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Fx Female Secret Santa

Open Becky

Dec 2, 2021
I have this idea in my head that I've been working on. I've roleplayed something similar before, but it's been quite a few years.

Secret Santa is a game that families or groups of friends play around Christmas. The idea is that everyone draws someone else's name from a hat. Then, the person who pulled the name becomes the "Secret Santa" for the person named on her slip of paper. With this roleplay/story, we would set up something similar, but it would have a sexual theme. The "gifts" given could be things like sex toys, sexual favors, etc. We could set it up so that there's a one time gift exchange, but I'd prefer having the Secret Santas give gifts on multiple days leading up to Christmas while still maintaining their cover.

I could see three possible ways of playing this game, but am open to suggestions:

1. One-on-one. One or both of us could play multiple characters. We would know our own identities, but keep them secret from the other person for a few rounds of gifts.
2. In an open group. We would clearly know the pairings here, but we could develop the story around the characters getting the gifts and trying to figure out the pairings.
3. In a moderated group. One of us would act as the moderator. We would have a group story where all of the characters interact together. However, the gifts would be given through the moderator so as to maintain the anonymity of the Secret Santas...until Christmas, of course.

Please PM if you're interested in joining me!

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