Mx Any π™°π™Άπ™Άπšπ™΄πš‚πš‚π™Έπš…π™΄ 𝙱𝙾𝙽𝙴 πšπ™°πšƒπšƒπ™»π™Έπ™½π™Ά [[Hi-Concept - Hi-Kink - Lo-Problems]]

Jul 28, 2018

Welcome one and all to the trash heap I call a home a request thread. Here I shall divulge my most intimate secrets to my audience of adoring fans. Or, more realistically, I'll barf out what I'm interested in, and you will all stare at me as if I've just had pig's blood dumped on me at a prom. Unfortunately, I do not have amazing telekinetic abilities, and so I'll just have to wallow around in it. Maybe it's good for the skin?​
β–ž I've been RPing forever, and it is disgusting how much I still manage to mangle the English language.​
β–š I work full-time, and I have a handful of social and familial obligations that I must attend to. So, I won't be available all the time.​
β–ž My responses will not be long, nor will they be short. I don't artificially lengthen things like it's a dick measuring contest.​
β–š I'll probably make some stupid graphics for whatever we do. So be prepared for that.​
β–ž I like to get to know my partner, and all their kinks and curves. Tell me about the weird shit you like. We can't have fun if we don't allow ourselves to.​
β–š I have no level of plot to smut ratio that is required, but I do need some set dressing for our roleplay salad.​
β–ž I will RP most settings and scenarios except for modern slice-of-life. I'll RP weird-as-hell slice-of-life or modern fantasy, but not my everyday life.​
β–š While I usually play more dominant or masculine characters, you can maybe talk me into something different.​
β–ž My characters are bound to have off-putting quirks. Just a forewarning.​
β–š It's alright to nope out with me, but please have the grace not to do it AFTER we've put the thread together and the first post is due.​
β–ž I'm accepting [3] RPs, and I currently have [0].​
β–š If/when you message me if it's just a "lets RP," --I will ignore you.​
β–ž Beyond that, you're awesome for reading this shit. Good job, you. β˜…

This is a basic breakdown for searches and a quick scan with your eyeballs. I'm fine with anything that doesn't fall into my "No" category. But for a more detailed look, check out my F-LIST. I can't say that I got that in-depth, but I hit all the high points (and low points of my self-worth.)​

β–ž Affection (nothing wrong with our characters liking each other)​
β–ž Age Differences (I'm talking May to December)​
β–ž Chubby, Overweight, Fat, Obese, etc. Characters​
β–ž Pre-established Relationships​
β–ž Pregnancy (MPreg is fine)​
β–ž Rough Sex​
β–ž Size Difference (Small Dom/Big Sub, anyone?)​
β–š Abnormal/Inhumanly Sized Cocks​
β–š Food Play​
β–š Monsters (not beasts or furries)​
β–š Power Dynamic​
β–š Minor Inflation​
β–š Weight Gain​
β–ž Bad Ends​
β–ž Giant/Giantess Anything (shiver)​
β–ž Incest​
β–ž Master/Slave Relationships​
β–ž Non-Con​
β–ž Scat/Bathroom Play​
β–ž Torture/Pain/Guro/Etc.​

If you don't see anything below, but you think we'd vibe, hit me up! I'm not dead-set on playing these ideas. They were more or less brain vomit. Ew. Sticky.

  • ONvvg1u.png

    INSPIRED BY: No Man's Sky, Stars Without Number, Stardew Valley, and Raised by Wolves

    The Star Blight came without warning or mention. The next thing that humanity knew, their suns were blinking out one by one across their colonized galaxies. Entire planets were bathed in darkness and became frozen and barren within moments. There was no way to escape it. Scientists scrambled to find a cure for the suns burning out, but they were without an idea. Instead, they decided to make a backup plan in the form of the Arks.​
    They are exactly what they sound like, massive ships sent out to the far reaches of the universe to find galaxies that haven't experienced the Sun Blight. They would be stocked with a mixture of genders, but anyone with female anatomy was impregnated before they were placed into cryo--in hopes to circumvent repetitive genetics or reproductive issues. Sent before these Arks would be Scout Ships that would come out of cryo ten years before to explore the planets and find the most suitable ones. There they would set up bases and small residential areas for the rest on the Arks. It was the best plan they could make as civilization folded in on itself around them.​
    An array of pods from the Delta Ark landed on the planet of Targus 8, following the Inhabitation Beacon that the Scouts before them set down. Each of the pods contains a male and a female and were to be scattered away from each other in case of unknown dangers. Our characters wake up on an exotic planet, a town in the distance. Yet, when they get their bearings and move towards it, they find it long since abandoned. There are clues as to what happened, but the direct cause is unknown. More so, they have to find shelter and food. What of the Scouts? What of the other pods? It seems so quiet on this planet. Too quiet.​

    WHAT I WANT: M x F; I don't mind what I play; this is slice-of-life(ish) with the investigation and exploration elements; I would like characters in this RP that aren't perfect and gorgeous
  • WAbIcJG.png

    INSPIRED BY:The Ascent, Shadowrun, Death Trash, and Cyberpunk 2077

    Cosmic beings, that many called gods, gave the sapient creatures of the universe the ability to travel the stars at an infinite measure. Technology skyrocketed among the cosmos, and species of all sorts began to ascend. They colonized many planets, warred with each other, formed varying cultures and economies, and sought different answers among the stars. Yet, one thing was always constant, they all worshipped the gods that brought them into the stars.​
    Thousands of years after their first long trip into space things change. In the orbit of the massive planet Versa Tertia, the cosmic beings went to war with themselves--destroying themselves in the process. Their power erupted out from their dying bodies, destroying all known life except for Versa Tertia which was saved due to its proximity. Their cosmic corpses fell to the earth below, and with that, the world was terraformed against the will of its citizens. Thirteen mortals were given immortality from what would be called the Black Exodus. They would become the Architects, beings bringing the world back up. Technology would never reach the heights that it had been, but they would try their best.​
    Hundreds of years passed, and the Architects divided the planet into thirteen different divisions. Each of them ruled with varying states of competency. In the absence of the cosmic beings, another horror came to the planet of Versa Tertia, simply called demons. They promised the same power and protection that the old gods gave them. But their power came at the cost of lives. The Architects could not abide this, so they formed a united task force across the divisions called the Dead Light Paladins. They were given jurisdiction to root out demonic activities and possession.​
    Our story begins in 6785, on the planet of Versa Tertia in the Division of the architect Sweet Necromancy, called Hades Hightowers. There's a recent murmur that demonic rituals are going on in the Seventh Gigabuilding, a low-income residential area that isn't well regarded. Two Dead Light Paladins (DLPs) have been called to investigate.​

    WHAT I WANT: M/F/NB x M/F/NB; Characters can be human or alien; but the genre is cyberpunk with all the dressings; just add a smidge of cosmic horror.
  • pD3Y6jR.png

    INSPIRED BY:Paradise Killer, Disco Elysium, Vampire, and Paratopic

    In the 1980s a biological virus rocketed across the Earth. Those afflicted were turned into immortal, undead monsters that became more feral the longer they were exposed to sunlight. The natural UV rays caused the virus to grow and multiply quicker and quicker. In the darkness, it became dormant, rendering these creatures (called revenants) static. To save their cities, massive domes were built to block out all the light and the revenants were dealt with before these domes expanded out and out until they covered the Earth.​
    Shortly thereafter, the Revenant Virus formed a rare mutation called the Lamia Variant. Those that were affected became immortal and undead, but they still kept their entire faculties. They did contain the speed, strength, and night vision of their revenant brethren. They remained somewhat human-looking and were given certain abilities that varied in individuals based on their genetics. Unlike the revenants, they could feast on blood instead of flesh. As the governments and military crumbled around the world, they came into power through wealth by outliving every CEO in every large corporation.​
    A thousand years passed, and this was just how the new world was. A dark cyberpunk dystopia that was ruled by the powerful blood-sucking lamia. Sadly enough, they were far fairer than any politician ever was. About a hundred years ago, one of the pharmaceutical companies found a cure for the revenant variant. Unfortunately, the revenants were too far gone for it to do any good, but it was a way to stabilize the lamias and return them to life. A war raged as each lamia corpo runner tried to outfox each other to become the only immortal in the game. The war ended about twenty years ago when the cure was viewed as a "terroristic act" to use on the lamia against their will. They could get it voluntary, though. These ex-lamia would be called necromancers, as they still contained some of the leftover abilities of their previous lives.​
    Richter Volkov is a necromancer, and the ex-leader of the Blood Judges, a lamia-run enforcement group that upholds the corpo way and suppresses the rebels and outliers. About ten years ago, he took the lamia cure for reasons that were unknown. He settled into a nice but cramped flat in Paradise City overseen by a variety of corpos. There he took a job with the mortal PD, as a contractual detective. The Blood Judges didn't care about crimes that didn't affect the bottom line of the corpos. So, the PD was still in place to protect the citizens. Though... protect should be loosely used.​
    In 2999, a new millennium is about to begin, and with it comes a lot of trepidation. Crimes have started spiking, but they are getting weirder and weirder. A criminal organization has found a way to weaponize the once dormant revenants to do their bidding without the use of the sun. Richter has been contracted to help with rooting this out with the assistant of a PD/Private/Blood Judge/Mercenary partner. Yet, the High Judge of the Blood Judges isn't all that he once had been. Now a grumpy, overweight, necromancer, he seems to be smoking and eating himself to an early death. Well, early for someone that has almost lived a thousand years, anyway.​

    WHAT I WANT:M x M/F/NB; I'll be playing Richter, this is a character type I've been wanting to play for a while... a fat, washed up, once cool guy; I don't care what you play mortal/necromancer/lamia and whatever faction you want to be in, surprise me! Your character is going to be the wildcard that this investigation needs to make headway.
  • r40hPh1.png

    INSPIRED BY: Vampyr, Lovecraftian Myth, No One Lives Under the Lighthouse, and The Fruit

    On a small island off the foggy shore of a bustling harbor city lays a reclusive town named Persimmon Hollows. Settled only in a lifetime, it's known a bountiful harvest of both plants and fish. People travel there to start a new life away from the confines of society, and people only travel away from it to sell their goods and pick up things they cannot produce on the island itself. While a very secluded community, it's welcoming of newcomers and the like. That's until no boats are seen coming to or from it, and the skies over it are littered with a neverending fog and seagulls. Rumors start to fly about that you can hear the droning of something old and evil in the wee hours of the morning.​
    This would be enough to alert the local constabulary, but no one makes an effort to venture forth. It's just an island, they say. It's better if they keep whatever has plagued them there.​
    One day, a doctor comes to the large harbor city and charters a ferry to the island. He says he has business there. That he was delayed due to his last patients lingering illness. Many are hesitant to believe him and even fewer wish to take him there. It's then that someone steps up to helm the ship to Persimmon Hollows. Maybe they're also new to town or have loved ones on the island, or maybe they're inconsequential to the story. Maybe the doctor came into town with someone. Maybe he set off to meet someone on the island that wrote him a letter. What is known, is that he is an exorcist of sorts. Yet, what he excels in doesn't follow the laws of Christianity, but something far darker. And he, himself, maybe also be something far darker. For it does not take light to erase the shadows, for the flames that flicker only make more. It takes darkness overwhelming to drown that shadow completely.​

    WHAT I WANT:M x M/F/NB; the RP can be set in a more historical setting or a gothic fantasy one; this RP setting is mostly vibes and so I'm up for any ideas

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