Breaking to the harness [Chrystal Dark & Kinkyponygirl]

Chrystal Dark

Boobie Girl
Nov 21, 2021
United Kingdom

The planet Earth at the end of the 22nd century of the Common Era (Or Anno Domini as some people still insisted on calling it) was a great place to live if you had money, but probably not so great if you didn't. This was a thought that crossed the mind of Annabelle Greyson-Seymore, briefly, as she sat behind the attack-proof window in the School-Leaver Reassignment Office. But it was only very brief. Annabelle was the daughter of Penelope Greyson-Seymore, the sole owner and CEO of TerraFrom, the largest supplier of terraforming equipment in all of Human Colonised Space, and as such was heir to a vast fortune that could probably buy several entire star systems should she wish. In fact Annabelle's mother held mortgages on a number of planets, where the original colonists had failed to make payments against their terraforming machinery.

Belle, as she preferred to be called, was not so much born with a silver spoon in her mouth as cloned with a diamond-encrusted, platinum-plated 24 karat gold spoon in it. But she still had to go through the legal education system, even if she had attended the most expensive private school on Earth, and then her mother had paid good money to get her this demeaning and humiliating job where she had to listen to the children of the unwashed masses (as her mother called them) complain about how the system was so unfair and why did she have a job when they didn't, and then she got to decide where to send them to work off their debt to society for their free education, and to earn their bread and board for the rest of their useful lives, saving up against that day when they could no longer be useful and were put out to pasture, to live of what they may have accumulated.

Those she liked, and that didn't whine too much: "Well, Miss Leech, I'm sorry that you didn't make the grades required for your chosen university, I do however have a number of options for you. There's the military, they are always after young healthy women like you, or I could get you a berth on a star-liner. Admittedly you'd be at the lowest level, probably cleaning the toilets in the public areas, to start, but with hard work and the right attitude, who knows? Or I could get you a slot on the next colony ship as a breeder, or I believe Maccas are looking for people as usual. Or I suppose there's the voluntary slave programme."

For those she didn't like or whined too much: "Oh well, Mister Sponger, I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm afraid there's nothing I can do about it. All I can offer you is mining work on Titan, the army, or the Voluntary slave programme."

Those she didn't like and whined too much. "Voluntary slave programme. NEXT!"

The voluntary slave programme was a clever way that the One World Government had come up with to solve the unemployment problem and the underemployment problem at the same time. It's not that there weren't jobs that needed doing, it's just that no-one in their right mind wants to do them. People would rather be on welfare than clean public toilets or collect refuse and sort it for disposal, recycling or reclamation. And so the unemployed were literally forced to take a job at zero pay, in exchange for which they received three meals a day, clothing appropriate to the job and a place to sleep. Of course it wasn't long before the wealthy saw the obvious exploitation and soon personal body slaves began appearing. Public nudity was still frowned on but it became a thing for the body slaves, or where the weather was too cold, suits of Smart Latex were often used to provide warmth while still revealing everything about the slave.

Belle didn't pity those she consigned to that life, and besides, most still went to fill the jobs that no-one else wanted. The tiny spark of her that did feel something for them was obscured behind a slightly larger spark of envy. Those people sent to the VSP would never make another decision in their lives. All their decisions from now on would be made for them; what branch of the program they were assigned to (handled by computer), where they slept, what they ate, what they wore. Even what they did with their one hour of free time a day would be dictated by their owner. Belle, on the other hand, spent all day at work making these life-changing decisions on where to assign these people who came to her hoping for a way to avoid the VSP. Some she could help and tried to. Some she genuinely couldn't help, and some she just plain didn't want to help.

But then she went home, to her small if reasonably luxurious apartment, and had to make more decisions: What to have for dinner? Whether to go out or stay in? What to watch on the vid if she stayed in, where to go if she went out, whether to go shopping in the local foodmart and get fresh produce or to order off the net and risk not getting what she wanted. What to buy in the market. She had a fairly large social circle, mostly young women, and a few young men, about her own age of 18, and most of them had similar boring government clerical jobs, bought and paid for by wealthy parents. In fact most of them thought her job was incredibly exciting.

But while she was shopping, one Friday Evening, she happened to be debating whether to buy a packet of Mac-N-Cheese mix and a packet of macaroni or a pre-prepared tray of microwave Mac-N-Cheese when an older woman she'd seen briefly a few times before suggested she get both.

Belle turned on the woman. It had been a particularly rough day with far too many kids sent to the VSP, including someone she had been to school with - apparently his parents had died and it turned out there was no money left. She'd liked him. But he simply didn't have the grades to go anywhere except slavery. She almost backed down at the woman's appearance. Looking like that, she was probably ex-military, or a spacer, but Belle didn't know when to keep her mouth shut.

"Mind your own business. I spend all day deciding whether to send kids to the VSP or to go fight the lizards on the other side of the galaxy, and I get home and have to decide what to have for dinner, and sometimes I think it would be nice not to have to decide! If I buy both I'm just procrastinating the decision, cos I'll still have to decide which one to have when I get home. So just ... go away and mind your own ... something business." She grabbed the plastic tray of pre-made Mac-N-Cheese and dropped it in her smart bag, turned and stormed out of the shop, the price of the goods in her bag automatically deducted from her accunt as she passed the door. Sometimes she really wished she wasn't brought up not to swear.

The following morning the door alerted her to a visitor, but oddly, refused to tell her who it was. Scowling, she went to the door to open it.
Jayden could never understand how she survived that explosion. Everything that she was told at the hospital seemed like a lie. Her body was destroyed and somehow, they were able to transfer her consciousness into a cyber brain. Jayden was what humans wanted to be... A person, being that could live forever. Jayden did not know whether to hate it or embrace it, but she had her uses as a military operative. But at some point, it just became tiresome, it was not worth it to her, and she retired. But when she was needed by her friends, she was more than willing to help her friends in any way she could.

Now that she was no longer in the military, she needed a way to pay for things and it was a friend that gave her the idea to work at the VSP. Jayden did not know why her friend suggested such a vulgar job, but being that it was her friend. She gave the job a try and she was surprised that she was good at it, she was good at making people obey by any means. She found it as a creative outlet for his disgust and anger. Jayden had several successful converted people and she was thoroughly surprised about the results. People needed people reconditioned and she was the one they came to.

Jayden was in her human body and she was looking for something to eat and she then noticed a lady having difficulty choosing what to eat. Jayden being the nice woman that she was suggested that she should take both and she was meet with a rather rude statement about how her life was all about decisions and would prefer it if it were not to. Jayden being the nice person that she was didn't fight it and just went on her merry way.

When she got home, she quickly made herself something to eat and then did some research. She made some calls and she quickly got undressed. The muscles told the story of someone who was disciplined, focused. The scars told the story of someone who was in conflict and had the memories of it. Jayden takes a breathe as she brings the cup of noodles to her face and she uses the chopsticks to put the noodles in her mouth. She slurps up the food and drinks the broth a smile on her face. She put the cup down and got serious as she went into her room and into her closet. She slips into a latex suit and she carefully brought the suit up over her large ass, making sure that it was crease free. Then the hands went through the sleeves and over her shoulder. She zips herself up making sure her large trip d breasts were exposed, she got a corset around her waist, and she pulls the eyelets over the hooks and her breasts were lifted and she got a hour glass shape. Jayden grabs a mask and puts it over her head and places a general cap on top of her head.

Her phone chimed and she checks it getting the address to Annabelle's place. She quickly places her phone under her corset and altitude mask that she had converted into a mask that administered a heavy sedative. She took a limo to Annebelle's house. She knocked on the door and waited for her to answer. When she did Jayden smirks evilly, "You know something on my way here I figured you might like to join the Slave Program... So here you go," She pushes the mask against her face pushing her back knowing that the mask took a few seconds to activate, "Come on breath and struggle." She states with an evil intent.

Jayden walks in the house and kicks the door closed. She quickly pushes Annabelle to the nearest wall, "You were rude to me." She informs her.
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