Mx Female Dark Corruption, fantasy, Witches and more

Darkness Beneath

Jun 11, 2012

Hello, thank you for your attention! I'll jump right into it and say that this is a request thread for Dark Fantasy with specific regards to the theme of corruption. This mainly falls into the category of "Fallen Heroes," and the "The Heroes journey to the darkside," with my character mainly being the victim of such schemes. I mainly stick to a medieval setting, sometimes with high-fantasy where magic is well known and races are numerous; and other times in low-fantasy where magic would be very rare and it would be mostly dominated by humans.​

As the title suggest I am a huge fan of powerful female characters. Characters that have power and are in positions of authority, whether it be a Queen who rules an entire kingdom, or a witch that wants to expand her knowledge in magic, it is something I find very attractive. Naturally, confidence and maturity is something that is crucial if I were to play with someone in this role as I find both qualities super attractive in characters and am at my most comfortable playing with this type. I tend to play younger characters and have a huge interest in younger/older dynamics. Of course, everything within forum guidelines.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to PM me.

Anyways, onto the roles and plots.

Witch x Knight
Succubus x Knight
Priestess x Knight
Queen x Prince
Vampiress x Noble
Vampiress x Peasant


The Prince that was Promised:
In the kingdom of Aldenium, where magic was seen as dark and terrible an aging King Aevius grew ill from a fatal poisoning. Without any heir the kingdom was quickly falling into turmoil. Civil war was on the horizon and distant relatives all moved In a state of panic, his wife Queen Octavia turned to a hedge witch that was hidden deep within the woods for help. In exchange for saving the Kings life, the witch asked for a favour that could never be refused. Without hesitation the Queen agreed and soon her husband was saved from his illness. The kingdom was saved, and Aevius saw many more winters.

It would be some time before the witch returned, but it would be when Aevius' firstborn child was delivered into the world. The witch came, and without hesitation made her demand. The Queen refused to give her son and begged that the witch would be stopped. Knights died, and the witch lost her patience. She took the prince and vanished into the shadows. To the public the child was believed to have been stillborn. Queen Octavia would have been believed to have died in childbirth.

Many years passed, and the prince was raised within an orphanage. The witch had no interest in raising the child, but watched over him from afar, knowing that he was the key for her ascension to power. The story begins upon their first meeting...

Breaking the White Knights:
A powerful sorceress has began a conquest upon the Kingdom of Galdrya. Her minions of monsters and shadow bow to her every whim, the bane of the soldiers within the Kingdom. The only hope the King of Galdrya are his loyal Paladins of the White whose magic wards keep the darkness at bay.

When an ancient prophecy is recovered:

"As famine rages through the land, and snow rises beyond mans hand; A child will leave his home in tears, being trained in war for years. His heart is heavy with the past, dispatching enemies until the last.

When shadows plague the land of Galdrya the choice our young warrior will bring much fire. An age where magic will be doomed, or one which will bring the kingdom to ruin..."

When the ambitious Sorceress learns of this prophecy her understanding is the warrior will either become a fatal enemy or the key for her destroying the royal family. Yet what happens when she learns this warrior has been growing up within the ranks of her sworn enemies, the Paladins of the White? After spying upon the Warrior for some time she comes to the conclusion he can be manipulated, seduced and corrupted against his brothers-in-arms.
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