Mx Female Dancing the Perverted Spectrum ~~ Looking for a Storyteller ~~ Various Ideas: Incest / Celeb / FF7r

As Day Fades

Feb 7, 2009
Hello there.

I am, as the title suggests, looking for someone to tell a story along with me -- a filthy, naughty story, you can be assured. But a story at its core. A 51/49 balance so to speak, perhaps not quite literally, but as to say it should ideally be rife with elements of both without losing sight of what keeps things moving forward. I am also, as the title suggests, providing a number of different ideas all along the spectrum of naughtiness, from the sweeter things to the very, very sour. Some will be dark. Some will be light. Some will be more toward the middle. All, though, will have plenty of opportunity for kinks.

Regarding kinks, I don't go much for listing my likes as many people are wont to do, and that's by design. I am one of those players that you can approach with practically anything, my only real 'hard offs' being bathroom play and the like. As for my preferences? They seem to adapt to the story itself, in terms of 'what could make sense here,' or what 'feels like a naughty, natural progression.' Give me that tangible feel of realism, that this could truly be going on behind closed doors -- perhaps even slightly opened ones for the exhibitionists out there -- as that's what I enjoy most. Let's start with a good sandbox, let's build a good foundation, and then let's find a way to make all the pervy fun we want to have together make sense.

In terms of a writing partner, I adore someone who is just as much a part of the creativity as I am, both from a story standpoint and that of perversion. This is what I look for in someone more than anything. I am also very friendly in terms of ooc chatter, though I do ask we avoid the trap of getting all our fun out of the chatting and planning and never then seeing our thoughts together through to execution. If we've written together before, if we had a good rapport and you'd like to again, I'd be happy to hear from you. If we've never, and you'd like to start up a chat and come to me with your thoughts, I'd be happy to hear from you as well. All of the ideas I'm presenting in this thread do already have a setup, a foundational idea, but please do not be intimidated! If you're thinking to tweak, to change, to alter, let's discuss! I would like to keep the theme, the overall vibe of these, but I'm wholly on board to make this a collaboration of our naughty thoughts. Otherwise, shouldn't we just all be writing on our own?

They've been best friends forever, since they were young. While most siblings went through phases where they were doing things together one week and squabbling the next, that squabbling never seemed to come for them. They just seemed to always click, to spend just a little more time with each other than friends their own ages, their own genders. They weren't the only friend each other had, not by far, each having plenty, but whenever one was around the other was never too far behind. As they got older this only blossomed.

As teens, for the years while they were in the same school they'd sit together at lunch. At home they'd sit together on the couch when watching TV, a bit closer than most siblings might. Some nights would see an impromptu sleepover in one of their rooms, with or without a storm going, with or without their parents' knowledge. A decent amount of her sleepwear had become her brother's shirts that she'd claimed, and whenever their mother would do the laundry and return them to her brother's room she'd put on a little tiff to him, if he didn't return 'her' shirts to her. Once he was old enough to drive and had his own wheels he'd take her places, as a good brother would. It was these times when they were 'together,' but 'by themselves,' whether in private or in public where no one knew them as brother and sister, that the warmth would come out even more so. Holding hands. Pecks on the cheek. All the cute, affectionate little things one might do with someone, but silently know to pull back on around certain company. Which, for them, was most company, it was anyone who wasn't a stranger essentially.

It was all unspoken, the warmth between them, the affection. They didn't really talk about it, and knew when to rein it in, knew when they could let it out. Every so often one might blushingly try something new, see if it 'worked,' nervously see if the other 'let them,' but they never verbally addressed any of it. It was all just the slowest of boils.

Then school ended, at least for one of them, at least for the brother. After graduating he spent the next few months saving up and soon moved into an apartment of his very own, albeit a small one-bedroom. But it was his, right? Independence. He was finally 'starting his life,' living all by himself. Or at least that's what he wanted people to believe.

They had a plan. They never discussed why they had a plan, why they wanted privacy together, but the brother and sister were in agreement they wanted privacy. Together. The plan was he'd move out, get 'his own place,' and then she'd pout at home for however long it took for their parents to let her move in with him. "I'll just bring a suitcase or two of clothes and stay on the couch, it'll be fine," she'd assure them. The brother would only put up the lightest of protests before giving in, reasoning that he's still local and she can still finish out at the same school, that once she graduates she can get a job with enough time for them to afford a two-bedroom once the lease is up. Meanwhile they both knew how it was really gonna go down. The day she moves in she's gonna be in the bed with him, not the couch, like the regular sleepovers they'd always had when living at home. Only this time the people on the other side of the bedroom wall would be strangers. Just like when they'd be out at the mall, arms around one another's waist and back, who cares what strangers think? It's not like they know their most secret of secrets.

I'd like this to be very affectionate, very warm, with their fun relationship together at the forefront. I imagine it to be a bit goofy, as siblings often are. And I imagine the fact that they're siblings will give every romantic or naughty thing they start exploring together a delightful, forbidden bit of flavor added to it. That doesn't mean it necessarily needs to stay in the vanilla territory by any means, nor does it mean we have to move slow, but think longterm, not a quick one-shot. It should probably start there. Things like making out, groping, fucking for the first time, showering together for the first time, using the L-word together. All the little 'forbiddens' they've kept in all this time, never even dared to talk about, yet both ached for. As we get further in we can balance the romance of their becoming boyfriend & girlfriend in secret, with anything more kinky we'd like to explore together. Does he ache to have his sister up the ass? Does she want to dress up in her cheerleader outfit from when she joined the squad just so he would see her in it? Does he want to tie her up with silk rope and a ballgag? Does she want to be his puppygirl or kitten? What if things took a more serious turn? What if the bills are too tight, and the only way they can afford the two-bedroom apartment to keep up appearances means his sister's 'job' after school would see her on a pole? What if things took a turn in a different direction? What if she gets pregnant, planned or unplanned?

If you'd like to spoil me, I have a particular weakness for redheads. And if you'd like to spoil me further, while I am an equal opportunity pervert, I would also describe myself as an assficionado. Do with that information what you will! I'd be just as happy to play opposite a chesty brunette, or a blonde with a super pretty face, or whoever it is you'd like to play as.

Years ago, as a celebrity, you had to stick to your thing. Whatever your 'thing' was. If it was TV, you were expected to stay there. If it was movies, you were expected to stay there. If it was music, or athleticism, you were expected to stay there. Only more recently has crossing over become accepted, and only very recently have doing commercials, and various other things finally been taken off the unwritten 'taboo' list in entertainment, with stars now welcome to shine wherever in pop culture they're able to shine.

I wonder, what's the next cultural taboo to break? The next place someone could turn to, to advance or refresh their career?

The answer's already there, isn't it? Porn. It's been going on for years, actually. Whether it's wardrobe 'malfunctions' or 'leaked' sex tapes, culture has clearly been dipping its toes in the water to see how it feels. And perhaps we're at a point where it's ready. Perhaps someone just needs to be bold, to give it that next push.

Starlets Inc. is born, a company that offers celebrities the 'break the internet' exposure they're looking for. They're a crowdfunding company, partnering up with a celebrity to shoot a porn scene meant to be spread online that'll get everyone talking about her, and at the end of the day isn't that what matters? No pretense of victimhood, no 'I was hacked,' just a good, lengthy, filthy porn movie that'll instantly inject her name in the public discourse, translating into more casting offers than she'll know what to do with. And it's all for a good cause! The majority of the money raised will go to charity!

The company will partner with a notable celebrity and come up with a base idea, and a price tag. Let's say, for example, they ink an agreement with Amy Adams, to do a bdsm film to the tune of $40m. If people crowdfund the full amount then the company keeps some, the majority goes to the charity of the celeb's choosing, and she's agreed to shoot a porn that will hopefully thrust her career to a whole new level.

Who's to say what sort of women would start to consider adding this sort of thing to their resume? Perhaps someone who's had a string of flops lately. Perhaps someone who is known for one thing, and wants to transition to another. Perhaps someone who's been around for awhile and is starting to age out, but still wants to be thought of as a sex symbol. Perhaps someone who's young and was never thought of as a sex symbol in the first place. Perhaps someone who's seen as a good actress, but is tired of being the 'second' or 'third' choice for a role, tired of constantly losing out to someone else, and is looking for a way to boost her career. Perhaps it's simply someone who's nervously excited to have some fun, and raise a bunch of money for a good cause.

This is something that's very open-ended on purpose. We can choose whoever you'd like to play, and put her in whatever situation we'd like to see her in. If we want a story with it, it can be hokey and silly as a side thing, as porn stories often are, really existing as an excuse to set a setting and get down to the fun. This idea is essentially set up to be a one-shot, but if we like it enough we can do more, whether with the same woman or with someone entirely new.

Would you like a few more examples, to get the ideas flowing? These are by no means 'the list' to choose from, you can mix and match, you can suggest entirely different women, or entirely different kinks, or whatever you'd like. This one is designed to be a really flexible sandbox. But as some suggestions, what if Jennifer Lawrence were to sign up for an anal scene? What if Scarlett Johansson were to be paraded around like a pretty pony girl? What if Emma Watson were to take on three men at once? What if Hayley Atwell were to take on only two, but they're black men? What if Ariana Grande were to blow a group of men, with them each finishing on her face and chest? What if Elizabeth Olsen were to work a gloryhole? What if Emilia Clarke were to do a point-of-view vid where she's a stripper in a club, working the pole in the private champagne room till she fucks the viewer? What if Daisy Ridley, dressed as her most famous role, were to fuck a series of donors till she gets knocked up, and 'the one' responsible is then what gets released as her video? What if Emma Stone were to straight up commit bestiality, letting a dog mount her, have her?

Note: I have a few names still included as examples, but crossed off for the moment as I'm already in stories involving those personalities and would like to avoid doubling up. I am very much in the mood for either Hayley or Emilia at the moment. Feel free to also suggest names not used as examples above.

It's over. Avalanche lost. Some were killed in the fight, though most were captured. No one surrendered, no, nothing so un-heroic -- Shinra proved they weren't above using gas once they'd had the 'terrorists' pinned down inside the Seventh Heaven bar, knocking them out cold. The fantasy was over, one by one the unconscious warriors being dragged out of the now bullet hole-ridden slum tavern that would continue to stand, if only as a monument to any who would dare take up for the wrong side.

By the time each of the captured awake their new surroundings would be much different. Cleaner, for sure. In a sterile sort of way. A prison ward, deep in the underground of Shinra's tower, at the very center of Midgar. A single, well-lit hallway that was surrounded by cells on both sides, those prison cells made of thick, clear, soundproof glass. The walls, glass. The doors, glass. The 'beds,' a glass platform jutting out from the far wall with nothing so generous as a pillow or blanket included. The inmates could easily see one another from several cells down, or across that hallway. They couldn't hear each other, but they could see that everyone had been stripped nude before being placed in their respective cells, and that each one of them had been marked with Shinra's logo as a fresh new tattoo upon their left breasts, right over each of their hearts.

Where is insult without injury to properly accompany it? As they spend what must be days there awaiting their fate, it seems every few hours another handful of guards swing by to check out the 'big, bad Avalanche' they'd heard had been caught. Sometimes they stood outside individual cells, mocked them and laughed. Sometimes they'd go inside one. They seemed to like to beat up Wedge. They seemed to like to beat up, and rape Jessie. This just dragged on, repeating over and over till finally the group of soldiers that came opened up the cell of your character, coming not to assault her, but to escort her away. She's taken all the way to the height of the tower, to the office of Rufus Shinra himself, where she is invited to sit, where she is given food, far more decadent than the little slum rat is used to, and where she is made an offer.

The people of Midgar know that Avalanche has been caught, and Avalanche is going to be executed. But they do not publicly know who Avalanche is, do they? So Rufus will offer her a way out. She can be his trophy, or she can die with the others. She can be on his arm in slinky dresses, she can be in his bed fulfilling his every whim, living a life of luxury and decadence, or...lay among the dead, for no purpose. Pride, maybe. Stubbornness. It's one thing to tighten your fists and charge into battle, a valiant warrior, thinking you're fighting for something, thinking you're gonna come out the other side of this. But when facing guaranteed death, if she chooses to still resist? Knowing that continued resistance will gain nothing, that you can't exactly take your resolve to the grave with you? Is that enough to at least stop to reconsider? Even if every aspect of this offer is an insult.

Will she break right away? Will she need some convincing?

For this story I'd be happy to have my partner play her preference of Tifa or Aerith. If you'd like to spoil me, feel free to offer to play both, as that could add a whole fun other dynamic. Tifa would obviously catch the eye of someone like Rufus who is only used to Perfect 10s, what with her stacked chest and bombshell body. Aerith, tremendously pretty, perhaps she's got the 'back' to Tifa's 'front,' and her special bloodline would certainly qualify her as a rare gem. Either would be a fitting, living trophy to be draped on his arm, entering into a life of servitude. Imagine the degradation she would have to endure. The things she would be forced to wear. The things she would be made to do. It doesn't matter if she's forcing the smile she flashes, if her, "Yes, sir," comes through grit teeth, so long as it comes. She's gonna curtsey, she's gonna suck his dick, she's gonna take it up the ass and learn to ask for more, or she's gonna get tossed off the roof of Shinra Tower. Those are her options.

My preference is 3-ish para, going back and forth several times a week, though this is by no means set in stone. And if one of us is not feeling it for a few days, then we're not feeling it for a few days and will come back to it soon. This is a hobby together, and I personally have other hobbies too that I like to spend time doing, so there really isn't going to be any pressure here. I think my preference for where we play has become Discord, as you can very smoothly have separate threads for your story and picture inspirations, but I'm happy to play here just as well, either by pm or thread, whatever my partner prefers.

The most important thing I ask of any potential partners is that you use your message to me as an opportunity to display your interest. I'm not going to have a 'codeword' or anything silly that I see in some threads, but if what you send me is tremendously brief, if you see the effort I've put in here and come right out the gate putting in practically none of your own, how is that possibly going to grab my attention right back? This is not meant to dissuade any, but rather understand I want to see your interest, your enthusiasm! Show me your creativity! Tell me what you like about an idea. Tell me what you don't like. Tell me what you want to add. Tell me what kinks you want to see. Tell me where you want it to go. Do you have pictures in mind? Just don't tell me two entire sentences and wonder why the carrier pigeon hasn't made it back your way. Those who have put the time and effort into a thread of their own, I'm sure you can appreciate that feeling.

But hm. Let's end this on a more fun note than that, shall we?

A koala bear walks into a brothel, picks out the best looking girl and heads upstairs with her.

While up there he eats her out like a madman, doing things she's never even heard of.

After about an hour he gets up and heads out the door. The girl stops him, demanding payment.

The bear doesn't understand. She has him look up 'prostitute' in the dictionary; a person who trades sex for money.

Still a little confused, he asks, "What does it say about me?"

Koala bear; an Australian native animal that eats bushes and leaves.
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Bump. I've had some fun interest so far. I wouldn't mind one or two more talented ladies to come my way.
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