Mx Female Older woman x Younger man scenarios (Seeking female partner)


Dec 6, 2021
I like exploring characters emotions and thoughts and I like things to be challenging for them in some way. I like story line and any smut that happens should complement the story rather than just becoming a smut fest. I also get bored with just writing smut scenes.

I have a couple of ideas you may be interested in.

1/ A young man (I was thinking 18-20) poses nude for an art class and is also a stripper at a high end ladies club. He is hot but there is more to him than just his looks. YC would be a librarian or similar, a woman he has had some fleeting contact with before. She would not be ugly but she is not the traditional "Hot" type either. Every time they see each other they can feel some chemistry but neither acts on it. One night she gets dragged along to an art class and is stunned to see that he will be the model! The idea is that they finally get chatting but he keeps his job a secret, he is only stripping but the manager of the club would also like him to work the private rooms which means sex with the female clients. I can tell you more if you are interested.

2/ A young man is involved in a Female Led Relationship with an older woman. He is submissive and so far the woman has just been humoring his kink. She likes aspects of it but it is more amusing to her than anything else. One night they watch a movie or documentary about cuckolding and she can see that this relationship type that he has embroiled her in would be perfect to allow her to see others if she wished to. How does she broach the topic with her boyfriend?

3/ Something more simple and perhaps more One Shot. A mature age amateur female photographer and a young male model. Both performing their roles for the first time. OR a young male porn actor with an older woman also both doing their roles for the first time.

4/ Something where an older woman trains a shy young man. I was thinking perhaps the man is hot but very shy, she slowly finds out what his issue is (a very small penis) so volunteers to train and support him so he can still be of some use to women.
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