Mx Female Conquerors, Warriors, Noblemen...

The Abusive Dominator

Oct 29, 2019
(Major Update. Just so you know, if you're interested, please please ask me about my current modern school craving in your PM. Thank you ma'am. <07-10-2022>)

Conquerors, Warriors, Noblemen...
Deep inside a certain place, there is chaos and turmoil undergoing relentless assault in its void. It fills its air, it infects even the rocks. It reeks of violence and stirs the soil, it eats peace and spits it out as evil bile. Creatures lurk here, big and small. Victims are taken here, under their thrall. Here lies the stuff the legends hate, what good people revile. Deny it you must, but always fear it. The weak go insane because of it, the strong learn to use it for their diabolical plans. Here lies pleasure, here lies carnage... The place is called the Heart of a Man.

Hello. I am named The Abusive Dominator in this wonderful forum. I am a very experienced roleplayer and have done pretty much everything in the world of roleplay. The first thing that you must learn about me is that I will always RP dominant male characters. My favorite genre is medieval fantasy, but I also like modern war-torn nations. Sci-fi is a bit of a weakness and I have little experience with it. I respond at least every other day on a bad week, and about thrice a day if I'm greatly enjoying the RP. Although I have my preferences on my (female) RP partner, I always encourage you and all to just be true to yourself and roleplay a lady character that you will enjoy roleplaying as. If pressed for preferences, I'd say that the kind of female characters that turn me on the most are Final Fantasy ladies, Tekken ladies, anime ladies, and certain real-world celebrities. I have no preferences on character personality outside of simply being a fully-fleshed, realistic character.

Without further ado, here are some story ideas and pairing proposals...

---Angels versus Demons---

After hundreds of years of petty skirmishes between the forces of God and the forces of the Devil, the two rivals who were using the world as their war playground finally decided on a grand battle where the winner gets to claim the world for their own. God wants to create a paradise free of evil and abundant with pleasure, the Devil wants the world to devolve into a wasteland where his Demon lords will rule with an iron fist. Rockthan, one of the top angelic warriors, a tall, strong, and holy man earned a post as a General of the Army of Gledge, a small nation with a collective group of God-loving loyalist humans who pledged their swords to the cause of fighting all evil. You are the daughter of some Demon king from a castle in the rival kingdom of Grim, a nation known for its abundant economy of slave trade. Whether by luck or lack of it, intentional or not, you end up in the heat of battle... And perhaps end up getting captured by Rockthan, who is nothing short of very eager to punish all demon ladies for tempting men...

---Building Kreus---

The kingdom of Kreus is barely a kingdom. It is a fledgling nation full of industrious workers and strong warriors. Greg is the respected warrior-king of this developing kingdom who will do anything and everything for the good of his people and the prosperity of Kreus. One day, through much resource-management, politicking, training, and even coercion, he managed to round up a good army enough to crush some barbaric tribes. These proud barbarians have useful resources, livestock... and women. Will you be one of the subservient women who will become a citizen of this great kingdom? Or the barbarian queen who would be forced to be subservient to Master Greg?

Pairing ideas (Left side is my character, right yours):

King X Queen
King X Concubine
Wealthy husband X Housewife
Warlord X Captive
Mayor X Village girl
Slave owner X Slave
Professional athlete X Young girlfriend

Any and all ideas and suggestions welcome. Send me a private message if you're interested in roleplaying. Thank you.
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