Mx Female Me and My Ideas

Mature Male Writer

Nov 19, 2019
Coastal Georgia, US
Dear fellow writer, thank you for taking time to read my request thread. I have done interactive and roleplay writing for a number years now. My writing style is very interactive using dialogues often. I tend to make post that average 150 words and normally make post twice a day. Once early in the morning and a second late afternoon /early evening. I am willing to write first or third person. I am as the Nick implies an older man who finds writing younger current characters difficult because I am not up on "pop" culture. I wish to write stories about relationships. While I enjoy writing and reading sexual encounters ; I do not wish to write stories with a high smut content. I do have certain desires and kinks that do not need to be included in a story, but I am willing write yours, if you write mine. I enjoy joint planning and plotting , which can be as interesting as the actual writing.I do have a peeve in that I detest "ghosting". I am not offended when another writer finds the story we were doing not suitable, and I will always understand when real life takes one away from writing, but please just be willing to say so. These are my general preferences.

The character I tend to and enjoy writing is a man of strong character. Some would think of him a traditional man in times past. He is determined with a plan and resolve to carry it out. Unless it is decided that story should include physical pain, he is a gentle man who will care deeply and passionately about the female character. He will always provide for her and have her best interest in mind.

The characters I seek will be of age by room standard and the co-writers creation. As a writer , I enjoy more normal women who are less than perfect. So, if you want to write a woman who is not Barbie or fashion model, I may very well be your co-writer.

Now to the plots and pairing I desire. I am listing them in order of strongest first. That does not mean the last idea is not desired, but only that I wish to write the others more.

Mature Man X Mature Woman
A strong relationship story of two people who have lived and wish to keep living until the end. They can be old friends who after first partners have died reconnect and decide now is the time for them, or could meet through a seniors dating app. A key element of this story is that they both have strong sex drives and enjoy having sex although perhaps a bit modified. They are even a bit gross to younger people with their PDA . Beyond key points, the story can have a number of elements. This can be a travel adventure story even.

Mature Man X Spinster
A woman who for whatever her reasons has not been in or sought a relationship with a man until in middle age decides she wants a relationship. The female character might be a school teacher, a librarian , or any number of carrier women . She decides that a slightly older man will suit her better. The man can be a co-worker or she uses a dating app. The story would be a slice of life romance with both having to adapt to going from being single to having someone in their lives. He will be healthy and willing to explore her late blooming sexual desires.

Mature Man X Arranged Marriage
1) A middle aged store keeper in 19th century decides to marry, but does not desire a local single woman. He sees local farmers getting "mail order" brides , so he decides to try the approach too. Can be written starting with the letters they write to each other.
2) A merchant captain is about to retire and the tavern were he stays when on shore owner has a daughter he wishes to have a better life. He does not want his youngest daughter to be a bar maid or a housekeeper. The tavern owner knows the captain has money set aside to build a home inland. The tavern owner convinces the captain to marry his daughter , but the captain must pay to have the girl educated in a boarding school. The captain will have to win the girls heart even though she is legally bound to marry him. I do not normally write outer space stories, but this story could be placed there.
3) Banker will forgive debt for bride. A small town banker is willing to forgive one farmer's loans for the farmer' daughters hand in marriage. The daughter makes the sacrifice for the family and the banker must still win her heart.
4) King needs an heir. A king who's wife has died childless in in need of an heir to carry on his line. Another King offers his daughter up as a political move. Setting can be historic to modern.

Man X House Female
This plot is for a future or alt history setting. Single men in this society when they reach a certain economic status buy a female slave for domestic duties. She keeps his house and sexually entertains him. This plot is the only one I offer that is high smut. As a story it is about Male domination and the writers kinks. There is opening in the plot for the Man and his slave to fall in love and move on. Because it is a non current setting, the man would be by design younger.

In a historic setting , I am willing to write a number of men at any age in life. If there is a historic setting with no to very low fantasy you wish to write, please feel free to contact me and pitch your story.

Thank you for taking the time to read my offerings, and if none of these plots are for you, my best wishes on finding your story.
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