Mx Female Sinful Writing Compulsions

Nov 15, 2021
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F-ListPOST LENGTH: 500- 1k+ ᴡᴏʀᴅs ║ ᴏɴ-sɪᴛᴇ: ᴘm preferred

Guarantees for and Requests to potential writing partners:

First: I am not one to as it is called 'Ghost' another. If I need the time, I will gladly message it in as much advance time as possible. I see it as being far too uncivil to leave anyone who is a partner stranded with no promise of return. Should the time come though where I find a lack of idea or personal motivation? I will surely let you know. In return I ask in advance that you do the same.

Secondly: I will never drop beneath a three to five paragraph response minimum (unless the situation forces me to). You will find me quite verbose when it comes to description when able, though I won't take multi paragraphs to make it from point A to B unless it is warranted. In that case I leave it up to your own fertile imagination if I put something aside for brevities sake. While I am sure not everyone is as willing to give novella style or more than a few paragraph's, I need something tangible to work off of as well as seeing how your character reacts to mine in action/thought/word.

Third: I work within the limits and confines of my partner if able. Even if my character's range tends to be rather domineering or more suited for a stalker/slasher/demonic entity. I can surely promise you that I will not try to pry more than needed or truly warranted. And in return I ask the same of you. OOC chatter to plot/plan, and a few check ups/friendly convos.

Fourth: I will endeavor to post responses at minimum two to three times a week. More if able. Within those posts I will try to put myself in the characters shoes to a degree as to express more than action, but also thoughts and feelings while moving the story onward at a comfortable pace depending on the situation. If at any time I feel that I am unable for whatever cause I will assuredly let you know before hand.

General Plot Ideas/Starters:

The Ward: This one could have many different ages or professions for YC. Basic premise is she will be locked up in a mental facility. She could be a teen pressed into it due to some 'unwanted behaviors' or an adult (police or reporter) trying to get some dirt on the supposed corrupt staff. Many different tag options could be included depending on tastes.

The Squeeze: YC is a woman of wealth earned by less than above board methods. MC finds proof that could lead to the downfall of your business/happy little life. Does he want just the money, the power, or possibly YC herself? Again, many tag options with Dub-con/Blackmail being among them.

The Ole House: Very nice house just came upon the market at a veritable steal. YC (either single or a wife) moves in and finds the previous occupants left more than just old furniture. While cleaning up she does something that sets free a very strange force. One that needs her as it's focal point to gain a foot hold among us. Be it her heart, her mind, or even her body? It will have her and its way into the world of man.

The Deerstalker: YC has been receiving text messages and phone calls from what she considers at first (or at worst) some creepy pervert. Changing her number does not help, in fact it escalates as she soon gets packages delivered to both her work and business place. Scarier still is the fact that with each new gift it appears this person is making their way further and further inwards. (Gifts start at the front porch, the next inside the doorway, another later on inside her bedroom, etc.) What occurs next could be a kidnapping by a possessive man, or much darker depending on your tastes.

Your own ideas: I tend to like darker or more taboo subject matters when I write. Think of myself a fairly roll with the punches sort of individual when it comes to coming up with a plot that incorporates my own enjoyments along with my partners. I tend to steer clear of most basic slice of life/romantic fares in favor of more twisted designs. Outside of my F list I tend to focus on OC characters the most, as well as MxF pairings exclusively though can be convinced to play multiple characters for short durations. Would rather long term plots as well, though the occasional one shot wont be sneezed at. Anything else, feel free to ask! I always respond to most questions or ideas enthusiastically once I get my digital teeth locked in.
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