Post Apocalyptic RP


Oct 7, 2021
Somewhere in Asia
  • My name is Freddy like my profile, been roleplaying for 10+ years so I've pretty done all kinds of rp except D&D stuff I guess
  • English isn't my native tongue, that's why it takes longer for me to cook up a response than a native English speaker.
  • My posts are usually around 3-4 para (like 300-400 words). To give you a clue, my intro is often times long (could be around 6+ para), my posts often be around 3-4 para and when I try to move the story forward, it could be 5-6 para or more.
  • I roleplay mostly on third person but first person is doable for me.
  • I've been known to play both gender but I'm a male in real life even though I could do female characters as well (maybe it comes naturally with my writing hobby)
  • I'm 28 years old & just recently married (included this because some roleplayers in the previous forums I've been at insisted to know that they're not playing against an underage kid).
  • I'm also a sucker for slice of life pairing but I've done kinds of rp, some were very dark.
  • I also RP on discord, here's my account id szechuan.sauce23#5452 and if we would like to keep things on site, we can always do PM. I prefer not doing any thread because thread are open to pranks, like when someone decided to ruin your fun roleplay, they would just barge in and post anything, disrupting the RP itself so yeah, I would like to avoid thread RP.
It has been an itch of mine lately that I want to scratch so here goes. It's still a few scrambled ideas and if someone is interested, we can piece the puzzle together and create a plot together for it.

I'm looking a mix of The Walking Dead, The Last of Us, a bit of The Division & State of Decay kind of RP. The story begins two years after the initial outbreak that consumed the lives of millions and turned nearly half of the population into undead (We can certainly discuss which type of undead to be featured in this story and which country it would be set in). The government is still there however (sort of) and infrastructure hasn't fallen entirely with the remaining government maintaining it (electricity, water, etc etc is still running in some parts of the country). MC (My Character) will be an ex Delta Force (or from the other branches of the military) and the only survivor from the task force sent into a city to evacuate VVIPs. His mission gone awry, every single of his team mates either had turned or being ripped apart. That's one character I'll be playing as and I'll be playing as other characters as well since this obviously involves multiple characters. I'm thinking he'll be involved in a rag tag group eventually with a goal to reach for (like I said we can piece the puzzle together and create a plot for it). Each characters will have different personalities (obviously) so it could spark arguments (or drama) in some cases and they will have different perks. For example, A lacks of shooting and fighting ability but good at gardening so we can assign her to a makeshift farm for food at the base, other could be a bad ass with guns & knives. We can also meet random person on the way that we could recruit with certain advantages & disadvantages

The reason I don't include any prefix beside the title is because it's not fixed on the genders we're going to play as. You can play as female only or male & female at the same time, your call.

Let me know if you're interested, we could discuss this over PM or discord, your call.

Have a nice day!
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