and she accepts. Something like this story.

The Man in the High Castle
I've been watching the Amazon series "The Man in the High Castle" lately and it's given me an idea. What if Germany and Japan would have won and split the country? What if they forced selected women to work in camps that are actually brothels for the Germans on the east coast or the Japanese on the west coast? The women's husbands could be used to get the women to cooperate. What woman wouldn't put out if they held a gun to her husbands head? Daughters could also be put to this test. Once they agree to the terms the ladies could be required to do all sorts of things, like work in the strip club or put on live sex shows etc.

Drunken Wife
Just thought I would ad an idea for a roleplay I saw in another thread. That would be "drunken wife". This could lead to all sorts of things she wouldn't normally do like get up on the stage on amateur night at a strip club or prostitution. You would most likely have to play the husband and any other males involved. It would be sort of a "Cuckold" concept.

Fantasy Roleplay turns to the real thing
A woman accidentally finds fantasy roleplay in a chat room. She starts to play some of the darker themes and becomes infatuated with her stories, so much that she actually plays them out with the person she is playing with. He finds he can get her to do most anything he asks her to.

Fantasy Island
Society has been divided by into upper and lower class more than ever. The lower class is struggling to make ends meet and prostitution is rampant thanks to new laws that wealthy people have allowed. Even married women are selling their bodies to help make ends meet. It's all facilitated by a government sponsored app that allows men to find women that sign up for it.
One option to this is resorts "Brothels" that the women can sign up to attend that they get paid to work at. At these resorts men can get anything they want within my flist guidelines.

Rape Island
Similar to the above, but in this case it's a lot like the TV show survivor. The women would be turned loose on the island as prey for men that pay to go there to rape women.

I play the wife or GF of a couple that travel to a foreign country and get arrested for drugs etc. It could be part of a set up. After the arrest they are sent to a prison that has males and females separated. The women are offered a chance to pay off the sentence to get an early release if they agree to work in a local brothel at night.

In order to get the women to comply, they put the husbands or boyfriends in a sweat box in the yard daily. Here is where the cuckold aspect comes in. The men beg the women to do it after a short time since it is so horrible. The women feel sorry for the men so the agree to sell their bodies. Every day at dusk the women dress like whores and line up in the yard to be taken in a bus to the brothel. The male prisoners can look out the window to see the women line up for the bus and see their wives in the line. The other men will often look at the women and masturbate to add to the cuckold part.

As for your part, you can play one or more men in the plot. I'm flexible as to changing it and I am willing to play multiple characters

Covid apocolypse
After the world gained control of the Covid-19 virus an insidious side effect remained. It left all the caucasian males sterile. It took a while for the world to realize it, but when they did drastic measures had to be implimented to or the population would decrease in numbers to the point it would effect the gross domestic product and spiral the economy into a deep depression.

It changed the form of government in the USA to a more socialized concept where white people especially women lost their rights. White women were forced to conceive with minorities (optional) either through artificial insemination or actual coitus. Of course the minority men had the option of the real thing or a small plastic cup and the women had no choice. If a male wanted sex with them they had do it or be sent to prison and hard labor.

These women were required to install an app on their phones that monitored their ovulation cycle. If they were fertile then it would place their profile on the map where men that could choose to breed with them. As long as the app indicated they were fertile one man after another could attempt to impregnate them if they choose.

Undercover Cop
I play an undercover cop that sets herself to catch someone that has been using date rape drug on women in a bar. They suspect a couple of men that frequent the place. She let's him slip a drug into her drink, but has an antidote or she pretends to drink it but doesn't. After that she pretends to act like it's working so he can attempt to rape her. When he does she let's him, because she wants to see what the other women went through.

Dubcon Drug Rape
I play a woman that wants to have sex, but she doesn't want to just come right out and ask a man for it. She frequents a few local bars and one night she sees a guy pass his hand over another woman's drink. It fizzles a little and she mingles her way over to the table because she knows the woman. She makes small talk with her and switched her drink with hers when she is not looking. It's not enough to knock her out, but she pretends in hopes the guy will lead her out of the bar instead of the other woman.

Real College Girl Porn
Real amateurs or college girl porn videos similar to the ones by Hustler magazine where they place adds to offer real women $1000 to do an amateur porn video. An optional twist could be the male actors paid the money to be in the movie. The women don't know this when they agree to be in the film. In essence it's a form of prostitution that the producers are making money off of by selling the films. As an added twist I can play more than one woman from my list, where MC takes a friend along for her safety. The friend has no intention of being in the film, but ends up getting convinced to give it a try.

Female Realtor Gets a Tour of the House (Dungeon)
A newly licensed female realtor gets a chance of a life time to list an expensive mansion. She goes to meet the man that owns it to take measurements etc. She insists on seeing the basement to take measurements and you try to avoid it. This could all be part of a set up. Once you lead her down the stairs she will see a party dungeon with a bar and lots of bondage furniture. She now understands why you didn't want to show it to her. This would lead to her growing curiosity and taking a closer look at the devices. Eventually she touches one and accidentally traps herself or she could do it more voluntarily if you prefer more consensual. Lots of options after that.

The Missionaries
A group of female missionaries set out to free young girls being held as sex workers in Taiwan. They a approach the owner of a brothel and he offeres them a deal. If they agree to work one night at the club/ brothel he will free one girl for each customer they have sex with. At first they refuse, but they change thier mind as they don't want to return home unsuccessful.

Wakefield Concept This idea is based on the movie Wakefield where Brian Cranston spies on his wife from the loft of the garage. My idea is that YC decides to spy on his wife's friends when they come over with a hidden cam in a couple of places. He accidentally finds out she is seeing another man or men. At first he's upset, but gets turned on by watching. This could lead to all sorts of ideas. Maybe he starts to set her up or she finds out he has been watching. It could all lead to more.

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I have a new craving basted on the TV series "The Americans". We can design our roleplay loosely based on the original story. Either an actual married couple or our characters posing as a married couple as spies either in America or another country. It would primarily involve MC seducing men to get information. You would mostly play the men she seduces. MC could also pose as a prostitute to get information from them.
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