Mx Female Humiliation Nation: Seeking Literate RPers


Nov 15, 2021
Golden States
The aliens have taken over the world, and they derive power from human humiliation. So the colonizers force select humans into "energy harvesting camps" where the hapless earthers are subject to all and every form of humiliation—sexual or otherwise.

Mc would bean alien colonizer who devises and carries out ever-more cruel ways to degrade, shame, demean and humiliate his human victims. YC would be an unfortunate camp internee who has to deal with the aliens cruel whims.

This can go many ways. YC could be forced to fornicate with family members. In this case I would play a sibling or uncle.

There could be forced crawling, masturbation in front of others…we can discuss details. We can also hash out the appearance of aliens (humanoid? Tentacles? Reptilian? Inspection?).

Looking for thoughtful literate players.

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