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Fx Male Jezebellydancer's RP ideas looking for a co-writer


Dec 5, 2021
Mid-Atlantic USA
These will most likely be NSFW stories.
I'll post ideas that I've been wanting to try or revisit. If you have any interest, let me know.
I'm brand new to the site, so I'm still learning the ropes.

I love dominant men. But my women aren't pushovers. I usually write strong women who are looking for a man who deserves their submission. I don't mind going to some pretty dark places when the story calls for it, or I can just write pretty romance. Communication is key to worldbuilding, char development and dynamics, so we know what the hard no's are, and what really revs us up.

1) Historical or alternative reality so we don't have to worry so much about historical accuracy.

My char is part of a harem. A Circassian woman, considered the most beautiful in the world. An Almeh, she is an entertainer, highly valued for her skills. The sultan has his wives, concubines and lesser members of his harem if he wants sex. She is worth so much more for her singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, and storytelling. Think Scheherezade squared.

Your char is a European (French?). His liege has heard about these women and wants one. (I believe IRL Frederick III of Naples was really into Middle Eastern culture and had 4 wives and followed a lot of Middle Eastern ways during the Middle Ages). Your char is sent to buy one of these women.

As fate would have it, the Sultan's first wife doesn't like the attention my char gets and sets about to get rid of her. So she winds up in a high-end slave market for purchase. What happens on the journey is up to us. When I wrote this the first time around, there was a lot of culture shock, a lot of jockeying for power and control, and finally, they ended up caring for each other and were trying to figure out a way to stay together.

I'm open to adjusting this to fit both of our ideas.

((More ideas to come. It's late and time for me to get to bed.))
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