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Fx Any Writer Seeking Writer (For story, smut, and everything in between)


Nov 22, 2021
the great, wide somewhere

My name's Sara, and I have the strong desire to find other writers wanting to build well fleshed-out characters, scenarios, narratives, and environments. This can range anywhere from a abbreviated, yet well-rounded one-shot, to a long-term story that we compose together. Either way, I'm hoping to find other like-minded individuals who enjoy crafting the characters and narrative, just as much as they enjoy writing/indulging in smut.

What I bring to the table:
  • Collaboration/conversation before/during/after the RP.
    • Communication is the key to collaborative storytelling, especially when it comes to combining smut and narrative. I want to be on the same page as my partner on all details, and value their input/wants/needs/aversions as much as my own.
  • Size-able post-length, decent grammar, (we all make mistakes from time to time,) and a desire to write my character and the narrative to the best of my abilities.
  • Posting at least once per week, and communication if that isn't possible for me
    • As so many others here, I work full time, and enjoy a life outside of that. My goal is to post a reply weekly at the very least, and be open on when I will or will not be available.
I look for similar characteristics in my RP partners; if you show me the same consideration in kind, we'll work well together!

Interests/topics I enjoy:
  • Hypnosis/Mind Control
  • Relationship dynamics
    • Whether romantic, platonic, or anything in between, I enjoy exploring the good, the bad, and the ugly.
  • Power dynamics
    • Outside of the traditional Dom/sub, this can be any power dynamic that occurs in real life, and the consequences that happen when power shifts gradually, or suddenly.
This list is not comprehensive, nor is the exclusion of these a deal-breaker for me. I have other interests that I'm not quite as passionate about, and I'm always willing to talk through other interests.

Topics I avoid/will not RP:
  • Incest in any form
  • Bad-ends
  • Extreme, graphic violence
  • Extreme gaps in age, or age-play

At this time, I don't have specific story ideas in mind, but if you have an idea you're itching to flesh out, or simply want to chat, please feel free to DM me!
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