Mx Any Winter is Coming [ASOIAF/Dark Fantasy sought]


Nov 22, 2020
In this dark and sunless time of the year, my appetite increases for grimdark things.

I love writing. I try to write well, with mood and depth and character. I tend to write 300-500 words per post, depending on context.

I love fantasy and for me it never gets dark enough. The closest thing a fantasy has come to my grimdark soul is ASOIAF.

I am a MAD fan of A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones). I would be embarrassed to confess just how much of my one precious life I have squandered on Youtube watching fan theories and deep dives into Martin's esoteric mythology.

I will always say YES to a Game of Thrones/ASOIAF roleplay. I am open to anything with two stipulations: I want it dark and I want it story driven. Sex-centric plots lose me after a while. I would prefer we write our own characters as canon characters can be somewhat limiting, but I am also open to canon if we have a killer idea.

Above all: I am happy to write all the malignant smut you want, but hook me into a malignant story about which the smut is merely one element. That's my catnip.

So message me and shoot your shot. My only LIMIT is bad writing and a lack of imagination. I am game for anything else, including any pairing.
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Another bump because why not. I hope everyone is having a good holiday.
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