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Mx Any Looking for guys who want to become girls


Nov 18, 2021
I've always enjoyed themes based around this concept: body swapping, Xchange pills, magic, genies or wishes that get granted, advanced medical experiments.

In general, guys who have a desire to experience life as a girl. Guys who are turned on by being the submissive one in the bedroom, taking dick, sucking dick. Living a new life with the benefits and negatives of being a girl. The benefits being easy access to guys and sex, getting more attention with little effort. Being popular and trusted. Making money for showing your tits or with sexual acts.

The negatives being people's judgment of you like being stupid or hysterical. Having to deal with the harassment from some men, stalkers and the uneasiness of being alone anywhere. Being physically weaker and not feeling like you can defend yourself from the bad elements of society.

I'm looking more for a guy who is excited for the opportunity to change bodies and would use it to fuck lots of guys. Rather than a chastity, forced feminization or girl on girl scenario. A little embarrassment, shame or humiliation is totally fine and acceptable. I would like there to be some desire to get fucked by men.

I'd love to brainstorm ideas but I have a few favorites.

1. key witness to an organized crime trial bravely gives testimony to help put the bad guys behind bars. In order to protect him, they offer him an opportunity to undergo a new medical operation that will change his appearance. He will be targeted by the remnants of the gangs he testified against, drastically changing his appearance will be what saves him. The only issue is that he will have to live a new life under a identity as female. You can be given your choice of employment and location. (Alternately: A convicted felon is punished for his crimes. As a result of several murders and sex crimes a criminal is forced to undergo an operation that will turn him into a girl.) - Ideally for me she uses her body to make money either as a prostitute or does porn for an income. There's all kinds of different porn she could get into. Hardcore especially.

2. A rare and unheard of disease is gradually giving you female characteristics. Over the course of several months and weeks, you're body has been changing. You've been developing softer skin, longer hair, your deep voice becomes softer and lighter, your breasts are starting to grow larger. Countless doctors have no idea what to tell you. They run lots of tests but have no answer for them. They are gradual changes, but noticeable when you look at old photos or videos of yourself. Eventually you are going to become fully female in every way. - Something more focused on medical play like experiments and doctor visits, the gradual changing process.

3. A country is willing to cheat to win gold medals in sports. You've been recruited for the Olympic games, but to gain an advantage you have to swap from men's sports to women's. They're able to change almost everything about you physically but you'll have just enough of your previous testosterone to compete at a higher level. You'll be rewarded for success and possibly punished for failure. Training will still be demanding and rigorous as ever. The uniforms will be more revealing, and your sex drive and interest will be a little different. It could be any sport with nice uniforms, swimming, volleyball, gymnastics, figure skating, soccer, tennis, etc. - We could play around with the punishments and rewards, forced breeding if they want you to mate with another athlete to produce future winners, demanding coaches pushing you.

Generally I like to play on the rougher side. Choking, hair pulling, domination. I like degrading sex, blowjobs, anal, swallowing, gangbangs, shock therapy, some bdsm. I want the overall experience to be a kind of humbling and belittling one. There can be lots of good moments but they go with the bad too. I'd love to discuss more, we can move to Discord or somewhere like that to chat more. I'm not limited to the ideas I've posted. I'm up for playing simpler short scenes or longer ones.

Limits are things like bestiality, scat, bimbos or hyper play.
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