Mx Female Mr. Clark's thread of increasingly wicked-taboo circumstances. (Open to male and females alike, doubling offered, looking for role-play!)

Mr. Clark

Nov 22, 2021
So, I want to write this thread as one long read: i.e. You pull it up, give it a good looking at, then make your way to the bottom having learned everything-there-is-to-know.

Let's see if that's actually possible, shall we? — *Laughs.*

Who are you, and what are you looking for?

I am... a writer? (Why did I set myself up for such awkward questions? Lol!)

I've been role-playing for a long while, long enough to appreciate character development and the smaller nuances of plot. I am not one of those guys who's likely to ask your IRL name or location, or 'who or if you're-married-to', or 'what's-going-on-in-your-life.' Earnestly, I don't care; and if that sounds callous, it's mostly because I'm here to role-play. Luckily, I'm almost certain people on this website will be relieved to hear I'm not remotely interested in the personality behind the keyboard and that all I'm interested in is some good-old fashioned writin'.

I'm currently looking to get into plots of all kinds: fantasy, historical, slice of life, and especially stories involving taboo romance.

What platform do you prefer to role-play on and what is your response rate?

I work on my computer, so on average I can respond every 1-2 days. Some days (if we set it up right), I'll easily be able to back and forth with you instantaneously. I prefer to role-play on Discord, but if you're a non-Discord user, don't let that deter you; I'm perfectly able to run a plot here on the forums.

What is your experience level, why do you consider yourself a good partner to play with?

I am a very straight-up and emotionally intelligent guy. (I hope.) I tend to be polite and considerate with my partners, simply because—let's be fair—real life is hard enough as it is. But that said: I prefer a no-drama environment, and earnestly: if you have personal issues, I will be considerate of them, but it's not for me to fix or 'bear with' them. If I feel like you are 'too much,' I reserve the right to walk away. Otherwise, I consider myself a very loyal and pro-active partner.

What is your 'erotica' level?

I've been writing erotica on commission for 2-3 years now, and am always looking to hire people with potential. My day job is basically wish-fulfillment: I hear about someone's fantasies, write them out in startling detail (with the addition of character and plot and arcs, obviously); and then send those off for cash-money. This means I've done anything and everything, with... ‘some’ small exceptions. (Vore, bestiality, female on female, etc.)

Generally, I tend to write narcissistic, slightly-sadistic assholes, mainly because that's what my clients 'go for.' (Alpha men with huge egos who will never be tamed.) That said, I can write everything from bodyguards to book-keepers, I just have to read the prompt.

Oh, I should say: I can be very, very smutty, and very, very raucy. It depends on what you like. Hint-hint. You've been warned.

What plots are you specifically seeking?

I would like to do a variation of:

Bodyguard x Client. (With either DD/LG, Non-con, or Dark themes. Note all of those are separate and not mutually-inclusive.)

Father/Daughter. (Either 100% the same family, or some taboo variation of this kink.)

Stalker/Bully/Blackmailer x Victim.

Anything 'Hollywood' related: e.g. Characters being manipulated on-set by directors, co-stars, etcetera.

<Taboo fantasy I can't think of because I'm a big slow dumb.>

Android x


Slow-fucking, hot-and-heavy-sex, touching, intimacy, really intense guys, mouth-play, oral (both ways), socks, lingerie, anything sexy, butt-play, extended teasing, control, dominance, dirty-talking, threatening situations, 'bad' ends, blackmail, race-play, fantasy-fulfillment, satisfying arcs and conclusions, sheer-fucking-hot-burning-true-to-life-love, and stream of consciousness writing.


Some plots I choose to go for are unconventional, in the respect that they aren't romances, aren't strictly mutual, and are only meant for partners who enjoy seedier, heavier, distinctly-taboo plots; i.e. Seeing their characters in upsetting situations, mostly for thrill of catharsis of something they'd never experience in real life. If you're someone, however, who wants a strictly vanilla plot.... probably not the guy for you, probably better seeking someone else. I'm really here for the kicks and the thrills and to make my partner shiver in his or her seat. 🎃


If you're a guy out there and you're reading this thread: yes, hello! I'm open to messages and setting up plots and what-have-you. I really don't consider gender to be a thing, so let's make something happen!

Thanks! :cool:

I am open to talking about your ideas. (Gosh, that's a given, but maybe I actually have to say it!! Just message me to find out if your plot's something I'd be interested in :))

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