Mx Female Detailed RP: Many prompts within

Dec 2, 2021

I've been RP'ing for as long as I can remember. I've always had fun bouncing ideas off my partners and enjoy the back and forth a co-author friendship brings with it.

What am I looking for?
  • A woman. I'm a man and am looking to write with an 18+ woman.
  • Someone that is willing to talk things out; I find this especially important if one of us isn't enjoying something (or whatever the issue); ghosting is truly not acceptable in my eyes... A conversation should always happen, even if it's to discuss going out separate ways.
  • Someone that's open to discussing desires, wants, needs, passions for our stories. I don't want/need to talk/plan things to death, but it's good to have some semblance of direction.
  • Unique ideas. As mentioned, I've been writing for longer than I care to admit... I don't care how long you've been writing for, but I do want you to come to the table with something. If you're 100% reliant on me pushing the story forward I might as well write alone... so... don't be scared to share ideas!
  • Short-term or Long-term. I'm open to both.
  • I'm not against using cartoons/avatars... but it's truly not something I crave. If you're hoping for someone that is into that sort of thing, I'm likely not the partner for you.
  • An equal. What I mean by this... I'm looking for someone that matches my post. If I spend time writing a 5 paragraph intro and get back a short 1 paragraph it's just not acceptable. While a starter might be longer than another typical post, I think you get my point.
  • Do not God-Mod/control my characters (unless we've discussed it's a shared character).
What am I offering?
  • I'm a man looking to write with a woman author.
  • I tend to write male characters but am open to writing multiple characters (including female).
  • I'm colour blind (hopefully the colours in my posts are okay, please forgive me if they hurt your eyes).
  • I'm a Dominant man IRL. That sometimes can come out in my writing and our interactions. You don't need to be a Sub, or even understand the BDSM world, but it's good to know that I'm a Dom to understand me a bit better.
  • Paragraph/Novella writing and responses. I do not enjoy 1-2 line RP's at all.
  • Someone that's willing to delve into any kink/genre. I quite like learning from my co-author's and am more than happy to discuss things I've never experienced before.
  • Unique ideas. I always have a thousand and one ideas floating around. If things get stale in our RP we can either change things up or start something new.
  • Surprises. I will never God Mod a RP, but do like to present challenges to my co-author.
  • I'm happy to provide face/body claims for characters (as said in what I'm looking for... I don't particularly enjoy non-human drawings).
I think I've given you enough to know if you'd like to continue reading?
So what are some ideas?
  • Taboo
    • Incest (can be blood or step relatives)
    • Forbidden love
    • Mentor & Mentored
    • Work place romance
    • War time romance
  • BDSM
  • Classic Love Stories (can be pre 1900s)
  • Medieval Stories (As long as we are careful to not become to stuck up on the rules of the era)
  • CNC, Non-Con
Well... Thank you for reading! I hope I've intrigued you enough to message me. (I'm open to playing on most platforms so don't be afraid to ask)

I'll try to add new example starters regularly so you can get a taste for my writing. My imagination is truly endless though so please don't hesitate to present your own ideas too!
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Daddy/Daughter (return from deployment)
Daddy/Daughter (return from deployment)

The ache of having a high libido with no one to expend the energy with is more than one can bear. Watching as you walk around the house in your volleyball shorts, or you damned panties with an over-sized t-shirt is too much to handle. Even if I were constantly sexual, an extremely sexually active man... the vision of such wonders wandering around our home would be over the top. That's what it truly was, over the top. A violation of my mind and body.

My mind wouldn't allow me to think of anything else, even when I sat in my room stroking alone... the only thoughts that would come to mind were how the panties or shorts hugged the curve of your ass. How they rode up your inner thigh showing off a camel toe I'm sure if I looked hard enough. Hard... that was the word wasn't it? Constantly and insatiably hard. Hard for my daughter. Hard for you. Craving your touch. Craving your ample fleshy curves.

Ever since your mother left I'd vowed I wouldn't be with another woman, well... at least bring a woman home with the possibility of her leaving you too. You were my world and you needed to know that you were safe with me. Safe to allow yourself to live without fear of being alone. Coming home, in the middle of a deployment, to take care of you because my coward of a wife and your mother left... No one should go through that. As a father I knew my feelings and thoughts were wrong, but as a man... as a man I could think of nothing more. You were a beautiful young developing woman!
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Massage therapist gets frisky
Massage therapist gets frisky

I've always been one to enjoy massages. I'd been searching for a therapist that isn't quite as expensive as the licensed therapists so managed to find your online advertisement. It read:

*Massage attendant looking for new clients. I work from my well-equipped home. The room has a comfortable feel including a fireplace, candles and a shower for before or after. Please contact for pricing*

I did just that. I contacted you for pricing and made an appointment. Today is the day. As I pull into the driveway, I'm excited that the house isn't run down. It's in a row of beautifully decorated houses. I ring the bell. You greet me and escort me downstairs. The room was exactly as described. Mood lighting. Warmth from the fire and a comfortable massage table in the middle of the room.

You tell me to get undressed and cover myself with the towel on the table, you'll be back in a moment. As you exit, I strip off everything and pull the towel over top of my ass as I lay down on the table, facedown, excited about this cheap massage!
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Single Dad: Daughter + BFF
Single Dad: Daughter + BFF

I've been a single Dad now for a while. Raising my daughter alone has been difficult since her mother left 'for a career advancement opportunity', her words… My daughter, ironically, isn't even my biological daughter… Her Father died shortly after she was born and I married her Mother…

Kate is my daughter's best friend, and has been for years… It honestly feels almost like they're both my daughter's, and twins no less, as they share the same birthday, today! I've put together a big bash for the two of them and their friends. The weather is perfect outside, and soon my backyard and house will be filled with a thousand screaming teenagers…

The music is already blaring, but it just sounds like noise to me… a few friends have already arrived and I find myself plopped down in the kitchen, close enough to keep an eye on what's going on, but far enough away to avoid the pounding of the music! Occasionally a girl in a one piece or t-shirt walks into the kitchen to get a drink, but for the most part, the kitchen is the most peaceful room in the house right now.

As the party progresses and becomes a bit busier I remain on my stool in the kitchen; knowing 'my girl's' love the party, but just waiting for it to be over. A girl walks into the kitchen and approaches the fridge. I kind of just glance out of the corner of my eye and do a double-take when I see her wearing this. I hadn't seen anyone else at the party wearing anything that revealing… She was about 5'4, skinny yet beautifully curvy in that way younger girls made women my age cry. Her long red hair was wet, hanging down her back, glistening softly in the sunlight filtering through the windows above. Then she turned around, closed the fridge and… there she is… Kate! My daughter's best friend/sister!

She smiles at me, green eyes sparkling with excitement… "It's almost time for the cake isn't it?" she asks tilting her head back to take a drink of water while waiting on my answer. The motion of her tilting back, taking in the water seems to stretch her entire body, making it seem even longer and more lithe. She finishes the glass, sets it down in the sink and then looks at me… I suddenly realize that she's asked me a question and I've just been staring…

I shift awkwardly trying to snap myself out of the haze she's seemingly put me in. "Ummm, yes, I think you're right, now would be a good time." I stand up and walk toward the fridge but I stop in my tracks thinking it would be a good idea to have the music off, or at least down. I turn to Kate and say "Would you mind taking care of the music, I think it might be a bit easier."
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Caught in the act
Caught in the act

Today were technically no different from any other day. I was sitting at my desk, working from home, as I always would with one exception. That morning I'd woken up with a stirring inside. A feeling that was unshakable. I wasn't sure where the feeling came from, but I'd been overwhelmed with a sense of urgency to be sexual. Of course, it'd happened before where I woke up with an insatiable hunger to get off immediately but that morning something was different. I'd been searching long and hard all morning for something fun and exciting to look at online and had finally stumbled upon the right video.

Snatching up my headphones I'd pulled them over my ears. The video was explicit. The moaning in my ears had helped harden me in an instant. A raven haired girl stared right into the camera and told me to get my bottoms off. I wiggled out of my pants and boxers and let my manhood await my grasp. My hand merged with it listening to the beautiful young girl, on screen, as she instructed me to begin stroking. Slowly at first, she wasn't in a hurry. As she undressed and spread her legs for me, allowing her fingers to explore the folds of her vulva, my grip and speed increased following her vocal commands.

The feeling was tremendous. She did such a good job of making me feel like she was talking directly to me. Commanding me to stroke as I watched her. Telling me just how fast she wanted me to go. Follow her movements, she told me, as she shoved a dildo inside her. Watch her fuck the dildo, but imagine it were my own cock plunging in and out of her wanting aching pussy. She was my slut, she told me. For my use. Only for me. I was caught up in the moment, making the on screen girl mine. The enjoyment of my stroking, following her directions was incredible. The feeling of my balls tightening, wanting a release; oh, how I wanted a release, but she was very specifically telling me to wait for her. She wanted me to cum inside her. Cum with her.

I was ready. So ready, but a loud obtrusive noise came from behind me. I tugged my headphones off, swung my chair around to be greeted by you leaning against the doorframe of my office. My cock thick, throbbing... fully on display...
Seeing in your window
Seeing in your window

When my parents decided to move us into a new neighborhood I was extremely upset. I had no friends, I had to change schools, the distance between the houses were closer and we had smaller yards. To top it all off I got a room on the 3rd floor, all alone. Despite how spacious it was, and the privacy of the 'loft like' atmosphere, nothing seemed to satiate my annoyance.

It took a few months before I had my room entirely set up the way I liked it. At first, I had my desk and shelving units blocking most of the windows, including a window facing your house. I grew tired of many things, as I went through many different room configurations, fully embracing the 'loathing' stage of my new environment. Finally, after a few room reconfigurations and the realization that this was my new reality, I was weary of having a room that was gloomy. I moved everything away from the windows.

As I moved everything away from the windows and established a settling place for my furniture, I stumbled upon the realization that my window looked directly into yours! How did I not notice this before? Your bedroom was only 10 feet away from mine! Your window was large and seemingly didn't have a blind. At first, I was annoyed that I had gone through the annoyance of living here and was so short sighted. That was quickly overcome by the enjoyment of seeing you naked. Watching you do things that I should not have been watching.

The wonder remains… If I could see you, could you see me? Had you seen me? Had you seen me doing unspeakable things while I watched you?

Alternate Option

Another night another scene. Sitting in front of my bedroom window with my pants around my ankles and my hand gripping my thick member had become a bit of a habit since I'd discovered the view.

It wasn't that I bought the house with the intent of spying on whoever it was that lived next door; in fact, I was surprised when I discovered the view. When I'd visited the house before buying it I'd only visited during the day and with day came daylight... but when the sun went down and the lights came on it was my own personal viewing screen. Better than HD 4K TV, or whatever the latest thing they were claiming would knock your socks off in the electronic world... It was a live viewing of you.

You had a routine of course, as did we all. Mine was watching yours. Watching yours while I stroked my manhood. Stroked and stroked until I finished for you. You didn't know it, but all my spunk was yours. Every last drop I saved up and brought to my window in wait of my nightly routine.


Who are you?

What's your name?

Do you catch me?

Do you already know but don't let on and enjoy putting on a show for me?

Do you randomly add me on social media and start messaging me?

I'm open to any ideas; I look forward to discussing and playing with you!
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Blended Family (Brother+Step-sister)
Blended Family (Brother+Step-sister)

What a life. 16 years old and already on my second mother. It was hard to believe that dad was remarrying already. It's not that I was mad at him about it, I knew it was time; mom left him 5 years ago already, but to bring not only a step-mom into the house but a step-sister too? It was a lot.

The announcement was one that I'm sure shocked you too. Not only was your mom remarrying, but she was moving you across the country. I hated that the first time we'd met was at the wedding. I also hated that you were hot. Hated it. You seemed to have the perfect body. You were exactly my type, if I had one. All I knew was I couldn't stop staring at you during the wedding. I knew it wasn't right to stare at someone that was part of your family in a lustful way, but realistically how wrong was it? It's not like you were my real blood sister.

The time to move in was about a week ago. I had to clean up your room in preparation for the move. Dad threw out so much stuff it was hard to understand how he'd accumulated all of it in the first place, let alone where he had space to store it. As much as I was annoyed that our space would be crowded and cramped, I was excited about having someone so hot around. I was horny all the time anyway, why not have an outlet? Not that you'd take part of course, but to look at you and then run to my room wouldn't be the worst thing I could think of. The next announcement was the easiest one yet. "Going away for a week? Sweet!!!" I announced when Dad told me, but then he told me that it was only him and your mom going... which at first pissed me off, but to have a week alone at home... not the worst thing. They'd left just that morning and wouldn't be back for 7 full days.

Grabbing breakfast was an independent thing in our house, at least before you two showed up. I had no idea how it would go with them on their honeymoon but knew I mentally invited you a thousand times to come to the kitchen in some skimpy PJ outfit. Sitting down at the table that morning I munched on my cereal wondering what our first day alone at home would hold.
The Elder Barbarian (fantasy)
The Elder Barbarian (fantasy)

My name is Tavish Hunter. My story is one of the ages. An elder barbarian. The last of his kind. Left on earth after the destruction of my planet. The devastation of the old era was something I didn't think about often but as I stood at 6'10 weighing nearly 400lbs of solid muscle I stood out on earth like a freak. I tried to stay under the radar, living in little villages or towns. I couldn't stay in one place too long because I didn't age. I'd just celebrated my 324th birthday and I was young for a barbarian. The word elder, if I were ever to explain it to someone would confuse them. It had nothing to do with my age but had to do with the skills I could manifest with the right partner.

There was something called 'the triangle'. I'd only ever heard about it, never experienced it. An elder barbarian would unlock some mystical power within them if they bonded with the right mate. It's not that there was only a single mate that would make it happen, but the stronger the bond... the stronger the connection... the more perfect the power would be. The triangle was a completion of the two that manifested into one power; each held a corner of the triangle. If one were lost, the triangle was incomplete, and the power was gone. He'd watched many elders get into a situation where they were counting on their power only to watch them fall when their mate was targeted. The danger of unlocking a power that was connected to someone else was a scary one.

It wasn't that I'd avoided love, I just hadn't found the one. In 324 years, that's a difficult thing to say; living on earth with only humans, and no portal back to a barbarian world that had long been destroyed, brought with it a sad realization that I'd likely be alone forever. Elders were rare, even when the barbarian world existed. Most were regular everyday barbarians going about their lives. The gene that unleashed a power inside an elder was discovered early in life. It wasn't that an elder could do something extraordinary as a child but when I shook the earth by pounding on it in my teenage years my parents knew immediately that I had the gift, I was an elder. They hid it. It was the only way I survived the war. They saved everything they had to portal me to earth. We knew they were doomed but it was more important for me to survive than anything else. I was the future of the barbarian kingdom, even with a human as my mate.

Of course, I doubted the triangle talk. How could it be possible that a woman could unleash something inside of me I hadn't experienced for 324 years. It was absurd. It was my choice to live alone anyway. I'd never felt anything for anyone I came across. Women were always curious about me. About the size of my... well... they couldn't believe how large I was and would just want to be with me because it was some adventure to tell their friends. I fell into that stupid trap more times than I'd care to admit, but as I sat in the village tavern my mind thought to the farm I owned. 167 acres. Cattle, pigs, chickens... I was happy living a simple life as long as my heart would allow me. I still tried to make myself available. Sitting at the bar instead of a table. Waiting for the inevitable woman to approach me that wanted to play out a dare her friends gave her. It was frustrating, but the small amount of hope I held onto about the triangle becoming reality sent me to that stool week after week.

My wife (gf)... A woman of interest and intrigue... A woman that is insatiable in bed... A woman that can't help but imagine me with another woman...

She craves watching me with another. She craves being tortured and teased as I fuck a woman right in front of her. As she receives photos and videos of what I'm doing with another while out of the home. She loves my cock and knows that if she tried to keep it all to herself she'd be doing the world a disservice.


The scenario is pretty clear. I'd like to play the male part in a cuckquean situation. You can play my wife and the other woman, just my wife, just the other woman...
Crash Landing - Recolonize
Crash Landing - Recolonize

The year is 2329. Earth hasn't been the only inhabited planet for at least a hundred years now… but it has become one of the most polluted. Global warming advanced well beyond anything anyone could have ever anticipated. Glaciers melted years ago and destroyed all wildlife in the north. People gravitated towards the equator at first, thinking that the warm climate would stay the same, but as the years progressed it grew to an even harsher environment. Not because it was any hotter than before, it actually didn't get any warmer. Nothing grew. No vegetation, no plant life of any kind. Everything died.

After the north and the equator climates were completely destroyed it was time to research and move on to life elsewhere. The number of ships that were sent out were in the thousands. They were all operated by a crew of three. The vessel that Raflanko, NAME1 and NAME2 operated was #48732. The search for habitable planets was the goal of vessel #48732. It wasn't very big; only two sleeping quarters, which prevented all three from sleeping at the same time (the goal and direction of R&D on earth). The three were chosen for their specific skills and genders. Raflanko, known to all friends and family as Rafy was the male of the group. NAME1 and NAME2 were the females. This was the requirement, mandated by the Colony (to government of earth); two females and one male. Their logic, especially when so much had been lost on earth, was that if a vessel crashed on a habitable planet there would be a way to carry on the human race, assuming the male survived. All vessel operators were tested, of course, before being assigned to it were tested for fertility. This was a career that most, who were now born on earth, sought to get into. The fact that so much had happened to earth over the years caused a large number of the population to become infertile, and their descendants. Less than 1% were lucky enough to test capable of the journey.

Rafy, NAME1 and NAME2's journey was about 2 years in when the unthinkable happened. They'd lost contact with the Colony, which in itself was devastating, but they had to proceed… to carry on, to find a home for themselves… and they finally had! It seemed perfect. Oxygen levels were just what they needed to survive. In fact, because of a denser atmosphere their research showed they may exhibit abilities that weren't possible on earth. The higher concentration of oxygen in the air would unlock parts of their brain they never thought possible to use. The
landscape seemed perfect. Some salt water, but plenty of fresh water that would provide life for them all.

Their vessel was only meant to last 2 years, before finding a place to set down and start a new life, start a new colony… They were lucky that it was still operational when they found this planet. The descent was not a fun one. They'd crash landed, but thankfully everyone was okay. The vessel wouldn't be moving, that much was clear, so they set up camp close to it and decided to explore where they were in the morning. The climate was a warm one during the evening, but cooled off significantly over night. The first night in two years that the three of them would all sleep at the same time came and went. The morning sun, not earth's sun, shined in from two directions. East and West. It appeared this world had two suns. The orbit of them was tough to decipher but Rafy was just thankful that it wasn't a cold harsh environment. He looked at the two women he'd become friends with over the past two years and simply said "We're finally here! Let's explore our new home!" What a scary sentence it was… but they were here at last.
Daddy+Daughter, the ache
Daddy+Daughter, the ache

The ache of having a high libido with no one to expend the energy with is more than one can bear. Watching as you walk around the house in your volleyball shorts, or your damned panties with an over-sized t-shirt is too much to handle. Even if I were constantly sexual, an extremely sexually active man... the vision of such wonders wandering around our home would be over the top. That's what it truly was, over the top. A violation of my mind and body.

My mind wouldn't allow me to think of anything else, even when I sat in my room stroking alone... the only thoughts that would come to mind were how the panties or shorts hugged the curve of your ass. How they rode up your inner thigh showing off, I'm sure if I looked hard enough, a camel toe. Hard... that was the word, wasn't it? Constantly and insatiably hard. Hard for my daughter. Hard for you. Craving your touch. Craving your ample fleshy curves.

Ever since your mother left, I'd vowed I wouldn't be with another woman, well... at least not bring a woman home with me opening up the possibility of her leaving too. You were my world and you needed to know that you were safe with me. Safe to allow yourself to live without fear of being alone. Coming home, in the middle of a deployment, to take care of you because my coward of a wife and your mother left... No one should go through that. As a father I knew my feelings and thoughts were wrong, but as a man... as a man I could think of nothing more. You were a beautiful young developing woman!
My Student
My Student

My life is rather mundane… One that most people wouldn't talk about… daily life had become very much routine. Wake up, go to work, hit the gym on the way home and then spend the rest of the evening propped in front of the TV with a lap full of papers to mark. The only change this year has brought with it is the introduction of you… my new student. I'm not quite sure why I'd never seen you before, maybe your family just moved into town? Maybe I was too preoccupied in my mundane life… but the truth, if I admitted it to myself, is that I wake up every day thinking of you. I stand under the water of the shower, with my manhood firmly in my hand, as I stroke out some sort of release to the thought of your perfectly formed body…

Today is Friday… a weekend of release from the torment I put myself through daily as I try to sneak in another peek at your legs, hoping that when you lean down to put a book in your backpack maybe some other flesh will show up for my eyes to see. My mind is rushing, despite it being time for me to teach, with thoughts of what we'd do if somehow we found ourselves together at my house for the weekend… if somehow you just… the class is staring at me, Gah! I haven't said anything in a few minutes "and your homework for this weekend is to interview someone that is in a position of authority over you. You need to find as many intimate details about them as you can and write a 500 page" I laugh a little at my own, on purpose, blunder "500 word report for me for Monday" groans of sighs from the class, as always. I wonder if I would have used the word intimate if you weren't on my mind? I take a seat at my desk and give the class 10 minutes to think about who they'll interview before the bell rings. I realize this is likely a futile exercise, but I do like to give those that use this time wisely a chance to get a head start on homework.

As I lean back into my chair my eyes try to casually make their way toward you, but seem to dart instantly to your legs in your black uniformed skirt. Somehow you make it appear perfect! You draw sex appeal from something that just seems so ordinary on anyone else. Your legs are thick and curve perfectly into your backside. Your skin accents the black skirt in a way that creates a contrast like no other I've ever seen. Your ample bosom looks ready to be plucked… Gah, what are you doing, what are you doing Mr. Hunter I scold myself and try to look away… but your movement catches my attention out of the corner of my eye. Your legs move from being crossed and swing out to stand up did I see panties? I question myself stupidly, pathetically… before raising my eyes to yours as you're standing at my desk "I'm so sorry, I was lost in thought there" I apologize with the truth "What can I do for you?"

Your response isn't immediate… almost like you're hesitating to ask me something… "What is it, what is it" I reach half way across my desk before realizing that I've reached out and almost to touched you; I pull my hand back.
Dom+Sub; a simple start
Dom+Sub; a simple start

"Well, yes, that's a simple way of looking at it" I responded to your answer. It was a simple question I'd asked. "What did being a Sub mean?"

So many people answered so many different things when asked that question. It was a journey, wasn't it? Anyone that had delved even a little into the BDSM world knew that the answer to any question would be different from anyone they spoke to. Was there even a right answer to anything when it came to a Dom/Sub relationship? After all, everyone had a unique personality. Everyone had a unique set of kinks and desires that made up who they were. You were no different.

So, the simple answer of "Being submissive is doing what my Dom tells me to do when he tells me to do it." While that answer was definitely what part of being a Sub could be, it certainly wasn't an all-encompassing answer.

A responding question might be "How do you feel about tasks?" Tasks were very important to the development of a Dom/Sub relationship, in my mind. Even micro managing daily tasks, like choosing your panties, could be something that brought us closer together. Or another question "What are some rules you think you'd enjoy?" Would you even enjoy rules? Would you allow your Dom to 'help' you? Maybe a better word, rather than help, would be support?

One way or the other, the important thing was that you were open-minded. Open to exploring what it meant to be a Sub, what it meant to be my Sub. That's where we would begin!
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