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The Red Thread of Fate pulls taught (TmcJagger / Sunshine and Whiskey )


Sun Bro Worshipper
Jan 24, 2019
Life with Lincoln's family wasn't the best but it was fun. His parents would fight at times, but they loved one another. He was a young boy of 13 when his family decided randomly that they were tired of the snow, so they voted to go out of state to Hawaii for the holidays. It wouldn't be a permanant move for them, just temporary for the holidays. The young boy had short red hair, unkempt and messy since he really didn't care for how he looked. His bright green eyes shine bright like emeralds in the sun on clear sky and sunny days. His physique was that of your average 13 year old boy, he was slightly skinny, but he had meat on his bones. He wasn't really toned or muscular, but he could throw fists if he ever needed to. Though a couple days after their arrival in Hawaii, Lincoln had made a friend, another child came to Hawaii to get out of the snow. They even had a daughter around his aged named Michelle.

Over the next couple weeks, the two children grew closer than expected and spent almost all the time they had with one another, either in person or texting. The two quickly became inseperable. But alas things were not meant to be as their time being together was drawing close and had to come to an end. So, on their last night together, they had decided to play truth or dare and Michelle dared Lincoln to kiss her and the two shared their first kiss. After they parted ways, Lincoln and Michelle tried their best to keep in contact, but distance hurts any relationship and the two slowly grew apart and eventually stopped talking. Lincoln had saved her number no matter what phone he had gotten in hopes that one day, she'd answer a text of his. But that response never came, and he eventually moved on.

Graduating high school, he went onto college for Computer programming and eventually got a job at one of the biggest tech labs in his area. After college, he settled down with a woman and they had a son together, but tragedy struck before they could be wed. So now Lincoln was raising his son by himself. His son, Clay was around 5 years old when tragedy struck and took his grandfather from him. In his will, Lincoln's father wished to be creamated and thrown over the ocean in Hawaii during Christmas Holidays since those were his favorite time of year.

Christmas time had come and Lincoln, Clay and his mother were in Hawaii to spread his ashes when he was sitting in the hotel lobby. He had a gut feeling he should be here for some reason, but after sitting down there almost the whole day, but he never gave up. As he was about to head upstairs to his room to get food, someone walked into that very same hotel. Her face was one he'd never forget. The moment he saw her face all those feelings he had for her those 20 something years ago came flooding back as if a dam had burst. Walking up to the woman, he raised an eyebrow. "Shelly?" He asks hoping that it was her, but at the same time it had been over 20 years, so he didn't know if this was the same woman or not. The worst thing that could happen was that it not be her, just a mere coincidence that she looked like her.
To say that Michelle's life was perfect is an understatement.

Michelle has never, ever heard her parents bicker or fight about anything. Perhaps, they never argued in front of her, which she really didn't mind. She loved her parent's romance and wanted to experience that for herself one day. She was an only child between the duo and it made her happy because she got literally anything and everything she wanted with a snap of her fingers. No, she wasn't a spoiled brat or anything of the sort. Michelle is very ambitious about every aspect of her life. So, she even talked her parents into doing something rather different for the holidays rather than their usual traditional ways. Michelle didn't want snow or to be too festive and they jetted off to their destination, Hawai'i. The first time she stepped foot on the sand that lead toward the ocean blue waves, she was hooked from that moment.

It was also on the beach where she met Lincoln, who would eventually become her best friend after a couple of days. They spent almost every day together or every chance that they could. When they didn't, multiple texts were exchanged between the two. They were around the same age, so it made perfect sense that they hang out together. Her blonde hair that cascaded down to the middle of her back blew in the breeze, the sun shined upon her chestnut brown eyes, and she placed suntan lotion on her smooth, blemish-free skin.

It was when it was their last day together, one more time on the beach, and so she came up with the idea of playing truth or dare. She always picked truth, which Lincoln teased her about but when she picked dare that was when it happened. Michelle pressed her lips against his and the kiss happened because she didn't know what was going to happen next year or in the coming years. She really just took a chance then they parted ways. Her head was pressed against the window seat on the airplane, a sigh escaped from her because of the fact she didn't know what would happen. They lived in different parts of the states but luckily, she did have his number but unfortunately, things became too busy for her to keep up with everything that was currently happening between herself and Lincoln. Over the years, she did change her number but kept Lincoln's. Although she just didn't know what to say to him after all those years.

But she had to think about herself when it comes to her life. Michelle wasn't the type to be hung up on some guy or whatever else. Once she graduated high school and college, she went on to law school and passed the bar exam. Now, she's one of the most successful lawyers in the United States and wouldn't change anything or have it any other way. But it was now the holidays, so her along with her parents were going to be off to Hawai'i again. She was meeting her parents there but once her plane landed, she took a cab from there and to the hotel.

Michelle got out and smiled because of the atmosphere that surrounded Hawai'i and the crystal clear skies above. She walked inside the hotel, her luggage rolling behind her while she went to the checkout desk, waiting in line. That was when she heard her nickname, which only one person called her. She turned on her heel to face the male, who was Lincoln, and all of a sudden, it seemed as if they were teenagers again and meeting each other for the first time. Before Michelle even started to speak, she took a breath and smiled softly. ❝Hey, Lincoln.❞ She spoke his name softly while her hands gripped tightly around the bar of her luggage, not really wanting to go in for a hug or anything.

❝How have you been?❞ She asked him in a sincere tone while she continued. ❝Sorry to hear about your father.❞ She muttered softly and her eyes told the story that she was sorry that she didn't reach out to him. It was quite obvious from her decorum and outfit that she had become one hell of a businesswoman. Her name was called to be the next one to check in and she scurried to the front desk, grabbed her keycard then went back to Lincoln's side. Michelle stood there as a sigh escaped over her parted lips and she just waited for him to say something while rocking on the balls of her feet.
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