The King Of Yaoi
- Joined
- Jan 13, 2009

L Lawliet & Rue Ryuzaki
The First L & Beyond Birthday
- They had been with each other for quite sometime, which made things a bit more sketchy as time kept rolling. After all most hadn't even fathomed that he'd have a girl friend, so most would have thought the other just wasn't into it- that was until AA had come around to the investigation area to see how he was doing. She was one of the whammy children, one he knew well of- considering he had lived with the other among all the other children at the Whammy House when he was younger. So forgetting her was just something a little to hard to do. She had always been by his side, observing him and taking note of what he did; that with the slight look of love in her eyes. It wasn't something he was entirely used to returning, but all the same he hadn't pushed her on her rump whenever she was around him, ignoring her at times while at others just listening to her silently as he contemplated other things. Sitting idly in his seat he had taken to 'reorganizing' the small sugar cubes that had been meant for his drink, simply arranging them into a small pyramid before plucking one from its side off and stating it. Sugar, it was just something he ate on a daily basis. The stimulant helping him when it comes to staying asleep through any case he combated, turning his head some to eye the other with his black eyes he couldn't help but put on a weak smile.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
She was always there, so why not smile at her? There was no reason not. Turning to look at her, he held his smile- not entirely sure what to do next as he looked at her. L wasn't one for being a social butterfly everyone at the whammy house would know this well, that was just how he was. Antisocial to a very drastic extreme, so just initiating small talk on his part was something the other would be happy about- not that that was what he was about to do anyway. "Time to go~" he started, not entirely sure how he should go about this; especially considering the others here. The japanese task force and Light, any wrong move he would have to explain later as he finally got up from his wheel equipped chair- a first for quite sometime. Besides he needed to keep up with his work before letting other things get in his way like a love life. "Come back sometime later" he said in a manner that suggested he wanted her presence as he swiftly shoved her out of the place, not one of his finer things to do as he shuffled away from her. "We'll meet later" he spoke with the weak smile on his lips, eyes on her as he closed the door and muttered to himself. "...maybe" that was quite the given as he went back to his work, getting a few looks from the other's here as he took back to his post and started on his pile of sugar cubs; popping one in after the last dissolved. It wasn't like anything bad was going to happen to her, right?
- He got everything. It was that single fact that spurred him on for his own reasons, not that mainly would come to conclusion as he waited in the lobby of the building, just waiting for AA to simply stumble upon him. After all, who would have guessed he wasn't L- they looked practically the same well save for a few things. BB had red eyes, not the solid black the other exerted, but despite that the two seemed to be twins when it came down to it. If they really were, only their parents would no. Standing where he had for sometime he had gotten into the mood of slurping down small packets of strawberry jam in hopes that it would help him focus better, discarding the last small packet he eyed the steps anxiously. Knowing that L would push her out soon enough then he could snatch her up in his own manner- after all, would she even remember him?[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
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