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Star Wars: Eclipse of the Black Sun (The Corsair, Xanaphia)


Fruit Bat Vampire
Dec 17, 2013



The unenlightened believe each of these to be separate and unchanging, a single linear path that all must follow. Those who walk in harmony with the Cosmic Force, however, see them for what they are - interchangeable aspects of the Living Force, a prism of endless possibility where a single choice can branch out into infinite destinies. The unenlightened will ask “which of these destinies is true? Which will come to pass?” But those who walk in harmony with the Cosmic Force will understand.

All of them are true.

All of them will come to pass.

All are united, in the Cosmic Force.​

From The Book of the Whills

Star Wars:
Eclipse of the Black Sun


"You wanna get in on the pool?"

Two men sat at a small table, idly watching a bank of monitors. The speaker, a tall, pale human in a grey jumpsuit, slouched in his chair with an air of boredom. His companion, a leathery Gungan, looked up from the blaster he was servicing. "What pool?"

"How long it'll take the Jedi to escape and kill us all."

The Gungan glanced at the lone figure on the monitor screens, then turned back to his weapon. "Miss Linora tinks weesa hold him. How meesa collect if we die?"

A shrug. "Nah. It's the satisfaction of knowwing you were right, really. You know, before you die."

The Gungan snorted, then made a few adjustments with a wrench. "Right. An' if he doesn't and none of us win?"

"Then, in a month, we use the money to bring a few girls in and we have us a party." The human chuckled. "That way, everyone wins."

The Gungan chuckled as well. "Right. Meesa in, then. Twenty-two days open?"

"Oooh, optimistic!" the human laughed, checking his data slate. "And yeah, it is. I'll put you down."


Suspended in his restraints, Quentin was sweating profusely. Not out of fear or discomfort, although the restraints certainly weren't comfortable, but because he had drawn on the Force to accelerate his metabolism. All of the various drugs he was purging had to go somewhere, after all, and not everything could be exhaled.

Linora had clearly had a hand in designing this cell, because it was clearly designed to restrain a Jedi. Suspension restraints that held him spread-eagled and which injected a chemical cocktail to muddy his thinking. Randomly strobing lights to keep him disoriented. Oh, and the occasional electric shock, just to convulse his muscles and keep things interesting. Very clever work.

He figured he'd be out in another half hour. But then, he wasn't the typical Jedi.

Muscles still twitching from the latest shock, he concentrated his perceptions on the restraint engulfing his right hand and wrist. Matter was nothing but fields of interlocking forces, after all. Once you had the knack, it was as easy to look within an object as upon it. The Miraluka had mastered this secret tens of thousands of years ago, and had taught it to the Jedi. Slowly, he began to understand the structure of the restraint.

Then he heard the door open. Waves of fear washed across his skin, followed by two familiar presences. One like dark flame, burning by freezing. The other seething rage, armoring a core of dispair. With a sigh he opened his eyes, taking in the forms of Linora and Kaydia. Both were guarding their thoughts, but it was clear from their body language that this wasn't a rescue. He composed his thoughts, submerging his distress at seeing the woman he loved standing with the woman who he had loved.

"I hope you'll forgive my poor manners," he said, forcing a wry smile. "I pride myself on my manners, but... well, I'm a little tied up right now."
Quentin deserves this.

Kaydia had to repeat the mantra to herself, again and again, hardening herself against the love that lingered in her heart. Instead, she rubbed her wrists, wrists that still chaffed from her ordeals with the pirates who had… had…

Rage flared in Kaydia, making easier to ignore Quentin's distress. He let them hurt me. He deserves this.

Linora, on the other hand, smirked. "I would have considered rude if you weren't tied up right now." With a faint clink, she opened a locked cabinet on the far side of the cell. A plethora of implements awaited within, tools of torture as well as drugs and even first aid. After all, torment was far more effective so long as your target didn't bleed out or die of an infection. Linora selected a needle and a small milky vial that needed no label.

"Not Inertia," Kaydia protested, despite the way her body craved another hit. "It's not going to work on him."

Linora put the needle down, "What are you thinking, then?"

"That you catch more flies with honey…" Kaydia dipped one finger into the jar, creating sticky currents. Maintaining eye contact with Linora, she sucked her finger clean, and pulled the brunette into a hungry kiss. Lips and tongues met and dueled, fighting for every last drop in each other's mouths. Kaydia fist tightened in Linora's hair, bending her back, so Kaydia could feast on her throat and chest. After the lavender sweetness of the honey, the salty sweat of her skin was divine.

Linora moaned, and met Quentin's eyes. "You want to join us, don't you Quentin?" Kaydia opened her blouse to the waist, cupping her perky, soft breasts. Her moans joined Linora's, ghosting over her skin as Kaydia savored her nipple. Her own harden in turned, empathic feedback reflecting Linora's sensations back to her. "You could join us. It would be so easy…"

Kaydia bit Linora there, leaving a red mark on her fair skin. She didn't want Quentin to come along easy. It was not easy for her, after all. Why should he get off without any struggle?

"He's not going to," she rasped, collecting another dollop of honey. "He's far too good of Jedi for all that." Smearing amber fluid over her lips, she met his eyes for the first time since entering his cell.

He never loved you, he only pretended. He would have protected you, if he truly loved you.

Kaydia silenced his protests with her lips, forcing her sweetened tongue into his mouth. Her nails dug into his shoulders as the kiss deepened, hating how much she loved this. How much she still loved him, even after everything. He was supposed to be her way out, her happily ever after.

Now? He was just another man who'd used her. Who abandoned her after she was no longer useful. She would still be there now, if it wasn't for Linora. Fuck that, and fuck him. He'd know what he'd abandoned her to, once they were done.

He'd know.
“Kaydia?” Quentin’s voice was hoarse, dread and lust and hunger pooling in his stomach. Watching her with Linora had been fucking hot in an alarming way, but then he’d identified the merakyua. And then he hadn’t been able to take his eyes from her honey-coated fingers and lips. Damn, he wanted a hit. But…

“Kaydia?” She advanced on him like a predator, hate and hunger in her glare. Fury and shame blazing off her like the heat of a furnace. “What… what are you..?”

She silenced him with a kiss that tasted of sweet lavender and bitter anger. He tried to keep his mouth shut but she squeezed the base of his jaw and forced her tongue on him in a mockery of passion. Merakyua, liquified by the heat of her mouth, flooded him. He could feel the ridges of her fingertips on his skin, the texture of her tongue on his, the air caressing his bare skin as the circulator kicked on. A manacle chose that moment to activate, and he shuddered and gasped as electricity danced along his nerves.

“Why?” he gasped, staring into the cold emerald eyes of his lover. “Wh…”. The word cut off as something unyielding gripped his engorged cock, making him buck his hips despite himself. Linora stared at him, licking her lips as her silver hand slowly pumped his length.

“Maybe you’re right,” she said, shifting her attention to Kaydia. “Maybe he is too good a Jedi.” A silver thumb caressed his head. “But with the merakyua in him?” Her cybernetic hand squeezed lightly, wringing a groan from him. “Maybe I should fuck him. Would you like that, Kaydia? Would you like watching me fuck myself on this thick dick?”
"We can both use him, together," Kaydia offered, before pulling Linora into another kiss. She wouldn't have been able to do this at all, if it weren't for the merakuya. Now her mind and body buzzed with sensations, with hunger and craving. Pain pleasure, it didn't matter in these moments. Anything to get her away from her own thoughts. "Let's get him good and hard for us."

She dropped to her knees, hot breath wafting over his twitching shaft. Precum beaded from the tip, his arousal at odds with his predicament. He deserves this, she reminded herself as she opened her mouth to suck his cock, he deserves to be used. His scent invaded her mind, at odds with the memories that bristled at the edges. More than once he thrust forth, involuntary pleasure bucking his hips, she shoved him back into the wall. More than anything else in this moment, Kaydia demanded control.

Linora joined her on her knees, pulling her into kiss that savored of more honey. The sweetness chased away the ache, leaving need it its wake. A thin string of saliva connected their lips once the kiss broke, and Linora Turned her attention back to Quentin, and his cock. She too took him deep into her mouth, her throat, and Kaydia gasped out as she saw the bulge forming in Linora's throat. Somehow, she smirked around his dick, and pulled away slowly.

"I think he's hard enough. Until you just want to make him shoot his load over us, and let his cum lubricate our bodies? Deny him the heat of our passion, until he joins us?"

"No," Kaydia husked, rage and lust mingling into a confusing haze. "I need… I need…" What, she didn't know. Everything, the fullness of sensation that merakuya offered, and nothing, the numbing Inertia promised. "I… need…"

"I know," Linora kissed her again, working her dress off. Leather slid down her curves with a burning friction. "You need this." More kissing, and more clothes came off. Her, Linora's, even Quentin's pants were tugged away.

Through the force, Linora maneuvered Quentin, keeping him bound while she positioned him on the floor. His swollen length jutted up from his bare hips, a twitching invitation, and Kaydia watched with keen focus as Linora mounted him. He still twitched within her depths, her juices soaking him in her lust.

"Don't act like you don't like it." Linora sneered down at Quentin, rolling her hips in a slow, smooth motion. "You're too fucking thick and hard to deny how good this feels…" Her hips came off his a little more now, her slit making a wet smacking sound as she fucked herself on him. "Show him… show how wet you are," she continued, teasing her own breasts as her momentum built. "Let him… let him taste it…"

Straddling his face, Kaydia pull Linora into another kiss, and smeared her cunt over Quentin's lips.
Under normal circumstances, Quentin knew, he was... well, not stronger than Linora or Kaydia. Better trained and more disciplined, though. Normally, he could have fought either one of them off. But there was nothing normal about these circumstances. Not when he had been fed a drug that heightened his sensations and made even the lightest touch into sensual eroticism. And the two women weren't touching him lightly. Their mouths - first Kaydia's and then Linora's - swallowed his aching shaft with a skill that made him shamefacedly arch his body and cry out in arousal. It was rape, and he knew it, but even the iron discipline of a Jedi couldn't prevent the involuntary responses.

"I think he's hard enough," Linora smirked, her breath a feverish heat on his spit-slick shaft. "Until you just want to make him shoot his load over us, and let his cum lubricate our bodies? Deny him the heat of our passion, until he joins us?"

"No..." Quentin begged, hating the way the words sounded in his mouth. "Please... don't..." But she ignored him. Both of them ignored him to strip each other, skin exploring bared skin in a fevered rush of desire. Closing his eyes didn't help, because he could taste their anger and lust in the Force. And because the feel of the manacles scraping over his skin made his cock throb in time with his heartbeat. "Please..." he repeated as he felt bare thighs grip his hips. "Please..."

His eyes bulged and he bit his lip hard enough to draw blood as slick walls slid over his engorged shaft, swallowing him whole. "Don't act like you don't like it," Linora jeered, rolling her hips in a slow, smooth motion. "You're too fucking thick and hard to deny how good this feels…"

The knowledge that he was being raped warring with the agonizing pleasure as her she rose and slid back down, her juices flowing down his shaft. "Linora," he gasped out, fighting the primal urge to fuck, to ease his torment by spilling his seed into her body. "Don't... you don't want..."

"Show him…" Linora husked, leaning back to take him deeper, "show how wet you are," He could feel her clench around his cock. "Let him… let him taste it…"

Any response he might have had was lost as weight descended onto his face. Thighs gripped his skull, and he could taste Kaydia's familiar juices has her slit slipped and parted against his mouth. His tongue went to work without his conscious intent, caressing her clit with a desperate hunger. **Please, Kaydia...** he called out through the Force. **Please... don't... don't do this..."
Kaydia drove Quentin's pleas from her mind, sending them back to him with a psychic whip of bitter rage. It wasn't so long ago that he'd ignored her, after all. Left her with icy silence as she begged him for help, as she suffered degradations and humiliation. And now, when he was getting but a small taste of her torment, he begged for mercy? Fuck Quentin! Fuck that self-righteous, lying piece of shit! He probably wouldn't have even let her kill the pirates after what they did to her. What they'd all done to her.

Fuck him. And they would, too. Linora had him now, his thick cock slick with her lust and partings her soft pink lips. Maybe she'd have him next. Maybe…

Maybe looking into his eyes, bodies pressed close together. Like they had in the Scrapper, before he told her he loved her.

Kaydia squeezed her eyes shut, banishing the traitor thought from her head. He'd lied to her. He'd only used her to get close to Linora, and he'd let her get captured so he could return his mission once more. But her memories warred with Linora's explanations, and without the haze of Inertia, It all made less and less sense.

"Don't fight it," Linora commanded, leaving Kaydia unsure if she were talking to her or Quentin. An ungloved hand caressed her cheek, her throat, shoulder, before pulling Kaydia closer. Close enough Linora's breath ghosted over her face. Linora kissed her again, her tongue managing to mimic Quentin's as it worked inside her. Kaydia drank in her moans, her pleasure, at odds with the trauma gnawing at her own subconscious. Linora's tongue explored her mouth, and her sensations touched her mind, carrying the delicious friction and pressure of Quentin's dick inside her.

Kaydia gasped in response, clenching tight around Quentin's unwilling yet eager tongue. "Oh fuck… He feels so good…"

"Yeah he does…" Linora agreed, nipping at Kaydia's jaw. Her gloved hand palmed a breast and squeezed gently. "Yeah, I'm about to cum. You're close too, aren't you?"

"Yes," Kaydia admitted. Despite his protests, Quentin's lips sucked on her aching clit, just catching on her piercing. As much as she hated the thing, the tug of metal was divine under the influence of Merakuya.

"Let's cum together," Linora moaned, silk cover fingers teasing her erect nipple. "I'll bet he'll cum too, then you can lick it out of my cunt. Maybe we can get him to fuck you from behind, while you eat me out."
Pain and pleasure mingled as the two women raped him, an overwhelming sensation made all the worse by the lack of any physicality to the pain. It was all memory and sensation, Kaydia lashing his essence with horrors she’d experienced for reasons he couldn’t understand. She seemed to blame him, but why?

Linora clenched around him, and Kaydia ground her cunt into his mouth and moaned as his tongue explored her new piercing and she shuddered as the fifth pirate rammed his meat into her, laughing at the whimper of pain that escaped her. Training kicked in and she brought a fist up, only to have a boot heel smash down on her forehead. Laughter erupted as her skull bounced in the alloy floor, creating waves of nauseous pain that rivaled the burning agony of the cock filling her. “Feisty bitch, ain’t she?” someone sneered.

“Let's cum together," Linora moaned, her voice distant and muffled by Kaydia’s thighs. "I'll bet he'll cum too, then you can lick it out of my cunt. Maybe we can get him to fuck you from behind, while you eat me out."

“Come with me,” Linora said, wrapping a blanket around shoulders scraped raw by a hard alloy floor. “You’re safe, now.”

Kaydia clung to her, barely able to stand. The room was a scene of carnage, strewn with bodies crushed and slashed by Linora’s fury. “Quentin…” she gasped out.

Linora made a sound of disgust. “That son of a bitch? He left you to this, Kay.”

Fury flooded Quentin, cold hate that drove out the pain and the pleasure and everything else. She’d told Kaydia that he’d let the pirates..? Fuck her. And fuck Kaydia for believing such a lie. He’d there is no passion, there is…

Rage exploded out, carried on a roar of anger and a wave of the Force that sent both women flying off him. Electrical shocks went off, arcing along his nerves, and the pain just added to his fury. The Force gathered at his call and the manacles and leggings snapped and shattered. He landed on his ass and rolled, coming up in a crouch in time to see Linora rising to her feet and calling a lightsaber to her hand.

He lashed out, drawing on the Force to slam her into the wall. Air exploded from her lungs and her lightsaber dropped from her gloved fingers. “Think you’re funny, don’t you?” he growled, lifting her with the Force and slamming her into another wall. “Telling her that?”

Linora struggled to fill her lungs and Quentin lashed out with the Force again, smashing her into a table. She tried to rise and he caught a fist full of her raven hair, using it to smash her face back into the plastic. “Telling her I let her be raped?”

Linora tried to say something. Quentin interrupted her by jerking her hair back and then slamming her down again. Blood sprayed from a split lip. “Bet you think it was funny.” He gripped his erect dick, feeling it still slick with her juices, and lined it up. Meeting Kaydia’s gaze with eyes that flickered with crimson lightning, he drove himself to the hilt in Linora’s cunt. “Think she’ll still cum?” he asked, driving into her. “I can’t wait to see you lick my cum out of her.”
Kaydia trembled at the verge of ecstasy, pleasure taut in her tightening muscles. Holding on, for Linora, even for Quentin, to experience both of their climaxes together. Pleasure, building and writhing, coursing through her blood and along her veins and filling her lungs. Pleasure, pleasure and…

Pain. The pain hit her before the wall had, a profound agony of betrayal and rage, purely psychic in nature. By the time the physical pain of crashing into the cell walls registered, Kaydia was half conscious, head swimming with anguish and gasping for breath. She hardly had time to drag oxygen into her lungs before she had to duck away from Linora's body, thrown like a ragdoll by a tantruming child into the wall.

Everything was fuzzy, indistinct, until wet blood on Linora's lip catching her attention. Quentin's eyes flashed in the same shade of crimson, staring into her own.

"Think she'll still cum?"

Kaydia blinked, still piecing together what had happened. What was happening, or about to happen to Linora. What could possibly await her, next. Should she fight him? Should she rescue Linora, the way Linora had rescued her? But had it been a rescue, really, or just Linora's maneuvering? A ploy, to turn her against Quentin?

And she'd fallen for it.

Linora gasped out as Quentin drove hard and deep into her and still staring deep into her eyes. "I can't wait to see you lick my cum out of her."

A threat? A peace offering? What this rape now? Would she be next? And wouldn't she deserve it? Questions chased themselves in her mind until sensation replaced it, drawing another gasp from her. A gasp in time with Linora's, in time with the force of his thick cock splitting her walls apart. Demanding, bruising strokes, without any regard for Linora.

"She's… I'm… she's… close" The distinction between sharing sensations and experiencing sensations faltered, fractured, fell apart in Kaydia's rigid figure and Linora's fluttering muscles.
He was going too far. He knew it. But he didn’t care. Rage and humiliation and lust surged through him, mingled with memories of past encounters with her, alloying into a dark hunger. Quentin slammed into her again and again, rebelling in the feel of Linora’s legs trembling and her ass against his stomach and the gasping cries he forced from her as his cock pistoned into her. She tried to say something and he jerked her hair, arching her back and cutting her off with a sharp cry.

“She's… I'm… she's… close". The voice was Kaydia’s, thick and trembling with the same hunger he felt. The same dark hunger he could see glazing Linora’s eyes.

“Yeah,” he grunted. “I can feel it.” He jerked Linora’s hair, forcing her back to arch, and cupped a firm breast with his free hand. He dug his fingers in and squeezed, drawing a gasping hiss that transformed into a gasp of… pain? Pleasure? Both? “I’m going to do exactly what you wanted to do to me,” he snarled into her ear. “I’m going to rape an orgasm out of you.”

“Fuuuck…” Linora moaned, blood dripping from her lip as she said it. Her arms, one silk-gloved silver and one flesh, gripped the edge of the table so she could get the leverage to push back against his thrusts. “Kay… f… finger… yourself…”

“Yeah,” Quentin laughed. “Do it. Get yourself off, watching me wreck her cunt.” His crimson eyes flicked in her direction. “I… fuck… I want… want you… good and wet… so… so I can… fuck you… while you… eat this… this..,”

Linora screamed as she climaxed, venting her lust in a way she could never have done at the Temple. Drops of blood splattered the wall as she threw her head back. Quentin slammed into her one last time, his harsh cry of triumph mingling with hers as he emptied his cum into her. His hips bucked against her, and with an act of will he pulled out, spraying the last three jets of his semen in pearly ropes across her ass and back.

Looking smug, he stepped back to enjoy the sight of his former lover, limp and sweaty and streaked with his seed. Then he turned to stare hungrily at his current lover, appreciating the post-orgasmic flush that reddened her geeks and breasts. “I made a bit of a mess,” he snickered. “More for you to clean up, right?”

Stepping towards her, he wrapped his hand around his cum slick dick. He pumped it lightly, then brought his glistening fingers to her lips. “What will you like better?” he asked, painting her mouth with his seed and Linora’s juices. “Tasting me in her? Or me fucking you while you do it?”
Craning her neck to meet his gaze, Kaydia supposed this was the first time she'd ever realized how much taller Quentin was. Because this was the first time she'd ever seen him as a threat. Oh sure, she could fight him off, probably. She just never thought that she'd have to consider it, before now.

There was something dark in Quentin, and she'd awoken it.

Still, Kaydia didn't cower. Not now, when she was reclaiming herself. She grabbed his wrist, bringing his slick fingers to her mouth, and slurping his semen from them. "Cumming, while you fuck me. While I taste you and her, together." She pressed closer, their bodies pressed together, and swallowed his two fingers to the third knuckle. "Are you going to force an orgasm from me, as well?"

She didn't wait for an answer. Instead she leaned over Linora, running fingers down her back until she reached her hips, and gripping her tight. This time, her back arched, bending over Linora to lick the cooling string of liquid pearl on Linora's skin. Sweat and seed and salt, Kaydia savored it all. Working herself lower and lower, soon she was on her knees. Again.

Again, she looked up at Quentin. Watching him, waiting for his next move. Waiting to see if he loved or hated her, now. Her tongue delved deep into Linora, juices dripping from her chin and onto her breasts in an eager attempt to taste more of her. All of her. Her ahnds slid lower, over Linora's ass so she could open her with both thumbs, and lick more cum from her dripping cunt.
Linora leaned heavily on the table, breathing hard and trying not to collapse. The stabbing ache in her side as she drew breath told her that Quentin had cracked at least one rib when he’d thrown her around the room, and the liquid ache in her loins told her that he’d well and truely fucked her. Or… raped her..? Was it rape, really? Or just the kind of hard, hungry fuck she’d craved?

Quentin and Kaydia were talking now, and she just couldn’t work up the energy to listen. Her attention was contracted inwards, to the sweet ache between her thighs and the bruises on her skin and the feel of Quentin’s seed dripping down her back. And then in the feel of hands and tongue sliding over her back. Kaydia. She’d recognize the touch of that deceptively tender flesh anywhere. And then, as her fingers opened her and her tongue filled her, she registered something Kaydia had said.

“Cumming, while you fuck me. While I taste you and her, together."

Jealousy reared up in her, hungry and demanding. She pushed herself up and turned, whimpering a little as Kaydia’s skilled tongue left her. Then, licking eyes with Quentin in a challenge, she slid her hands under Kaydia’s arms and pulled her up. The redhead’s ripe body slid over her more slender one - Kaydia was slightly taller and a little more heavily muscled - and she caressed her face with hands of flesh and chrome. “He’s right,” she breathed against her musk-scented mouth. “I did lie to you.”

Her tongue parted Kaydia’s lips, exploring her mouth. The familiar taste of her juices mingled with Quentin’s sharp, distantly-remembered flavor. “I was too late to stop them, but he was unconscious.” Her teeth scraped lightly over Kaydia’s tongue, then tugged her bottom lip. “I just wanted you to myself. All to myself.” Her hands slid down her shoulders and over her back, and her eyes held Quentin’s as he watched them. “I was so fucking jealous, when I saw the security footage of the two of you in your apartment.”

A flesh hand dug into the meat of Kaydia’s ass. The chrome one worked between them, her silk glove soaking up Kaydia’s juices as she worked an unyielding digit into her.” “We’re you jealous, watching him fuck me?” A silk-clad alloy thumb teased her clit as she worked a second finger in. “Let’s make him jealous,” she whispered, nipping Kaydia’s earlobe. “Her fingers pushed deep, massaging the soft tissue beneath the hard alloy. “Let’s make him want to fuck you as hard as he fucked me.”
Kaydia hummed into her closed mouth, the pressure of Linora's fingers unyielding in her trembling depths. Heated metal filling and stretching her deliciously. And yet, something Linora said dawned on her. Something she couldn't let slip by.

"Were you jealous of him? Or were you jealous of us?" she asked, skimming one hand down Linora's flesh arm. "You say you wanted me, but I think you wanted us. Both of us."

"You wanted to fuck him, just as much as you wanted to fuck me. After all, you didn't waste any time jumping on that dick, did you?" Kaydia laughed, a thick, lustful sound. Their mouths joined again, Kaydia's building pleasure flowing into her kiss, into the duel and dance between tongues.

Was she truly sensing Linora's desires, or merely projecting her own? Already sharing Linora's sensation and feelings had blurred the line between their distinct selves, making difficult to determine whose desires she'd discovered. "You want both of us. And I want both of you." His finger tangled in Linora's dark hair, gripping tighter as rapture coiled between her thighs.

"The question is, does he want both of us?" She leaned back, half turning to look at Quentin now, holding his gaze while Linora kissed her throat. "Or would we actually take no for an answer?"
“You wanted to fuck him, just as much as you wanted to fuck me,” Kaydia teased, her lips just brushing Linora’s mouth. “After all, you didn't waste any time jumping on that dick, did you?"

“Yes…” Linora husked, opening herself to Kaydia’s questing tongue. *Both of you.*. Her words flowed through the Force, flavored with her mounting lust and memories of pleasuring herself to the spy footage. She slid her tongue over Kaydia’s and ground her mound against Kaydia’s thigh, coating her skin.

Both of them gasped as they parted, and Kaydia’s fingers tangled in her long hair. “You want both of us. And I want both of you."

“Yes,” Linora breathed, moaning the word as the heat pooling in the assassin’s belly flowed through the Force to stoke her own hunger. “Both of you,” she agreed, bringing her lips to Kaydia’s throat. Her teeth caught skin, and the stinging pleasure flowed back into her through the Force as well. “Now.”

“"The question is, does he want both of us?" She leaned back, half turning to look at Quentin now, holding his gaze while Linora kissed her throat. "Or would we actually take no for an answer?"

Quentin stepped up behind her, his eyes locked on hers. He gripped her hips, holding her as he pressed his steel-hard meat against her. “What makes you think,” he growled, “that you have a choice?” He rocked his hips, letting her feel his length sliding along the cleft of her ass, and his lips traced the back of her neck. Then sharp teeth dug in, leaving a stinging bruise on her fair skin.

“You wer going to fuck her,” Linora moaned, her breath hot on Kaydia’s ear. “From behind.”

Quentin caught a fist full of her raven hair and dragged her into a deep, hungry kiss over Kaydia’s shoulder. “While she ate my cum out of your cunt.”

Linora slipped her gloved hand from Kaydia, leaving her hanging in the edge of release. Wet silk trailed up her stomach, and then she pushed herself up onto the table. “Yes,” she agreed, scooting back and spreading her legs. “While she licked my pussy clean.”
Quentin bit her so hard, Kaydia was surprised he hadn't drawn blood. Still, her shoulder throbbed, throbbed as fiercely as her engorged clit, desperate for her climax. Desperate to be filled by Quentin or Linora or both. The tease of the kiss over her shoulder, with both of them pressed against Kaydia, burned a jealous flame in Kaydia. Quentin, so hard, so hot, so near, drove her to near madness with want. With need.

And Linora spread herself before her, cum catching the dull light of the cell. An invitation, and demand. She had no choice, but to comply. No choice in their pleasure. And yet, she taunted Quentin, grinding her ass against his stiff length as she leaned in to taste Linora.

One hand opened Linora's lips, crismon labia still raw after Quentin had used her, mercilessly. Kaydia's other hand moved up Linora's body, groping for a perky breast. Her tongue speared deep, savoring Quentin's lust and Linora's cries. Calling up Quentin's lust once more, offering herself up to his dark demands.

More than once, she almost claimed his hard cock, as she moved against him. Sure, his grip on her hips was strong, but she fought him at every turn. Muscles in her thighs and stomach and even her ass strained and writhed against his grip, and she smeared her juices all over his abs and thighs. Adding her scent to Linora's, still clinging to him. Her lips found Linora's clit, sucking gently, then nipping at her, then sucking again, ratcheting Linora up to her level of maddening need and aching desire.
Quentin grunted as he strained, muscles writhing as he tried to hold Kaydia still. She fought him, clearly enjoying herself as she worked to keep him from taking her. “Fucking tease,” he growled, sliding one hand over her rump and slapping it.

Linora’s back arched, offering more of her breasts and cunt to Kaydia’s insistant hands and tongue. “Fuck, yes,” she moaned, shuddering as her pleasure mounted. “Oh, fuck, yes… yes she is…”

“I want you,” Quentin growled, hands slipping over Kaydia’s sweat-slick skin. “I’m going to have you.” His nails raked red scratches across her hips as he fought for a grip. “You’re going to beg me while I pump my cum into you.”

He bent over her, his chest tight against her back as he slid his hands down to grip her thighs. That grip held her mostly still, and he pressed the head of his shaft against her slick folds. Against, and then slowly in. Slowly because she clenched down, making him fight for every delicious inch of her slick walls. His struggles drive her hard into Linora, who moaned and ecstatically blasphemed.

“Fuck,” he gasped as he felt the last of her resistance give way. His aching meat pulsed within her and he drove himself hard, the air full of the wet sound of flesh slapping on flesh. “I’m going… going to…”

“Fuck her,” Linora moaned as well, her chrome hand tangling in Kaydia’s hair. “Fuck her into me. I want to feel it, when you fill her.”
Quentin didn't appreciate being teased. Or, he appreciated too much, wrapping his entire body around her to hold her still enough to fuck. To fill and stuff her full of his steel hard shaft. Fuck, but he felt incredible inside her, his swollen length stretching her exquisitely.

Not that Kaydia was ready to surrender, or anything like that. Oh sure, she'd opened to him, taken his thick cock. Now she claimed every inch of him, gripping him tight once he sheathed himself inside her. Fighting his retreat with strong, silken muscles. She challenged his very momentum, moving against his strokes and rhythm. The bucking of her hips begged for more. Harder thrusts, deeper strokes, a quicker pace and a demanding grip on her body.

Kaydia moaned out her ecstasy, her defiance into Linora, into her heated depths and needy lips. Her hands groped harder at Linora, reddening her fair skin with needy hands. Needy hands turned into questing fingers, two then three filling Linora while lips worshipped her throbbing clit. Moving in time with Quentin, as he used her.

Just as they'd used him.
Linora writhed beneath Kaydia, flesh hand tangled in copper-red tressed as she fucked herself on the redhead’s probing tongue and fingers. “Oh, oh fuck,” she gasped, cupping her own breast with silk-sheathed metal. “That… that’s it… fuck… fuck me… like that…”

Kaydia stared up at her, jade-green eyes dark and heavy with lust. Behind her, Quentin pumped himself into Kaydia’s dripping cunt like he was trying to fuck both of them. Linora devoured the feeling of his thick shaft sliding in and out of Kaydia’s walls, feeling the delicious friction in the Force. “That… oh… oh, yes… yes…”

Her thighs gripped Kaydia’s skull and she pulled Kaydia’s mouth tight against her pussy as she climaxed. “Kay… fuck! Oh… oh fuck!” Her hips thrashed, desperately seeking to pull Kaydia deeper, desperately trying , to prolonged the pleasure. “Fucking… cum! In… in… her! I… want…”

Quentin leaned into Kaydia, feeling her sweat-slick back slide over his chest as he fucked her. As she fucked back onto him. “Mine,” he growled against the back of her skull. His own breath was coming in short bursts. “You… you’re mine Kaydia.” She made a sound of some sort in reply, a maybe-word muffled by Linora’s thighs and mound, but she pushed herself onto his length as a response.

Quentin slid his hands up her stomach to cup her firm breasts. He squeezed, using them as a handle as he drove his meat into her. “Mine…” he growled. “Mine…”. And then his climax hit, his seed pumping into her womb as his hips bucked uncontrollably.

“Oh, damn,” Linora gasped, brushing strands of sweaty hair out of her face as she propped herself up to watch. Then she grinned, and jerked her head at the corner. “Maybe… maybe we should figure out what to tell the guards? They recorded all of this.”
Kaydia braced herself on the table with both arms, drawing heaving breaths to refill her lungs. Quentin had worked hard in her, flooding her with his cum, and now she was holding them both up. "Tell them… Tell them to stop jerking off and get back to work." She laughed a little, shifting her stance to better support herself and Quentin, still half hard and buried inside her.

Leaning forward, she managed to capture Linora in another kiss, lighter this time, while she was still catching her breath. "And tell them if they upload that onto the holonet without cutting us into the profits, we will hunt them down and hurt them. Badly."

By now, she could stand, pushing herself and Quentin fully upright. He was still wrapped around her, though, his possessive grip exciting her still. "I 'd say you've laid your claim on me, quite thoroughly," she murmured, turning to reach his lips without having to disentangle from his grip. "But so did Linora. So the question stands: Are you willing to share me? And are you willing to be shared?"
Quentin stiffened and Linora sat a little more upright at Kaydia’s question, each eying the other suspiciously. “That…” Quentin began.

“That’s a… difficult question,” Linora said, involuntarily running her hand over her prosthetic arm and then scratching at the scar tissue where her shoulder ended at chrome began. “I mean, he did maim me.”

“Only because you tried to kill me on Haskar Station,” Quentin pointed out. “And after you made three separate attempts on my life, and after you framed me for dealing the cilona and ryll that killed Master Neros Khan.” He frowned, thinking. “Oh. And sent a droideka and a Headhunter wing to kill me when…”

“That was Master Qi’ril’s call,” Linora huffed. “You’d intercepted our merakyua supplier, and she decided that both of you were liabilities.” She folded her arms beneath her breasts, and examined him severely. “If it had been up to me, I’d have tried to bring you in on it.”

Laughing, Quentin shook his head. “Wouldn’t have worked. I was a pretty straight-laced young Jedi, then.”

Linora slipped to her feet and wrapped her arms around Kaydia, resting her hands on his shoulder. “And now?”

Quentin considered. “We’ll,” he said slowly, “we both know I wasn’t a particularly straight laced Padawan.” Kaydia distracted him momentarily by kissing Linora. The motion made him slip from her depths, and he leaned into her warm back with a possesdive embrace. “And I don’t know that you could call me particularly straight-laced now.”

Linora laughed, sounding genuinely amused. “Maybe just a little less than in the Temple Archive.”

“Maybe,” Quentin agreed with a grin. “But… sharing Kaydia with you? And being shared by the two of you? I…”. He pursed his lips, thinking. “How far would that go?”

Linora smiled, lingered over a deep kiss with Kaydia, then pulled Quentin’s face close over her shoulder. “How far do you want to go?” she breathed.

“All the way,” Quentin breathed in reply. “Taking command of the ruling council of Black Sun itself.”
Now that's a dangerous conversation to have while naked, Kaydia suggested to both Quentin and Linora through the force. One of her hands went over his and she moved it to her stomach, pulling his body closer and tighter against her in the process.

It is a dangerous conversation, Linora agreed, her arm brushing Kaydia's shoulder as her fingers traveled up Quentin's firm biceps. Though, I am not sure being naked makes it any more dangerous.

Kaydia slid one thigh between Linora's legs, close enough now that her breasts flattened against Linora's. Do you really think your guards stopped recording us yet? Or are they watching us extra closely, in case we go at it again?

You sound like you want an audience.
Linora cupped a breast, smooth silk and unyielding steel teasing her nipple. Kaydia's head lulled back, against Quentin's chest and a breathy moan escaped her lips.

Yes, she admitted, the word nearly spilling from her lips as her arousal built. And I still want to see the holovid you saved of my first night with Quentin. But that can wait until after we've planned our takeover of the Black Sun.

"Do you ever think we're on the wrong side?"

Aurianna glanced sideways, meeting Jeoram's gaze, before following his line of sight to the attractive Zeltron across the room. The perky, pink-skinned alien beamed a bubbly smile at them. Both of them, a stark contrast to the way the rest of the staff had politely avoided looking their way.

She chuckled inwardly, and shook her head, "No, never. She wasn't surprised the Zeltron was practically eyefucking her fellow Jedi. Like most of their kind, he had a slim, muscular physique, but he also had sharp, almost chiseled cheekbones and cerulean blue eyes, facial features more common of the biggest holovid stars than a keeper of the peace and protector of the Republic. While most admirers accepted Jedi nature with disappointment, a few took it as a challenge. Like the lovely Zeltron before them, currently stretching in a way that was deliberately provocative.

Aurianna supposed she looked most out of place here. Oh, her outfit wasn't much more modest than most of the other women here, but it did cover her in different ways. Her high-throated top covered –and clung to– her chest, but left shoulders and midriff bare, showing off her toned, muscular figure. Shiny, skin tight pants covered her, but left little to the imagination, and no doubt that every inch of her physique was tempered for strength. The lightsaber at her waist carried both threat and authority in equal measure.

"Mind our mission," she murmured. Months of investigation into a slave ring had lead them to Canto Bight. And while the Velvet Hour was a legitimate operation, boasting of willing and enthusiastic personnel, Aurianna suspected there were links to the slave ring just under the surface of the high end brothel.

"Oh, I'm quite mindful of it," Jeoram replied. "I'm of a mind to probe the matter rather deeply."

Aurianna rolled her eyes, "If you want to sleep with her, then sleep with her. I don't sense any coercion in her. Indeed, she seems rather keen."

Really?" Jeoram crooked an eyebrow. "Are you sure you aren't guiding me towards the temptation? Isn't desire a path to the darkside?"

"Unbridled desire is dangerous, yes, but denying our human nature is a lie, and also dangerous. Satisfying our physical urges frees our minds for nobler pursuits. Like our current mission." Aurianna glanced at the closed office door now, wondering if Mr. Kavaltaja were purposely keeping them waiting. Initially, she'd been surprised by his open invitation to chat, but by now she suspected that he realized that lying to and obfuscating a pair of Jedi would not go well for him.
“You may go in, now,” the Zeltron woman purred, rising and opening the door. She moved just enough to let the Jedi pass her, her hip grazing Aurianna’s as she did. “And I’ll be waiting when you’re finished.”

Jeoram shook his head and chuckled, enjoying Ari’s expression of offended dignity. “Does it makes it better that it’s probably not personal?” he asked. “Or worse?”

The office was large, large enough to be a hanger for a single snub fighter, and dominated by a sloping wall of transparent armorcrys that offered a panoramic view of the Canto Bight skyline. The floor appeared to be marble, but was made of some sort of yielding material that made it feel like walking on a thin mattress. The walls were lined with holocasters displaying the activities going on in the Velvet Hour, a huge table filled the center of the room, and a crescent-shaped desk sat before the window.

“Thank you for your patience,” said the man behind the desk as he rose. He offered his hand, first to Aurianna and then to Jeoram. “It’s not often that we entertain two of the noble guardians of the Republic. Are you here on business, or pleasure?”

“Business, I’m afraid,” Jeoram replied, sizing the man up. Talk and dark haired, lean built, with piercing amber eyes. There was a scent of musk and hardwood about him, and a shadow in the Force. He’d been trained to resist casual mind reading, at least. “But thank you for your time, Mr. Kavaltaja.”

“Oh, no,” the man chuckled. “I’m afraid he couldn’t make it - last minute business that required his personal attention. You understand, I hope?” He clapped his hands. “Ellora! Something to drink, please. A brandy for me, and whatever our guests desire!”

The other occupant of the room, a curvy redhead in a plain black suit rose from her seat at the side of the desk. “Of course. What would you like?”

Jeoram glanced at his partner. “I’m sorry. We weren’t informed. You are…?”

The man smiled and gestured for them to take a seat. “Hal-Jakan Teris, Chief Operations Officer of the Velvet Hour. And Mr. Kavaltaja has instructed me to offer you all assistance until he returns.”


The man known as ‘Mr. Kavaltaja’ sipped a blood-red liqueur as he watched the interaction through the holocast. It wasn’t his real name, of course. Just an alias he’d assumed - a little joke. The only name he actually had was the one the Order had given him as a foundling infant.


“They’re both quite pretty,”’observed the other occupant of the room, a slender man with platinum-blonde hair and pale blue eyes dressed in velvet and lace. He sipped his own drink, a pale amber fluid in a tall flute, and gestured at the image. “Which one is your former apprentice, again?”

“The woman, Master,” Matthias grunted, settling back into his seat. “Aurianna. The other one is…. Jordan, maybe? A friend of hers from the Temple.”

The foppish man watched the proceedings for a moment. “It was a wise decision to avoid letting her see you, I think. It prolongs the suspense.” He smiled. “I would like her brought in, though. Both of them, really.” He smiled. “They really are pretty.”

Shrugging, Matthias sipped his liqueur. “Shall I begin the process, my Master?”

“Not now.” The foppish man selected a tiny pastry from the table beside him and examined it. “For now, let us observe. And after? Why, I have another little task for you to look into.”
"If you don't mind, I'd like to get right into it." Aurianna started, sitting across from Hal-Jakan and crossing her legs. "A cargo ship registered to this company recently failed a surprise inspection by Republic customs agents. A great deal of contraband was discovered on board. Since all of the crew of that ship are direct employees of this company, and the manifest was signed by Mr. Kavaltaja directly."

The holodocuments in question flashed above the desk in flickers blues and green, clearly displaying the signature in question. "This is a serious concern indeed," Hal-Jakan agreed, holding up his glass while Ellora filled it with amber liquid. He took a sip before he continued, "Seems as if it could be an isolated incident, though. A few bad petty criminals taking advantage of our good name to conduct their criminal deeds. Did that really warrant a trip all the way out here to investigate this yourself?" There was a smirk in his cheeks, a subtle shade of knowing, as if he'd caught them in a lie or hypocrisy. No, there was more to it. It was smug, arrogant. He knew something, and more, he knew she couldn't prove it.

Ellora started to pour a second glass, but Aurianna covered it with her hand. "I wish I could believe that, but what was recovered far exceeds what we would expect to find from a small, independent group. I fear a well-organized cell is working within your ranks, Mr. Teris."

"Well, I am grateful you've brought this dreadful matter to our attention, so our internal review team can further investigate the matter."

"Yes, I do suspect you will want to conduct a full investigate, however, due to the sensitive nature of this case, I am afraid it will have to begin after we complete our investigation. Your internal review team is welcome to work with us in this endeavor, but we maintain jurisdiction."

"Of course, we will comply with the Republic at every turn. But you two had a long trip, didn't you? And your investigation will take a while yet, in any case. Ellora, see the Jedi to a room. I will prepare a memo instructing full cooperation with our esteemed guests."

"This hardly seems appropriate."

The "room" they had been assigned were easily the most extravagant accomdations either had ever received. A suite, really, with a massive sunken sitting area, around a holo-fire pit, a fully stocked bar and even a hot tub in one corner. On each end were separate bedrooms, with large beds

"Oh, surely two fine Jedi such as yourselves can't be corrupted by a bit of luxury," Ellora replied, her innocent tone betraying the mocking statement. Despite playing subservient to Hal-Jakan, she certainly seemed on his level. Both knew more than they let on. "And Mr. Teris has insisted I make myself available to both of you. Anything you need, just ask." She made meaningful eye contact with Jeoram then, taking his hand to input her signal details in his wrist comm. "Anything."

"Well, I am quite certain we're on the wrong side now." Jeoram laughed, and pulled a bunch of grapes off the fruit bowl at the center of the suite. He plopped one into his mouth and stretched over a cushioned lounge chair.

Aurianna sat near him, and pitched her voice low. "I wouldn't bring anyone back here, if I were you."

"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow her way, and swallowed another grape, "I thought I had your permission to sleep with whomever I wanted."

"You don't need my permission for that. But I have no doubt these rooms are bugged, and even less doubt that anyone here would hesitate to use anything they record as kompromat."
“Kompromat,” Jeoram repeated, examining one of the grapes. “Or we could just use the good old fashioned word blackmail.” Chuckling, he tossed the grape into the air and caught it in his mouth. “There’s an easy preventative for that though,” he said as he chewed. “Just admit it. They can’t blackmail you if you aren’t trying to hide it.”

Catching Aurianna’s dark expression, he shook his head and selected another grape. “And don’t glare at me like that,” he laughed, tossing the fruit back into the bowl. “I am not - despite Master Mykel’s occasional lamentations - stupid. Window shopping’s one thing, but buying?” He shook his head as he stood up. “Not during an investigation. Don’t need to start thinking with the wrong head.”

He was just starting to head for the bedroom he’d claimed, when a gentle chime sounded. It took him a moment to figure out what it meant, and then he tapped a button on the couch. An image appeared above the holographic flames, a woman wearing a more or less practical sleeveless jumpsuit. “Mr. Jakan asked me to liaise with you,” she announced, her voice a husky soprano through the hidden speakers of the room. “May I come in?”

“Case in point,” Jeoram pointed out, then tapped another button. “Come on in.”

The door hissed open and the wiman entered. She was short, only a few inches taller than five feet, with sunburn-pink skin and blue eyes and blue hair and blue lipstick to match. Her jumpsuit was open midway down her chest, exposing a generous helping of cleavage, and she carried a chrome-plated dataslate. “Lendana Otirael,” she announced, “Chief Internal Auditor here at the Velvet Hour.”
Aurianna stood to greet the auditor as she entered, "Thank you, Miss Otirael."

She suspected she was less prudish than the average Jedi. Certainly not scandalized by most displays of sensuality. Nor did she believe herself above sexual desire. Her former master had seen to that. Challenged her to think critically about the teachings of the order. If Jedi were so dedicated to balance, why all the commitment to deprivation?

Even still, despite her protestations, Aurianna found herself growing increasingly uncomfortable at the Velvet Hour, and Lendana Otirael was just another part of that. Did even the upper management dress like the entertainment, body on display even if it weren't available for purchase? Standing over a foot taller, it was hard not to feel like she were looking down the woman's top. Though, as far as she had it zipped down, she didn't seem to mind the attention.

"We are going to need all the shipping logs going back two years, as well as the employment files of everyone aboard those trips, at least to start."
“We can certainly start there,” Lendana agreed with a smile. “It’s rather a lot of information, though.” She winked. “Quite a bit goes in and out of th Velvet Hour.”

Jeoram snorted, then rolled his eyes. “I’m sure,” he replied dryly.

Lendana took a seat on the couch, resting her arms on the back in a way that arched her back slightly. “Shall we get started, then?”

“Up to her,” Jeoram shrugged, gesturing at his partner. “She’s the brains of the operation.” He shrugged on his grey yukata and belted it. “I’ll see you both later.”

“Oh?” Lendana pouted. “And here I’d hoped to have both of you. Where are you going.”

“Out for a look,” Jeoram replied, heading for the door. “Maps are fine, but I like to explore.” As the door opened, his thoughts touched Aurianna’s mind. Business, he assured her. I want to make sure of our exit routes, in case something goes ploin-shaped.

“So do I,” Lendana smiled, watching him leave. Her gaze lingered on the door as it hissed shut. “He’s pretty. Does he keep you occupied between missions?”
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